The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 450: Against spies (please subscribe)

  Chapter 450 Targets spies (seeking subscription)

   Facing the latest news, Chen Wei also understood that some things in his territory had not been dealt with properly.

  I usually don’t notice much, but when I really meet some caring people, his territory is full of loopholes.

   "Send a message to that businessman, he will buy whatever we have, and get lost if he doesn't like the things in my territory."

  Chen Wei didn't care at all that the businessman just sold a lot of good things to himself.

  Chen Wei saw everything clearly, that guy was a businessman.

  He can come to buy and sell things, but if he wants to interfere in the affairs of Chen Wei's territory, then he is an enemy.

  Chen Weicai did not consider whether the business alliance is a neutral organization.

  The territory is his, and whoever has an idea is an enemy.

  The behavior of the same businessman also reminded Chen Wei.

  Although his territory claims to have a one-year protection period.

  But those veteran forces have various sneaking methods.

   Apart from other things, as far as the entry method of the business alliance is divided into regions, I really want to find a city in a certain region, which is a matter of time.

  Although they cannot take the initiative to attack Chen Wei's territory because of the one-year protection period.

   But there are other infiltration methods.

  Commercial control and commercial embargo is one of them.

   There are also intelligence spies, thieves, killers, assassins, there are so many ways they can think of.

  Chen Wei hadn't thought of this before, thinking that one year was a long time for him.

   It now appears that this is not the case.

   There are some things that need to be dealt with in advance.

   "Shu Xin, Gu Ashes, Gu Xi, the three of you are here to deal with the town missions of the Legion Fortress. After the Legion Fortress reaches level 1, I will come and pick new heroes to replace you.

   If there is anything wrong, please let me know immediately. "

  After hearing Chen Wei's order, the three heroes had no objections.

  They understand that they are only temporarily managing the Legion Fortress.

   isn't stuck here forever.

   Now that Chen Wei doesn't have any suitable heroes, it's reasonable for them to come and manage them temporarily.

   Before long, when new heroes appear, someone will come and take their place.

  At that time, they only need to be stationed in this legion fortress and conduct legion training every day to ensure the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

  After leaving the Legion Fortress, Chen Wei immediately headed towards the southeast of the territory.

  Chen Wei's plan to inspect the northwest region of the territory was interrupted when the businessman happened.

  Chen Wei is very clear about what is important and what is not.

  After arriving in the southeast area, Chen Wei immediately found the location of the honeycomb tree world.

   At this time, the honeycomb tree world has been upgraded to level 3.

   Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a forest.

  The area of ​​the woods is not very large, but it no longer looks like a giant tree like before.

  The beehive tree world in front of me looks like a huge forest composed of many blue squares.

  A large number of source power bees are flying back and forth in the hive tree world.

  Chen Wei showed up with his men, and was discovered by Yuanlifeng.

  The queen bee did not appear this time, but a source power bee with a silver chitin shell came out.

   She held a tentacle-like magic staff in her hand, and when she was flying in the air, there were many source power bees that looked like law systems behind her.

   "Hello, my lord, I'm Ailian, a superhero of Level 2."

   "Oh, new heroes? What about Shirley and the Queen Bee?"

   "My mother is in the core of the hive, and Sister Shirley is guarding her."

  Listening to Ailian's words, Chen Wei also froze for a moment.

"What happened?"

   "The honeycomb tree world has reached the peak of level 3, and now is the key to upgrading to level 4. It needs to be handled by the mother herself. If this level is passed, the honeycomb tree world can be upgraded to level 4.

   If this level has not been passed, then the hive tree world must be separated, and it may take a long time to reach level 4 again. "

   "Oh, forget it."

  As soon as Chen Wei heard the situation, he knew that Yuanlifeng might not be able to send enough people to help him, so he was ready to leave.

  At this time, Ailian stopped Chen Wei.

   "My lord, has something happened, is there anything I can do to help?"

   "Oh, I want to set up an intelligence organization to keep an eye on the inside of the territory. It seems that some outsiders have entered the territory during this time. I need their information."

  Hearing this, Ailian said with some embarrassment.

   "That's the matter. I really can't help you, but I heard from my mother that the next hero may be an assassin of the power bee. If she appears, she may be able to do this."

   "How long will it take for the next hero to come out?"

  Chen Wei asked a question at this moment.

   "I don't know about this either. I think it should take three to five months."

  Ailian really doesn't know what the next hero will come out.

  Because the heroes of the source power bee are not like the heroes of other races, they can be recruited just by having a tavern.

  The heroes on their side need to give birth to larvae with heroic talents, and then go through special training to become them.

  Hive tree world can be regarded as an early city in Chen Wei.

   As a result, there are only two heroes that can be used, and one of them should be born just after arriving in this new world.

  So a new hero can be released in three to five months, that is already the best result, and it is very likely that another new hero will be released in a year.

  Then what will Chen Wei do during this time.

   And as a hero who has not yet been born, how does Chen Wei know if she can really manage the intelligence force.

   "Forget it, I'll figure it out on my own. By the way, can the source power bee be mobilized during this time?"

   "Worker bees and soldier bees can be mobilized, but other important forces cannot be mobilized. As long as the worker bees do not mobilize more than a quarter of the hive population, they can be allocated at any time."

   "What is the population of the hive now?"

   "Twelve million worker bees."

  Hearing this number, Chen Wei's eyes straightened.

   "Wait, how much did you say?"

"Twelve million, but there are not so many here in the hive tree world, there are only about four million. Of the remaining source power bees, four million are scattered in every corner of the territory. Ten to three Ten as a group.

  Establish a micro-hive, and use the micro-hive as the center to detect information around it.

  The last four million are marching into the nearby woods, checking various situations in the woods.

  If the adults need the source power worker bees, we can only draw from the source power bees in the territory, and the number that can be called cannot exceed one million. In addition, there are one million source power bees left behind in the hive.

  As for those who have been sent to the woods, it is not very easy to draw them out again. "

   "Forget it, just arrange half a million for me, and I will take it away now."

  (end of this chapter)

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