The strange scene was actually staged in reality. It looked so discordant, but if you look closely, you will find an indescribable sense of harmony.

The auras produced by the two people's practice touched each other in the air, and then intertwined and merged together, and finally slowly turned into nothingness.

This very strange scene lasted for almost an hour before it stopped. Mo Li was the first to break away from the practice.

He pounded his slightly sore legs with his hands a few times, supported his body with the tree trunk, and stood up from the ground.

At this time, Bai Jiu was still practicing and had not woken up, but she could still feel everything that happened outside.

Mo Li glanced at Bai Jiu, and just as he was about to call her, he found that Gu Yuan had a call.

He thought about it for a while and decided not to wake up Bai Jiu, let her continue to practice for a while, and wait until he answered the phone next to her before calling her.

Mo Li walked in the opposite direction of Bai Jiu with his long legs, and while walking, he answered Gu Yuan's call request.

"Mo Li! Where are you? Come here quickly. The competition is about to start. You and Bai Jiu are the only two who haven't arrived yet. The other five classes are all here."

"Teacher Gu Yuan, wait for me a moment. I'll be there soon."

Mo Li was frightened by the thunderous shout and almost fell. Fortunately, he managed to stabilize his body with one hand and assured Gu Yuan on the other side of the call.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, or Teacher Mu Yue will scold me, I don't want to be dragged down by you for nothing."

"Okay, Teacher Gu Yuan, I'll hang up if there's nothing else."

"Okay, you first, hey, hey, Teacher Zhou Bai, what are you doing, damn, don't hit me, why are you still grabbing my bracelet, don't pull my clothes, my clothes will be torn if you pull them again, ah ah ah!"

Mo Li's hand, which was about to click the hang-up button, was suspended in the air. Listening to the wailing sound coming from the bracelet, his eyes were filled with surprise and fell into deep thought.

Teacher Zhou Bai?

Grabbing the bracelet?

Pulling clothes?

Mo Li's mind suddenly appeared a picture of men fighting and tearing clothes.

What kind of expressions and moods would the two people in the picture have? He didn't dare to think about it any further. He just felt cold in his lower body, goose bumps on his back, and his body trembled several times.

Teacher Gu Yuan turned out to be this kind of person. You can't know a person's heart by knowing his face.

Don't worry, Teacher Gu Yuan, everyone has their own strange hobbies, for example, I like to cook, and Bai Jiu likes to poke people's faces.

You like this hobby of men, I will definitely protect it for you.

I will take this secret to the ground and will never tell anyone, Mo Li promised in his heart.

"Mo Li, you bastard!"

"It's okay to kidnap Bai Jiu from our class, but you don't even bring her back. You are so shameless!"

When he was lost in thought, a sudden roar made Mo Li a little confused.

Whose voice is this? In his impression, he seems to have never heard a similar tone, and he is a little puzzled.

"Mo Li, did you hear me? Hurry and send Bai Jiu back to me intact!" The other party's voice sounded again from the bracelet.

Mo Li did not respond to the other party immediately. He closed his eyes and quickly sorted out the words that came from the bracelet before.

Putting together the words Teacher Zhou Bai, snatching the bracelet, our class, Bai Jiu, etc., and thinking seriously for a moment, Mo Li understood why the other party scolded him.

It turned out that the other party was Bai Jiu's team leader.

I took the students from their class away, and I didn't bring them back when the game was almost over. Any teacher with a normal personality would probably scold me.

Mo Li listened to the scolding that kept coming from the bracelet, and stammered: "Teacher Zhou... Teacher Zhou Bai, we were just practicing, so the time was a bit long."

"Give us five minutes, I will take Bai Jiu to find you right away."

As soon as these words came out, the voice in the bracelet stopped abruptly, and the wind around them unexpectedly stopped blowing at this time, and the surrounding area suddenly became unusually quiet.

Just like this, about ten seconds passed, and the voice of Teacher Zhou Bai was heard again in the bracelet.

However, this time the other party did not scold him. His tone became gentle, and he reminded himself: "Student Mo Li, I was emotional just now, please don't be offended."

"Five minutes are almost enough, bring Bai Jiu here quickly, and you too, Teacher Gu Yuan is almost going crazy."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Zhou Bai, please tell Teacher Gu Yuan that we will leave now."

Mo Li hung up the call after he finished speaking, turned his head to look at the big tree, ran at full speed, and returned to Bai Jiu in the blink of an eye.

He put his handsPut it on the other's shoulder and shake it slightly.

Bai Jiu was practicing well, and suddenly she felt Mo Li running fast. She was a little puzzled, and the next second, a strange feeling surged in her upper body.

Her tightly closed eyelids opened instantly, looking at Mo Li who looked anxious, Bai Jiu was about to ask what was wrong, but the other party did not give her a chance to speak, and grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the ground.

"There is no time to explain. If you don't want to be deducted contribution points, just follow me obediently, don't think about struggling, I won't hurt you."

Mo Li pulled Bai Jiu up without looking back and ran in one direction, with his other hand horizontally in front of him, and a map was projected on it.

There was a red dot on the map, and that red dot was the location of the arena where the two would compete in the afternoon.

While running, Bai Jiu couldn't help her curiosity and asked.

"What on earth can make you so panicked?"

Mo Li is usually calm and unhurried, and rarely gets anxious.

Mo Li turned his head and glanced at the confused Bai Jiu with his peripheral vision, sighed, and explained slowly.

"Do you remember the time of the afternoon game?"

"I remember, isn't it two o'clock?"

"Then look at the current time."

Hearing this, Bai Jiu felt a little scared, and raised his left hand that was not held.

Put the main screen of the bracelet on his face, and the contact of the flesh successfully opened the bracelet.

The time on the homepage was reflected in Bai Jiu's eyes, and the number was so cold and ruthless, without a trace of warmth.


The game will start in three minutes.

If they don't arrive in time and are discovered by the irritable female teacher named Mu Yue, the consequences will be disastrous.

With the opponent's ruthless and decisive style of action, it would be lucky for him and Mo Li not to lose a layer of skin.

Bai Jiu hoped in his heart that the flow of time could be slower, as long as they could hold on until the two of them arrived at the ring on time.

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