The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 454: Farm ecosystem (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 454 Farm Ecosystem (for subscription)

  Because Chen Wei asked about his favorite point, the druid began to talk about it in detail.

  Finally, he led Chen Wei to the middle of the farm.

   "Your Excellency, this is the real reason I can control the farm."

  Chen Wei noticed that in the middle of the farmland, there was a small circle made of stones.

   This small circle can just stand one person.

  If the druid hadn't pointed it out, Chen Wei might not have noticed.

   "This is the druid's stone ring, but I have shrunk this stone ring down. Every farm has one of these. One stone ring can control a farm.

  If a Druid can be arranged to come over, the management of the farm can be further strengthened. "

   After saying this, the druid took Chen Wei to another direction.

   Along the way, the druid kept explaining various situations on the farm to Chen Wei.

   They have already started to have such a plan after Chen Wei assigned the role in the southeast region.

  They have their own ambitions and ideas, and want to take a different druid path.

   Want to hit legend or even legend.

   And there are not many of them at all.

   What Chen Wei encountered was just one of them.

   "Is Wood so unpopular?"

   While communicating with this druid, Chen Wei still asked.

   "No, the main thing is, Mr. Wood's route is different from ours."

   After Druid's detailed explanation, Chen Wei also understood.

   This is actually a problem left by the Azure Shrine back then.

  The research directions of the two types of Druids in the Azure Shrine are opposite.

  One masters the sky and rain, the other masters the earth and fire.

   If the two types of meetings do not fight, then the relationship is relatively good.

  Before in the novice world, they all belonged to the people who betrayed the Azure Shrine.

  So they can still unite in Wood's hands.

  Now in the new world, they have some ideas.

   At least they don't want to follow Wood anymore.

   And these people have a good grasp of power such as wind and rain.

   In addition to following Wood, I was forced to learn some things.

  So after leaving Wood, they had some ideas.

   It happened that they came to Plague Town and were responsible for the farm issues in Plague Town.

   After a period of research, they had such an idea.

  The stone rings arranged in the farmland before are like this.

   Just enough for a druid to stand there.

   As long as the druid stands in the stone circle, he can control the weather on a nearby farm.

  The most important thing about the plants in this farm is the problem of rain.

   Right now the druids are slowly working on things like controlling toxicity on the farm.

   After that, what they wanted was to control the ecological environment of the entire farm with the stone ring as the center.

  Now they are just starting, so the druid is asking Chen Wei inside and out, hoping that Chen Wei can hand over the farm affairs to him.

   “I have to see all the farms before making a decision.”

  Chen Wei didn't agree immediately.

   The druid was not dissatisfied with Chen Wei's reaction.

   After all, the druid's growth is a small matter, and the farm's matter is a big one.

   All the farms here add up to provide all the living and living materials in Chen Wei's territory.

  Now Chen Wei has no food reserves, if something happens to them, it will be a big trouble.

  At that time, in Chen Wei's territory, except for the undead and plant natural disasters, everything else will be affected.

  So Chen Wei had to go around all the farms before he could make a decision.

  As soon as the Druid heard this, he took the initiative to take Chen Wei over.

  He should be regarded as the little leader of these retired druids.

   I am familiar with the nearby farms.

  With his leadership, Chen Weishao took many detours.

   And Chen Wei has also seen the situation of these farms.

  Chen Wei's southeast territory used the method of large farms.

  Each farm has its own focus.

   Among them, the farms that grow wheat, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and soybeans are the most, with a total of 60 farms.

  In each farm, there will be additional farming or planting of some other crops.

   These supplies will be the staple food in Chen Wei's territory.

  There are also 20 by-product farms, which mainly grow pumpkins, grapes, and fruits.

   There are fifteen more farms, which breed edible meat animals such as goats, pigs, cows, and rabbits.

  Ten farms used to raise chickens, ducks, and geese, which are mainly prepared for poultry eggs.

   Finally, there are three large lakes, in which a large number of aquatic fish are stocked.

  Each farm is managed by a dedicated druid.

   But the most important thing is that the relationship between all the farms is actually connected.

  All kinds of fertilizers and feeds support and cooperate with each other.

  They have made an appointment to discuss once a week to adjust each other's needs.

  The ecological system that Druid mentioned before was proposed at this time.

   In the words of Druid, if this ecosystem really becomes.

   Then these farms can provide more and better food, and can also train more druids.

  Of course, how far these druids can go in the end depends on their own efforts.

  Chen Wei doesn't quite understand the druid route.

   After transferring all the farms, Chen Wei made a decision.

"Okay, this matter will be handled by you. In addition, I will help you build a large stone ring in the center of the farm, and then conduct druid training there, but my requirements are not low, you guys At least short arms and sufficient food must be ensured.

  My side consumes 3000 units of food every day.

   In addition, I plan to save some food, that is to say, you must guarantee the output of at least 4500 units of food per day. "

  Chen Wei's request is actually not high.

  4500 units of food, if put on a farm, that can be stressful.

   But there are more than one hundred farms here, and each farm only needs to produce 300 units of food per day.

   This is actually not too much.

  Druids were not dissatisfied when they heard Chen Wei's request. Instead, they all thought that Chen Wei was doing them a favor.

   You must know that Chen Wei's request for the farm at the beginning was to ensure sufficient food in the territory.

  And there is a large amount of food stored in a nearby warehouse as a reserve.

  Now Chen Wei's request is only to set the amount of reserves.

   The rest is something the Druid can handle by himself.

   And Chen Wei didn't stop them, they poisoned the food.

  This is a good thing for the druids, and it is their opportunity. At this time, the druids already have an idea.

  He must complete the strengthening of all farms in Chen Wei's territory before Wood upgrades to legend.

   Even if Wood comes back by then, there is no way to take away their farm.

  (end of this chapter)

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