The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 449: New City-Team Fortress (subscription required)

  Chapter 449 New City-Team Fortress (subscription required)

  【City Heart is synthesized, please name City Heart...】

  【The naming is successful, and the heart of the city is being activated. 】

  【The Heart of the City has been successfully activated, the construction of the Council Hall has been completed, and the city's attributes are being displayed! 】

  City Name: Team Fortress

  Quality: Extraordinary

  Level: 0

  City Attribute: Undead Scourge


   Civilians (0/40000), Laborers (0/8000), Guards (0/6000), Soldiers (0/24000), Officials (0/30), Leaders (0/3)

  Building (1/5):

  Government Hall*3 (completed), blacksmith shop*3 (nothing yet), farmland*3 (nothing yet), barracks*6 (nothing yet), warehouse*3 (nothing yet)

  Specialties: Graveyard moss (100 units per day), bone fragments (150 units per day), soul powder (300 units per week), soul wine (10 barrels per week)

Training speed: skeletons (300 + 20 per week), skeleton soldiers (50 per week), skeleton guards (30 per week), skeleton guards (20 per week), secret bone archers (50 per week) 30), Skeleton Mage (20 per week), Skeleton Rat (100 per week), Skeleton Bird (120 per week), Bone Horse (20 per week), Bone Rhinoceros (2 per week)…

  Upgrade requirements:

   All basic buildings are completed and the population reaches 30,000

Special case:

  Activate three council halls at the same time. Each council hall has a different scope of influence, and the undead produced are also different. Please pay attention to the output and required population of each.


   Even skeletons will undergo some changes when there are too many skeletons.

  Chen Wei saw the changes in the Legion Fortress in front of him.

  But this is exactly what was planned before.

  When the three city hearts were being combined, Chen Wei had already made arrangements.

  The synthesis direction of level 1 city heart is ordinary skeleton soldiers and skeleton creatures. The newly appeared creatures such as skeleton rats and skeleton birds are placed here for cultivation.

  The direction of the second-level city heart synthesis is the bone secret archer, which is the only legendary legion Chen Wei currently has.

  So Chen Wei must give the skeleton secret archer a special heart of the city for training and arrangements.

  So in the heart of the city at level 2, all synthesis directions are all aimed at the bone secret archer.

  As for the rest of the troops, they are all placed in the heart of the level 3 city.

  Level 3 city heart can build a level 2 magic tower, so it is very suitable for skeleton mages to be placed here, and there are bone armor guards and bone guards, which can just be placed here for training.

  These three city hearts add up to form a new city army fortress.

  The reason for naming this city is that Chen Wei regards it as a fortress where several of his main armies are stationed.

  Anyway, the undead don't need any supplementary food, just give them a place to stand.

  Chen Wei's plan is to replenish the population first at level 0.

  At level 1, start building evil temples, because all skeletons are trained from evil temples.

   At level 2, the two city walls will be used together, and then it will become a large military base.

  At level 3, towers will be added.

   Now, everything is still at level 0, and it is time for Chen Wei to replenish the population.

  The Council Hall has been built.

  Chen Wei directly dealt with the Legion Fortress in the council hall with an upper limit of level 3.

  This council hall is built in black marble style. The council hall is not too big, but there are metal skull decorations on the wall.

  The size of the council hall is about 40 square meters.

  After pushing the door and entering, you will see a chandelier with skeletons hanging from the ceiling.

  The chandelier is lit with arm-thin white candles.

   It looks pretty scary.

  Under the chandelier is a wooden square table.

  A map is pressed on a silver candlestick on the square table.

  Glancing at the information on the map, Chen Wei found a different place.

  He can build three buildings at the same time, or only one building, but the construction speed is tripled.

   This is the benefit of having three council halls at the same time.

   In addition, Chen Wei discovered a situation. There is no distinction between the three council halls. No matter which council hall gives an order, it can affect the entire army fortress.

   In addition, when closing the door, Chen Wei also noticed that there was a mirror hanging behind the door.

  Through the mirror, you can see the situation of the other two council halls.

  Chen Wei understands that this is the city hero arranged here later, that is, the leaders of these three cities. They can hold a joint meeting through the mirror to discuss the development direction of the city.

  Discuss what to build next, how to use various materials, or what tasks to complete.

   But it's different now. As the owner of the territory, Chen Wei has direct rights.

  Looking at the map on the table, Chen Wei immediately made a choice, "The hearts of three cities, build farmland at the same time."

  Chen Wei didn't quite understand the fact that farmland appeared in the undead city.

   It is precisely because he doesn't understand it very well that he plans to build it first.

  Anyway, I can stay in Dali for two more days, and first see what the farmland from the undead city will look like.

  Why do undead cities still need farmland.

  After that, he doesn't care about things here.

  Chen Wei's four undead legions will be stationed here.

   Except that the Bone Legion has no exclusive heroes, the other three legions all have exclusive heroes.

   Just make them responsible for completing town quests.

   After all, there is still nearly a year to go. In the coming time, no one will disturb Chen Wei's development, and he doesn't have to worry about any problems with his legion here.

   And such a model is a good thing for Chen Wei.

  After this Legion Fortress appears, Chen Wei can build other Legion Fortresses.

  He can adjust his troops again.

   But when Chen Wei was resting in the Legion Fortress and waiting for the farmland to be completed, he suddenly received a message.

  The news came from Hongguang Town.

  Hongguang Town said that the previous merchants had arrived in Hongguang Town and built a shop in Hongguang Town.

  From now on, there will be a caravan delivering supplies every week.

   This is actually not a bad thing.

  Even if Chen Wei didn't want these supplies, the residents in his territory would want them too, so Chen Wei didn't intend to stop the caravan from coming.

  But in the news from Hongguang Town, the most important thing is not this, but the merchant's suggestion. There are no good specialties in Chen Wei's territory.

  This is not conducive to Chen Wei selling various materials to make money. If Chen Wei is willing, they can provide Chen Wei with some special seeds.

  As long as Chen Wei is willing to grow these special products, they will be responsible for a large number of acquisitions.

  Looking at the information in front of him, Chen Wei smiled disdainfully.

   Playing this with myself, these businessmen really underestimated him.

  (end of this chapter)

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