The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 456: Soldier bee druid (subscription required)

  Chapter 456 Soldier Bee Druid (for subscription)

  Watching these druids study on their own, Chen Wei was also a little speechless.

   This is a research lunatic stronger than himself.

   But this source of power bee colony is not what Chen Wei wants.

  Although there is a special natural disaster in front of him, what Chen Wei needs is combat power.

   "You wait a moment, and then arrange a stone ring for me."

  After hearing Chen Wei's order, the druids immediately took action.

  After all, they have seen Chen Wei's ability. The source power bee colony synthesized just now is enough for them to study for half a day. If they synthesize something more, what kind of effect will it have.

  So these druids set up stone rings again.

  In order to allow Chen Wei to have a better synthesis experience, they arranged the stone ring a little bigger.

  Chen Wei didn't put worker bees inside this time, but drove in a batch of soldier bees that would be assigned.

   This time Chen Wei can be considered quite arrogant, a total of 3,000 soldier bees are all squeezed into such a stone ring, piled up like a bee column.

  【Source Power Soldier Bee】+【Natural Stone Ring】=【? ? ? (Success rate 55.7%)] (consumes 4 mana)

  Using source power bees to synthesize, Chen Wei has never been reluctant to say so.

  Let’s not say that there are still tens of millions of source power bees in the hive tree world.

  Even in the novice world, the synthesis of source power bees is based on quantity.

   Don't say that there is half the success rate now, even if there is only a 1% success rate, they dare to use the source power bees to pile up finished products.

  Looking at the synthesis formula, Chen Wei said directly: "Synthesis."

  In the next moment, the same kind of light flashed in the black with red edges.

  The color-changing magic quickly infected these source power soldier bees.

  The stone ring was immediately pushed away by the magic power, and the three thousand soldier bees began to scatter around.

   After only flying a certain distance, these soldier bees exploded one by one.

  The flesh and blood they exploded were all black and red.

   But soon these flesh and blood were devoured by other soldier bees.

  Chen Wei stood watching from the sidelines, and finally found that the soldier bees that devoured the flesh and blood had grown a lot in size.

   If they devour more, the appearance of these soldier bees will change.

  From the original bee shape to a human shape slowly.

   Finally, this devouring didn't stop until the number of soldier bees dropped to nearly three hundred.

  At this time, the color of these soldier bees has completely changed to black with red edges, half bee half human shape, almost the size of a normal arm.

   But the most important thing is not their size, but some weird lines on their bodies.

  These patterns seem to be the words used by druids.

  When these soldier bees stopped, the druids surrounding them were analyzing them one by one.

   "Look, this one has the word 'wind' written on it."

   "It just means 'thunder and lightning'."

   "What is 'pollen'?"

   While the druids were researching, Chen Wei also took a look at the synthesized attributes of these soldier bees.

  【The synthesis of natural disasters is completed, and the extraordinary quality is obtained-Soldier Bee Druid】

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Soldier Bee Druid

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary level 9)

  Type: natural disaster

  Characteristics: Natural

  Level: Extraordinary Level 1

  Attributes: Attack 3, Defense 0, Life 30

  Initial Skill: Natural Words (The power of nature can be mobilized through the natural words on the body, and special druid spells can be formed through the combination of words)

  Explanation: One soldier bee druid may be nothing, but if there are many of them and they cooperate, the situation will be different.

   Natural text?

  Chen Wei immediately understood what the lines on these soldier bee druids were.

  Chen Wei beckoned to the druids, "Can you let them combine natural spells through words?"

  Druid thought for a while, "This is unlikely, they don't have much wisdom."

   "Whether there is wisdom or not is not important, what is important is whether the words on them can be combined?"

   "Of course it can. You see, it only has wind on its body, this one has pollen on its body, and this one has poison on its body. These three can be combined."

  The druid pointed to several soldier bee druids.

  While he was speaking, Chen Wei had also arranged for the soldier bee Dedey to combine according to the druid's words.

   But the words on these soldier bee druids just lit up, and there was no movement.

   At this time, the druid also said: "See, they don't have enough mana, even if they have words, they won't be effective."

  Chen Wei shook his head.

  If it was an ordinary unit, Chen Wei might also believe it.

   But for the source power bee, the small matter of lack of mana is not a problem at all.

  Chen Wei pointed to these soldier bee druids and said: "Stand up with the three characters of wind, pollen and poison."

  Under Chen Wei's order, three batches of soldier bee druids flew out soon.

Chen Wei took a look and found that there were different numbers of these soldier bee druids. The most were the soldier bee druids with the words 'poisonous', the number reached 15, and the least number were those with 'pollen'. 'There are only 7 soldiers bee druids in the text.

  Chen Wei made them all gather together according to the words on his body, and at the same time activated the effect of the words.

  As a result, this time, these soldier bee druids activated the text effect at the same time, forming a whirlwind with green powder.

  The range of this whirlwind is not too large, but even if it is not large, it is still a natural spell.

   Several druids surrounded them.

   Chasing the whirlwind and staring there.

  The last druid said: "It's useless, this power is still too small. If you want a natural spell that can affect the entire battlefield, the number of bees of the same type must be at least over a hundred."

   "Is it enough to be over a hundred?"

  Chen Wei asked with a smile?

What does it mean?

  The druids were all shocked by Chen Wei's words.

  What does it mean that as long as more than a hundred is enough?

   These are druids. Although they don't want to admit it, the natural aura on Bingbing druids proves their profession.

  For these druids, they really don't want to believe that thousands of these soldiers can become druids.

   But whether they believe it or not, Chen Wei did not hesitate.

  He has nearly 200,000 soldier bees in his hands.

   Calculated based on the probability of 3,000 druids being synthesized into 300 soldier bees.

   200,000 can train 20,000 soldier bee druids.

  Even if the text on each soldier bee druid is different, the number can definitely be pushed up.

   "You guys come over and check which spell they are more suitable for. I mean the quantity, and I will deal with it here."

  While speaking, Chen Wei waved behind him, and nearly 200,000 soldier bees flew up.

  They are all ready for synthesis.

  (end of this chapter)

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