The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 459: Rat Group Synthesis (Subscription required)

  Chapter 459 Rat Group Synthesis (for subscription)

   After a group of swamp rats were called over, Chen Wei discovered that these swamp rats were much bigger than he had imagined.

  The largest swamp rats are the size of kittens.

   What surprised Chen Wei the most was that the fur on these swamp rats was covered with oil, and each one was shiny, even if water was splashed on it, it would not get much stained.

   It is obvious that they have adapted to living in swamps and humid environments to become what they are now.

   Looking at the swamp rats huddled together in front of him, Chen Wei had an idea in his mind.

  Before, Kebas had clearly stated that these swamp rats were an important labor force in Plague Town, so the method Chen Wei wanted to strengthen was naturally to strengthen in this direction.

  Chen Wei reached out and grabbed a swamp rat, studied it in his hand, and then had an idea in his mind.

  These swamp rats are almost perfect for Rat Crazy Town.

  However, their functions can only be used in transporting materials, mining, logging, etc.

   That is to say, if they are used as tools, the effect will definitely be better.

  Chen Wei's current plan is to add some tool attributes to them.

   Let them bring their own tools, such as turning their mouths into saws, and their front paws into drills.

   This can make them more powerful in some ways.

   "Go get some tools."

   Thinking about how to deal with these swamp rats, Chen Wei gave the order decisively.

   Kebas didn't hesitate at all. As soon as he turned his head, he gave a few instructions to the swamp rats, and a group of swamp rats ran out quickly.

   Soon they shipped some tools.

  Chen Wei checked the tools, then raised his head and asked, "Aren't these tools suitable for their size?"

   "Yes, these tools are used by skeletons. The swamp rats in Plague Town are responsible for the basic work, and some delicate tasks need to be done by skeletons."

  There are obviously some wrong emotions in Kebas's words.

  Chen Wei knew it as soon as he thought about it.

  This plague town is slowly transforming into poisonous creatures.

  Although they are also poisonous, they have slowly left the direction of the undead.

  Like the dragon flies, bipedal dragons, swamp rats and so on in it, they are all considered as one of the living things.

  Although they don't have much emotion, as heroes, they still don't like some undead in the city.

  He has always thought about moving the undead outside of Plague Town.

   This point was also supported by Elena.

   During these period of time, most of the undead heroes that appeared in Plague Town were sent to Deadwood Town by Elena using various excuses.

  Or they were assigned to patrol the periphery.

   Now Kebas dares to express this dissatisfaction directly.

  It seems that they already have a certain confidence.

  For Chen Wei, this is not a good phenomenon.

  Chen Wei's power all comes from natural disasters.

  Whether it is the four natural disasters at the beginning, undead, demons, swarms and machines, or the special natural disasters that appeared later, plants, weirdness, nature, etc., are all the strengths of Chen Wei's growth.

  If you can't form a natural disaster, then don't get in the way of others.

  Chen Wei was somewhat dissatisfied with Kebas' actions to reject the natural disaster of the undead.

   But he didn't show it on his face.

   Instead picked up these tools to look.

  Finally, Chen Wei picked up a small tool with gears and caught another swamp rat.

  【Swamp Rat】+【Gear Tool】=【? ? ? (Success rate 23.7%)] (consumes 2 mana)

   "This tool will help me get a few more sets."

  Looking at the speechless synthesis success rate, Chen Wei said something directly.

  That's right, since seeing tens of millions of source power bees in the hive tree world, Chen Wei has a certain understanding of the data of natural disasters.

   The failure of one or two combinations is nothing in Chen Wei's eyes.

   What Chen Wei needs is successfully synthesized data.

   Soon Kebas sent a lot of tools.

  Chen Wei pointed directly at the Swamp Rat, and said something synthetic.

   Following Chen Wei's order, all the gear tools turned into fluorescent blue light spots, and these light spots landed on the swamp rat, quickly drawing a magic circle on them.

   It's just that the physique of these swamp rats is still too bad.

  They couldn't withstand the erosion of magic power, and many swamp rats exploded on the spot.

   But Chen Wei took too many swamp rats this time. No matter how many they died, new swamp rats would immediately replace them.

  Finally, a swamp rat was synthesized.

   This synthetic swamp rat has become a half-mechanical body.

  In addition to the normal limbs, under the belly of the swamp rat, there is an extra pair of wheels controlled by gears.

  At the same time, the swamp rat's skin also turned into a bright blue color, and the texture of the skin became a bit like plastic.

   You can even see the internal organs of the swamp rat.

  【Successful synthesis, get extraordinary quality - gear mouse】

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Gear Rat

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary level 6)

  Type: Mechanical Scourge

  Characteristics: labor

  Level: Extraordinary Level 1

  Attributes: Attack 4, Defense 2, Life 60

  Initial skill: mechanization (gear rats can automatically transform into various tools, and more than ten gear rats can be combined into a large automatic machine)

  Description: Laborers in the rat colony can work in transportation, machining, material handling, etc.

  Looking at the information of these gear rats, Chen Wei nodded in satisfaction.

  This is the real way to use these swamp rats. It would be a bit wasteful to only use swamp rats as a means of transportation.

  In order for Kebas to see clearly how these swamp rats are used, Chen Wei quickly synthesized ten more cog rats.

  After the synthesis was completed, Chen Wei pointed to the ten cogwheel mice and said.

   "Form a conveyor belt."

Under Chen Wei's order, these ten cogwheel mice actively disassembled into large and small pieces like Transformers, using their gears as power, and their skins as pipelines to form a self-operating robot in front of Kebaki. conveyor belt.

  This conveyor belt is less than five meters long, but it is obvious that this thing can run non-stop.

   And as Chen Wei stood on the conveyor belt and was teleported five meters away, Kebas understood.

   This kind of transportation will be more convenient and faster than before they let the swamp rat carry things.

   Moreover, judging from Chen Wei's actions, it seems that the gear mouse can be combined into a variety of different tools.

  As long as it is related to gears, there is nothing that cannot be combined.

  Kebas also understood something, he stood up and said to the gear mouse that turned into a conveyor belt.

   "Turn into a chainsaw and let me see."

  Under the order of Kebas, three cogwheels really broke away from the conveyor belt, and turned into a chainsaw and fell into the hands of Kebas.

  Seeing this situation, Kebas bowed his head to Chen Wei.

   "Also ask the adults to strengthen these swamp rats and give them a new direction of development."

  (end of this chapter)

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