The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 451: A Black Market (Please Subscribe)

  Chapter 451 A Black Market (for subscription)

  Ailian quickly proposed 500,000 source power bees.

   This speed directly shocked Chen Wei.

  At the same time, he was also surprised by the half a million source power bees.

  At first, he thought that 500,000 source power bees would be an overwhelming bee swarm.

  He never expected that Ailian would drag out the beehive together with the power source of 500,000 words.

  One large beehive for every five thousand, adding up to a total of one hundred large beehives.

   "My lord, the five hundred thousand characters you want are all here."

  Chen Wei glanced at these source power bees, "All follow me."

  The source power bees were quite obedient. As soon as Chen Wei gave an order, they quickly followed without asking where Chen Wei was taking them.

  Bringing these source power bees away from the hive tree world, Chen Wei took a look and found that the source power bees sent by Ailian were actually mainly soldier bees, and they gave a full 250,000.

   This is a rather odd thing.

   It is necessary to know that the proportion of normal adult bees of source power bees is nine worker bees and one soldier bee.

  The ability to transform arms and drones is one of the best in a hundred.

  Now that so many soldier bees are given out, this is clearly telling Chen Wei that it is useful for them to keep the worker bees.

  Thinking of what Ailian said, the honeycomb tree world will be upgraded to level 4.

  Chen Wei also understood that the beehive tree world was really in trouble.

  But Chen Wei has no way to help the Queen Bee deal with this matter.

   All he can do is provide enough flesh and blood.

   Now Chen Wei first brought these source power bees to the open space.

  Chen Wei first came to find the source power bee, because the source power bee is small, and it is not easy to be found during surveillance.

  And they have an information network, and if there is any discovery, it will be sent back very quickly.

   It can be said that Yuanlifeng was the main monitoring system in Chen Wei's territory from the beginning.

  But for the current situation, the monitoring of the source power bee is a bit passive.

  The source power bee is only responsible for gathering everything it sees in one place, but there is no special person to analyze it, and there is no special person to stare at it.

   This time, Chen Wei wanted to find a synthesis method to make use of the characteristics of the source power bee.

   It is not possible to leave so much important information unmonitored in vain.

  So Chen Wei needs a legion that can take on spy missions.

  This kind of thing must be synthesized.

   There must first be thieves.

  Chen Wei thought about it, but in the end he still didn't bring these source power bees to Hongguang Town.

  In the beginning, his idea was to bring the source power bee to Hongguang Town, and find the intelligence personnel in the tavern to synthesize it.

   Now he gave up such an idea.

  He just synthesized all the city hearts before, and now he still has a lot of building stones in his hand.

  These building stones are just right for crafting.

  Chen Wei brought the source power bee to the edge of the nearby woods.

   Then he searched from the building stones he bought.

  At this time, Chen Wei was a little glad that he bought all the building stones in one go.

   There are some good things in these building stones.

  Chen Wei picked out the building stones of the witch's hut, the building stones of the magic temple, and the building stones of the thieves' cave from the inside. These are used in the field camp.

   There are also building stones for taverns, house of thieves, and building stones for exchanges.

  Chen Wei took out these things one by one, and already had an idea in his mind.

  Before, Chen Wei was thinking about which city to allocate these things to.

   Now it seems completely unnecessary.

  Put it directly in the wild, circle a circle, and make a secret base in the wild.

   At that time, all the information will come out from here, and there will be thieves to monitor everyone who enters the territory.

  While thinking about it, Chen Wei picked out all the building stones that could be used.

  For each building stone, Chen Wei will take out the beehive of the source of power bees to synthesize it.

   Such synthesis is quite simple for Chen Wei.

  Source power beehives are actually self-contained energy.

  Even if there is no city support, the source power beehive can also support the generation of nests and source power bees.

  It is okay if the building stones are in those wild camps. Some building stones can only be built in cities, and they must have energy.

   When Chen Wei synthesized, he specially made targeted adjustments.

  If you need energy, put more beehives, if you don’t need energy, put a few less beehives, and the extra beehives will be synthesized with nearby trees.

  Anyway, this time Chen Wei was able to show all his abilities.

   Fully developed his synthetic talent.

  The synthesized building stones are all like the cast bee colony synthesized by Chen Wei at the beginning.

   It’s just that this time the bee colony is no longer the main body, but the building stones.

   After Chen Wei's synthesis, he has a total of eight synthetic building stones in his hands, including the House of Thieves, the Beehive Exchange, the Cave of the Thieves, the Temple of Origin Magic, the Witch Camp, the Field Tavern, the Black Market and the Entrance of the Mist.

  These eight building stones were synthesized using source power beehives, but they were synthesized without source power bees.

  The real masters here will be the thieves trained in the Mithieves Cave.

  These thieves were originally human beings, but after the synthesis of source power bees, their situation has also undergone some changes.

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Thief

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary level 6)

  Type: Mechanical Scourge, Swarm Scourge

  Characteristic: Speed

  Level: Extraordinary Level 1

  Attributes: Attack 12, Defense 4, Life 40

Initial skills: Information Eye (you can see the enemy's information clearly, the more the number of thieves, the more comprehensive the information you get), bee control (each fog can control 30 source power soldiers), bee needle (you can use bee needle As a dagger or a dart, poisoning the enemy)

  Description: This is a kind of thieves who have undergone intensive training. They have mastered the ability to spy on other people's intelligence.

   This kind of thief is the main force of the entire camp.

   At the Mithieve Cave, 50 Mithieves can be produced every week, regardless of their current strength.

   But they actually do things with a pair of eyes.

  The 50 thieves can directly see all the information about the enemy, such as where the opponent came from and what things are with him.

   And this is what Chen Wei wants.

   There is also a witch camp, where there are three prophets, and they can check every move in Chen Wei's territory through the mirror.

   Now it has been synthesized by the source power bee, and it becomes possible to view everything through the source power bee's information network.

   This is like the main control room of the Skynet system.

   It's just that there are people watching in the main control room. If there is any problem, they can respond immediately.

   After that, there are wild taverns, honeycomb exchange, house of thieves and so on.

  As each building was arranged by Chen Wei, this area gradually became mysterious.

  When the entrance of the fog was finally built, Chen Wei felt that the surrounding area became much darker, and this place turned out to be a hidden place that could not be displayed on the map.

  (end of this chapter)

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