The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 460: Fully strengthen (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 460 Full Strength (Seeking Subscription)

  With the first success, it will be easier for Chen Wei to cooperate later in the synthesis.

  No matter what materials Chen Wei needs, Kebas can always get them for Chen Wei at the first time.

  Chen Wei's talent did not disappoint. Although there were many problems during the synthesis, he also synthesized many swamp rats that Kebas and the others could not imagine.

   Among them, what satisfied Chen Wei the most was a synthetic creature called a tailed rat.

  【Rope】+【Swamp Rat】=【Tail Rat (47% success rate)】

   This kind of tailed mouse belongs to the tool man just like the cogwheel mouse, but its tail can grow freely, and it can move back and forth on the ceiling quickly by popping out the tail like Spiderman.

   And this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the tail of the tail mouse also has a pulley block, which can lift heavy objects on the ceiling.

  If it is said that the previous gear mouse needs to be ordered by someone to turn into various tools.

  Then the tail mouse in front of you is an active tool mouse.

   With the help of the tail mouse, whether it is the transportation of various materials or other tasks, it is obviously much easier.

  【Arm attributes】

  Name: Tail Mouse

  Quality: Extraordinary (level cap is extraordinary level 6)

  Type: Mechanical Scourge

  Characteristics: labor

  Level: Extraordinary Level 1

  Attributes: Attack 5, Defense 3, Life 120

  Initial skill: retractable rope (the tail of the tail mouse can be stretched freely from one meter to thirty meters, and can lift a ton of weight continuously)

  Explanation: Tailed mice are a kind of mice that do carrying work, but if someone enters their territory, they will also let people know that their tails are powerful.

   In addition to this, there are also several varieties of swamp rats.

   But Chen Wei checked it, and these are not good things.

  Chen Wei just synthesized some and used them as seeds for Kebas.

   Don't worry about other things.

  Kebas is quite satisfied with Chen Wei's synthesis.

  In his opinion, with the new unit synthesized by Chen Wei, his progress in building Plague Town can obviously be improved a lot.

   For him, this is enough.

   As for the large amount of swamp rats consumed during synthesis, it's actually not a problem.

   In the process of transportation and work, the swamp rat also suffered a lot of losses.

   Immediate losses are nothing at all, and the new rat unit after Chen Wei synthesized it is not impossible to train.

  In addition to combining arms, Chen Wei also left behind the method of training these rat arms.

   These methods are quite simple for Kebas.

  When they need to expand the population of these rat arms in the future, they don't need to use the life of swamp rats to synthesize them like Chen Wei did this time.

   After Kebas was satisfied, Chen Wei synthesized several arms in this plague town.

  The synthesis this time is mainly based on the synthesis of the defense and residents of Plague Town.

  The situation in Plague Town was actually seen by Chen Wei.

  So Chen Wei still needs to intervene in Plague Town.

   Can't let Elena and the others develop what they want.

  How could Chen Wei get enough residents and resources like that.

  So Chen Wei also synthesized the undead and other races in Plague Town.

   The undead in Plague Town are mainly divided into two categories.

  One category is skeletons, they exist as the main residents of Plague Town, and their combat effectiveness is not even comparable to skeleton soldiers.

   is an active skeleton.

  For their synthesis, Chen Wei's idea is relatively simple.

   Let them have more working ability.

   For example, add various tools to these skeletons.

   Another example is to combine these skeletons with gear rats and so on.

   It is necessary to know that these skeletons can also be regarded as magical products under certain circumstances. As long as they have tools, they can do many things, and they are not afraid of danger.

  So they are the best tool people.

   In Chen Wei's synthesis this time, several special skeletons were produced.

  For example, it is specially used to build various buildings, and there are also those that are going to be placed in the farm outside to be responsible for farming.

   There are some unremarkable but still useful skeletons, such as those specially used for cleaning and so on.

   It can be said that Chen Wei designed many development directions for these skeletons.

  It would be nice to be a work skeleton if they really can't be skeleton soldiers.

  In addition to skeletons, there are also walking corpses.

   These walking corpses are not the same as skeletons.

   Under the effect of the plague in Plague Town, they more or less have some plague effects on their bodies.

  So Chen Wei just activated these effects when he synthesized them.

   Among the several walking corpses synthesized, each one has the characteristics of plague.

   This made Chen Wei a little speechless.

  He will run over to synthesize the walking corpse, just to turn the walking corpse into a more useful tool.

   But now it seems that there is no way for these walking corpses to become tool people.

   Creatures working with them, as long as they have no resistance to poison, will eventually die from their poison.

  So Chen Wei finally made another choice.

   Transform these walking corpses into undead troops.

   This is actually a very reasonable way to choose.

   The biggest feature of the Undead Scourge is that there are a lot of undead, and the more you fight, the more you fight.

  But each undead unit will have corresponding characteristics.

  The biggest feature of the walking corpse is that besides the thick blood and thick skin, it can carry all kinds of toxicity.

  Because of Chen Wei, the toxicity of these walking corpses has been developed.

  He naturally won't take back the toxicity.

  So in the end, Chen Wei simply formed these walking corpses into an engineering corps.

   Let them do what engineers need to do.

   When not fighting, they can build roads.

   When there is a battle, they can act as camp builders.

   Artisans who repair weapons in the camp, etc.

  Even when the camp is attacked, they can also step forward and act as human shields.

   It can be said to be a kind of universal tool man.

   But this kind of tool man is indispensable. After all, during a war, soldiers cannot be allowed to build camps or something.

  Before, Chen Wei's battles had always been in his own territory.

  Or he directly took the city to the past.

  It's different now. After arriving in the new world, Chen Wei doesn't want to welcome the enemy into his territory to fight.

  What he wants is to keep the enemy out of his territory.

  So going out to fight is something that will definitely happen, and it is also very important to prepare some engineering corps.

  If this kind of engineering corps is easy to use, Chen Wei may prepare more engineering corps in the future to ensure the purity of his troops.

   After combining the skeleton and the walking corpse, Chen Wei went to check the situation of the dragonfly and wyvern.

   After that, Chen Wei synthesized a new unit based on the idea of ​​the Wyvern.

  Hydra tree.

   Yang, fever, still trying to update



  (end of this chapter)

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