The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 457: Arrangement of the farm (for subscription)

  Chapter 457 The Arrangement of the Farm (for subscription)

  Chen Wei didn't synthesize all the soldier bees in the end, he only synthesized 100,000.

  Perhaps because of the large-scale synthesis, the success rate of the synthesis has increased a lot this time.

  In the end, the number of successfully transformed into soldier bee druids was directly 17,000.

  There are so many soldier bee druids, even these druids in the field can't say that they are not strong enough.

  Several druids honestly selected and cooperated with experiments there.

  Finally, it was found that as long as the number of these druids exceeds a hundred, the mana they can master can be equivalent to that of normal druids.

   If the number of gathered together exceeds a thousand, their mana is equivalent to the archdruid level.

  How well their more than 10,000 soldier bee druids cooperate well, then the natural forces they can control can even affect all nearby farms.

   It can be said that these soldier bee druids only lack some level of research and application of natural spells than them.

   But the natural spell of the druid is a reward given by nature, and it is not like a mage, who has to learn it specially.

  There are so many soldier bee druids, there will always be one or two who have outstanding talents in this area and master stronger natural spells.

   At that time, even if these druids don't recognize the existence of soldier bee druids, they will die.

   "Welcome to join the family of nature, we will be the same way of nature in the future."

  These druids are very clear about the situation in front of them. They just thought about it and are willing to accept the existence of these soldier bee druids.

   And Chen Wei also kept these soldier bee druids.

  Whether it is to let them help on the farm or learn from the druids, it is beneficial to these soldier bee druids.

  Chen Wei doesn't want to need to transform every time he needs a soldier bee druid.

  Chen Wei needed a stable environment for the druids to be born, learn and grow.

  If there is such a suitable place, Chen Wei can also inform the Queen Bee about it.

   Ask him to arrange for extra soldiers to come and study in the future.

   After all, soldier bee and soldier bee druid are already two concepts.

  The former can only be cannon fodder in the hive tree world, and their status is not as good as that of worker bees who can work.

  The latter has already mastered its own destiny and power, even if it is alone, it is still a powerful force.

  At the same time, Chen Wei also believes that after this synthesis, the queen bee will definitely find a way to research new troops, so that tens of thousands of source power bees will not be wasted.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei looked at the worker bees and soldier bees following behind him.

  With so many high-quality synthetic materials, it would be a waste if they were not synthesized.

Looking at Chen Wei's eyes, the druids immediately understood what Chen Wei was going to do, and they hurried forward and said, "My lord, wait a moment, we are also under some pressure, please don't turn them into soldiers." Bee druid."

  Chen Wei laughed when he heard that, "Don't worry, I'm researching to see if there are other arms."

   "My lord, enough is enough, enough is really enough now."

"Yes, my lord, we are short of manpower now, and we need to allocate some manpower to the druids who study the bees, and some manpower to study this bee colony. We also need to manage the farm, which requires too much energy. .”

   "Yes, my lord, although our farm ecosphere has started, there is one problem that has not been resolved, that is, we are also part of the ecosphere.

   It is not what we want to do.

  Every time we add a race or a plant, we need to adjust for half a day.

   If too many bee colonies are added at once, our ecological circle will also have problems. "

  Listening to what the druids said, Chen Wei also nodded in agreement.

   "Then do you have any ideas?"

   "It's better to leave some of the bee colonies behind, and after we digest these things, we will go back and deal with these bee colonies."

   "Yes, let's divide the bee colony now, and the soldier bee druids will stay in one place. In this way, no matter how we deal with it, we will have enough time to grasp it."

  Listening to what the druids said, Chen Wei nodded. This is a very good choice.

  At this time, Chen Wei said again: "Do you need me to help you transform into heroes?

   I happen to still have a few pieces of hero certificates in my hand, which I just bought. If you need them, I can give you two pieces. "

   "This is unnecessary. Our goal is not to become a hero, but to strengthen the farm and the ecological circle. Only by strengthening it can we form an ecological farm that belongs to us. This is what we want.

   Even if we are not heroes by then, we will still be recognized by the lord, right? "

  Listening to the words of these druids, Chen Wei could only smile.

  He had to admit that these druids were pretty smart.

   They come up with their part.

   Nor be a hero.

   In this way they can guarantee their relative independence.

  As long as the territory is not facing a devastating blow, they don't need to participate in the battle.

   Just do their favorite research.

  If they had a hero among them, the situation would be different.

  As a hero, you definitely need to join in the management or patrol of the city.

   If there are any enemies, they also join in the battle.

   This prevents them from doing the research they most want to do.

  So these druids are the most visible.

   That's why they reacted like this when Chen Wei proposed this idea.

  Looking at them like this, Chen Wei didn't intend to force them to do anything.

"Okay, as long as you take care of these things, I will leave it to you for the time being for the soldier bee druids. When there are new heroes in the future, I will let him come and take away some of the soldier bee druids. of."

  Chen Wei had a different attitude towards the soldier bee druid.

   These soldier bee druids, Chen Wei, are intended to be used as soldiers.

  Although their individual combat power will be relatively weak, their combined combat power is quite strong.

  If the number is sufficient, the spells they use can even exceed the normal level of druids.

  Of course they are not perfect, but for Chen Wei, as long as they can fight.

   There is no need to worry about anything else.

  After receiving Chen Wei's arrangement, the druids acted quickly.

  Chen Wei followed behind them, watching their motivation and research.

   It is obvious that the output of these farms has increased significantly.

   This made Chen Wei quite satisfied.

  The production of the farm has increased, which means that his efforts this time were not in vain, and that is enough.

  (end of this chapter)

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