The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 438: Advancement of extreme creatures (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 438 The Advancement of Extreme Creatures (Subscribe)

"grown ups."

   Seeing Chen Wei approaching, the Roshan madman merchant nodded and bowed, while smiling flatteringly at Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei glanced at him, and asked with some doubts: "Soldier? Hero? It seems neither."

   "Not a hero, not a soldier, I'm just a businessman."

  Roshan Madman explained very seriously.

  Chen Wei can actually see that since he came to the new world, his subordinates are no longer divided into backgrounds, workers, soldiers and heroes as before.

   Among the residents under his command, various occupations began to appear.

  The businessman in front of him is just one example. It seems that after leaving the novice world, many things that were originally hidden are also opened to the outside world.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, and then asked: "What kind of business are you doing? Are there many businessmen like you?"

   "I'm in the sulfur business, mainly selling sulfur products. You see, these are the best sulfur."

  As the Roshan madman spoke, he brought out a large bucket from his side.

  Chen Wei took a look and found that what was inside was really high-quality sulfur.

   It's just that the sulfur is obviously not a building material. Chen Wei stretched out his hand to grab a handful, and only then did he discover the difference.

  There is no special magical power in these sulfur. It can be said that this thing is not like a building material, which can be used to build advanced buildings. It is just the most common sulfur.

  Chen Wei Liaomin did not ask where the sulfur came from. In his eyes, this was considered a normal business activity.

   "Where did the sulfur come from, where are you going to sell it, and how much can you usually sell it for?"

  Chen Wei put the sulfur into the bucket and asked other questions.

   "Ah, this is dug out of the volcano, and it is going to be sold in a nearby city. It costs 300 gold coins."

   Madman Roshan thought for a while before finally saying something.

   But Chen Wei found out that he didn't know who to sell to.

  Chen Wei immediately realized that although these merchants had already appeared, sometimes they were just background boards, and now Chen Wei only had five bright cities.

   There are not many options for these merchants to choose from.

   If you really want to ask in detail, there are many things that cannot stand scrutiny.

  If you insist on asking, the businessman is likely to go crazy.

  Chen Wei is not a fool, how can he not understand the situation here.

  He just smiled and said casually: "Do we still have volcanoes now?"

   "Yes, it is Lord Volcano Ancient Tree. He is attacking the legend and has transformed himself into a volcano. We got the sulfur from him."

  Chen Wei only realized when he heard this. He has been so busy these days that he seems to have forgotten the extreme creatures under him.

   They should all be attacking the legendary level now.

   After all, they finally came out of the world of upper-limit legends. They have accumulated enough levels and experience, and now they are all looking for opportunities to hit legends.

  After Chen Wei entered the Natural Disaster City, they left on their own initiative.

  The first ones to go were naturally mechanical tricks and ancient volcano trees.

   These two belong to the type of large creatures.

  After reaching their limit, they keep adding all kinds of things to their bodies.

   The mechanical creepy body is okay, as soon as it arrived here, Chen Wei arranged to go to the woods in the southeast.

  After that, mechanical ghosts will continue to grow in this forest.

The ancient volcano tree is different. Chen Wei didn't arrange a place for him, so he simply found an open space, turned himself into a volcano and lay down, absorbing the energy and experience of the crimson giant beast, and prepared to take the opportunity to break through the legend .

  Chen Wei forgot about it as soon as he got busy. Now that the businessman reminded him, Chen Wei planned to take a look at the ancient volcano tree.

   "It turns out that this is the case. Where is the volcano transformed from the ancient volcanic tree?"

   "Just outside the city to the northwest, there is a large volcano. It is quite obvious from the past. Many demons are looking for good things there."

  Chen Wei also became interested when he heard it.

   It just so happened that he had finished his visit to Hongguang Town, and he hadn't thought about where to go next.

   "Okay, I am idle anyway, go to the ancient volcano tree to have a look."

  Chen Wei turned his head, called the Bone Beetle, and prepared to leave the city.

  But just as he was about to leave the city, he found that there seemed to be two people missing behind him.

   That is the skeleton wall and the soul-receiving skeleton that usually follow behind him.

  Chen Wei was taken aback for a moment before he realized that these two are also extreme creatures, and they have already looked for and breakthrough opportunities.

  But now Chen Wei is in his territory, and there is no danger nearby. It is not so important whether these two follow.

  Chen Wei didn't take these two with him at all, and drove out the door directly on the bone beetle.

  When leaving Hongguang Town, Chen Wei noticed that many newly built roads had appeared on the ground.

   This road is paved with stones. Although it does not meet the standard of a cement road, moving on such a road can significantly increase the speed of movement.

  The most important thing is that these roads clearly choose the appropriate route, and where the branch roads are, the direction of each road will be marked.

   It seems that Chen Wei's heroes really listened to Chen Wei's words.

   Now we are working hard to build roads.

   As long as this road is repaired, Chen Wei's territory will develop rapidly.

  Whether it is the transportation of resources or the mobilization of troops, it can be completed within one day.

   Regarding this, Chen Wei nodded in satisfaction.

   Fortunately, he learned a lot from natural disasters.

   Otherwise, he really came to the new world and was given such a large territory. He really didn't know where to start.

   While thinking, Chen Wei and the others left the main road and entered another area.

   After turning out of the main road, Chen Wei saw a small hilltop nearby, and a large amount of magma was continuously erupting from the hilltop.

   When seeing Chen Wei approaching, several vines popped out from the ground.

   "My lord, why are you here?"

   "Come here to see you, how are you doing, is there a legend?"

   Chen Wei looked at the buds on the vine and asked, he knew it was part of the ancient volcano tree.

  After all, the body of the ancient volcano tree is too big, and he cannot climb out of the ground if there is no other way.

   At least he has no way to come out now.

   Fortunately, Chen Wei already has a good understanding of such an oversized creature.

   He is quite used to facing such a vine.

"It's almost there. My level and experience are enough, and all attributes have reached the standard. Now I am converting the final experience. Because I have dual limits, the time will be longer. It will take about a month to complete the legend. The work of promotion and transformation of higher grades.

   But this is actually beneficial. After the transformation, I will directly reach the legendary level 5, and my combat effectiveness will be much stronger than the normal legendary level 5. "

  The ancient volcanic tree explained to Chen Wei the situation of the legend of extreme biological transformation.

  (end of this chapter)

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