Mo Li seemed to see Bai Jiu's worry, and he held her hand and squeezed it gently, hoping to reassure her and not be so nervous.

There was no point in being nervous anyway, and it would only increase her irritability. It would be better to think more positively and calm down.

"Hold my hand tight, I'm going to speed up, watch your feet, don't trip over the stones by accident."

Mo Li's voice sounded from the front, and Bai Jiu, whose heart was beating violently, felt surprisingly relieved when she heard this, and her restless mood gradually stabilized.

A warm feeling came from the hand that Mo Li held tightly, very comfortable and warm, Bai Jiu was a little greedy for this pleasant feeling.

For a moment, she forgot the critical situation they were in, and also forgot that they would face Mu Yue's anger later.

The roaring wind and the howling of ghosts and gods disappeared completely at this moment. In this short moment, Bai Jiu only had the man in front of her in her eyes.

The soft hand that seemed to have no bones was led forward by Mo Li. A blush appeared on Bai Jiu's face, and her little head hung down.

Then five jade fingers exerted a little force and held each other's big hands.

The two of them now looked like the male and female protagonists in the TV series, running hard and fighting desperately to escape the cage that bound their love.

This is youth. The beauty of youth may fade with time, but it will never pass away. It will be buried in the deepest part of everyone's heart.

When you look back on the past and feel emotional, you will remember the memories of that youthful and wonderful, beautiful and colorful, painful and sad time.

This beautiful scene was staged in the air. The male and female protagonists of the story were unaware of it, and there were no audiences around who would give applause.

A breeze blew, and Mo Li and Bai Jiu were like this breeze, floating in the world. They could know the present, but the future was unpredictable.

They might be like this breeze, hitting the rock-hard thousand-meter mountain and disappearing without a trace.

It is also possible that they would gather with other breezes to become a tornado that could destroy any obstacles and rush straight into the sky.

When the roc rises with the wind, it soars up to 90,000 miles.


Mo Li felt something strange on his hand, and his eyelids suddenly blinked. He turned his head without leaving a trace and looked at his hand.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and what happened in front of him made him a little unbelievable.

He saw Bai Jiu's fingers tightly intertwined with his own fingers, and the ambiguous actions of the two were like a couple in love.

Especially the blush on the other's cheeks, which looked like each other.

Mo Li's lips slowly opened, then closed again, turned his head back, and said no more.

He saw happiness, joy, delight, and other emotions flowing in Bai Jiu's eyes, and he didn't want to break the other's short joy.

In this way, the two continued to run for nearly five minutes and finally arrived at the afternoon competition venue.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Teacher Mu Yue, Teacher Gu Yuan, and Teacher Zhou Bai standing in front of a group of students, staring at them with cold eyes.

Mo Li looked at the time on his bracelet and realized that it was already 14:02. They were 2 minutes late.

Looking at Mu Yue who was gradually approaching, Mo Li felt in his heart that he would have this disaster today and was destined to not escape.

Bai Jiu hid half of his body behind Mo Li, and the little hand holding him kept trembling.

"Mo Li from Class 3, Grade 1 of the Ice Department is the final winner of the arena."

"Bai Jiu from Class 5, Grade 1 of the Fire Department is the final winner of the arena."

"You are all challenging everyone. It seems that you are very powerful, so powerful that you don't even follow the rules."

Mu Yue scolded coldly, without any fluctuation in her eyes.

Gu Yuan and Zhou Bai, who were on her left and right, didn't dare to say a word, and their faces were full of embarrassment. It was obvious that they had just been criticized.

"3 contribution points will be deducted from each person, and a message will be sent to your bracelets when you go back."

Mo Li was about to respond, but Bai Jiu got ahead of him and retorted to Mu Yue: "Teacher Mu Yue, although the competition is scheduled to start at 2 o'clock and the students must be on the scene to prepare, our lateness is also unintentional."

"It was done out of necessity."

Bai Jiu walked out from behind Mo Li, clenched his free hand tightly, and looked into Mu Yue's cold eyes without fear.

Mo Li was stunned by her. Was this still Bai Jiu who had been hiding behind him just now? How could she become so fierce that she dared to confront even the teacher with the most explosive temper?

Mu Yue glanced at the two people's clasped hands, and a trace of melancholy flashed in her eyes. This emotion was hidden very well by her, and even Mo Li, who was very observant, did not notice it."Oh? You had to do it? Tell me in detail why it was inappropriate. If your answer can satisfy me, I can revoke the penalty of deducting contribution points."

Her tone was still as indifferent as ever, and it was impossible to tell whether she was happy or angry.

"We both challenged everyone alone. After the morning competition, we no longer had the strength and energy to participate in the next competition."

"So we found a quiet and deserted place to absorb energy crystals to restore our physical strength and replenish our energy."

"When our bodies recovered to their best condition, it was too late. We have been running at full speed from the rest area to here, and we have never stopped."

Bai Jiu knew that these words would not change the fact that the two of them were late, but she would not give up even if there was only a slight chance.

This was for her and for Mo Li.

Mu Yue thought for a while and continued, "What does this have to do with me? Being late is being late. Violating the rules will lead to punishment."

When Bai Jiu heard this, she stumbled and fell backwards. Fortunately, Mo Li stood behind her and held her back, so she didn't fall in public.

Her eyes became a little dim. She didn't change anything. She thought that with the few words she said, there was a chance that the other party would withdraw the penalty of deducting contribution points, but the facts were not satisfactory after all.

Mo Li patted her back a few times, indicating that she didn't need to do this. Isn't it just deducting 3 contribution points? You can earn it back by doing a task together.

Mu Yue saw Mo Li's movements from the corner of her eye, and the suppressed sad memories surged into her heart like a fountain.

It seemed that he cared about her in this way back then.

That man would stroke her back and comfort her when she was sad.

No matter how hard she was hit, the man would stand in front of her and protect her from those rumors without hesitation.

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