The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 453: Plague Farm (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 453 Plague Farm (for subscription)

  As Chen Wei left, a gossip quietly spread in the taverns in Chen Wei's territory.

  The businessman who was doing business in Hongguang Town naturally also heard the news.

   "What are you talking about, there is still a black market in this territory? It seems that this lord has great ambitions."

  The businessman at this time did not have the care he had when dealing with Chen Wei before, and in his eyes, he was all shrewd and ambitious.

   "It seems that there are still people who are eyeing this place and have already started to lay out the layout. No, I can't waste such a good colony. Gallon, you leave first with the goods you just received.

  After leaving this territory, send the news to mailbox No. 3. "

  The businessman began to order his subordinates to act.

   And his subordinate is a merchant who looks like a goblin.

  Different from the merchant, this goblin merchant is carrying a huge bag, and it walks like a moving garbage truck.

  After hearing the businessman's order, he said shrewdly: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely take care of this matter."

  The businessman nodded, and started to draw a big cake there, "As long as you do well this time, after you go back, my family's chamber of commerce will give you one-thousandth of the share."

   "Really, thank you sir, thank you sir."

   But the businessman didn't notice at all. He specially chose a location where no one could monitor to arrange tasks, but everything he said was recorded.

   Not long after Chen Wei came out of the black market, he had already received the information sent over.

  Looking at the information in his hand, Chen Wei looked disdainful.

   "Colony, this is pinching me as a soft persimmon."

   After finishing this sentence, Chen Wei directly notified the mechanical ghost body and asked him to keep an eye on the caravan.

   As long as they don't kill people as soon as they leave Chen Wei's territory.

  After arranging the matter, Chen Wei headed towards the southeast of the territory.

   Most of the things in the northwest are already arranged.

  The heart of the city I bought before has been used near the mine in the northwest.

  Now he needs to check the situation in the southeast direction.

  Because he didn't have the heart of the city in his hands, Chen Wei didn't insist on changing the southeast direction.

   Plague Town and Deadwood Town still have good control over their territory.

   It's just that the development directions of these two villages and towns are obviously different.

  Plague Town seems to prefer to dig the city underground.

  When Chen Wei came over, except for a farm surrounded by green clouds, there was no sign of Plague Town at all.

   Affected by Plague Town, one of the nearby farms counts as one, and all of them have the effect of plague.

  When Chen Wei entered, he also saw a large number of mice, crows and small bugs dead on the farm ground.

  The scarecrows and farmers in the farm are busy piling up these corpses on the edge of the farmland, waiting for them to rot, and then bury them in the field to act as fertilizer for the fertile fields.

   "Can this rice noodle be eaten?"

  Looking at this weird farm, Chen Wei was a little speechless.

  Although he has a group of undead under his command, there are actually some non-undead troops.

   They need food.

  Chen Wei divided the southeast of the territory to ensure that the food in the territory can be self-sufficient.

  The food with the plague effect in front of him, is this trying to turn his territory into a natural disaster of the undead?

   But when Chen Wei grabbed a handful of green rice noodles, he found that these rice noodles were actually not poisonous.

   On the contrary, because it has a weak stimulation, it is still beneficial to the eater.

   As long as the eaters aren't physically weak like rats, a little stimulation will only make them stronger.

   This kind of grain fortified with plague already has some properties of spiritual rice in it.

   "Whose idea came up with this?"

  Chen Wei couldn't help asking.

   But no one can answer Chen Wei's question.

  Chen Wei brought seven cities here this time, but not many heroes could be brought here.

  In addition to a few main heroes, each city has a defensive hero.

  The farms and field camps outside the city are still unmanaged for the time being.

   At least when Chen Wei came over, no one paid attention to him.

   Chen Wei glanced around, and finally saw a guy dressed as a farmer, and Chen Wei waved to him.

   "You came here for a while."

  The farmer looked up at Chen Wei, and pointed at himself with some doubts.

   "Yes, it's you, come here."

  Chen Wei waved to him again.

  The farmer walked up to Chen Wei, "My lord, do you have any orders?"

  As soon as the farmer opened his mouth, Chen Wei was taken aback. The farmer was about 1.9 meters tall, with a slender body and pointed ears under the straw hat.

   "Are you an elf?"

   "Yes, I am an elf who joined with Lord Wood, but after I followed, I did not join Lord Wood's team and chose to farm here."

   "Are you a druid? The plague farming here is your work?"

   Chen Wei asked suspiciously.

   "Yes, I have already experimented. I used the strongest kind of plague to farm. This will not only increase the speed of grain growth, but also increase the yield of grain.

  I have adjusted these grains, and adults have seen them just now. There is no problem with these rice noodles, only a slight stimulating effect.

  In addition to improving everyone's physique, there will be no toxicity.

  The real toxicity is actually here, my lord, you see. "

   As the farmer spoke, he pulled out a stalk of wheat that was not yet ripe.

  Chen Wei discovered that under the wheat there was a string of roots similar to potatoes.

   "The toxicity is transferred here. After the wheat is harvested, these roots are mixed with the dead mice and boiled, and they can be used as the best fertilizer to ensure the nutrients of the farmland.

  In addition, adults see these blue leaves, these leaves are the key, these leaves have certain medicinal properties.

  Now I am looking into this thing, if possible, I plan to look up the medicinal properties in it, and see what kind of potion these leaves can make out.”

  Chen Wei reached out to take a blue leaf, and then asked a very critical question.

   "What about the food production? My farm here is going to provide food for the entire territory, so there shouldn't be any problems."

   "My lord, please rest assured that the rice and noodles are up to the standard now, and we are also planning to raise sheep, pigs, cows and fish, all of which can be fed with weeds in the farmland.

  In this way, an all-round and three-dimensional ecological circle can be formed.

  As long as I slowly increase the ecological circle bit by bit, I believe it won’t take long for the farms around here to form an independent system, and they can grow as much food as they want. "

  The elf druid said excitedly.

  (end of this chapter)

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