Gu Yuan turned his head when he heard the voice. Before he saw the person, the words had already come out of his mouth.

"Why are you so slow? We are the only one missing you. Hurry up and stand in the queue. The dean will be here soon."

Mo Li acted like a good student. He nodded slightly to Gu Yuan and walked to the front of the group and stood upright.

This is the most common job of the squad leader. No matter it is windy, rainy, or lava lightning, as long as people are not dead, the one standing in the front is always the squad leader.

The position that ordinary people envy is more like a kind of restraint and forced responsibility in Mo Li's eyes.

For him, the responsibility that he is willing to take on actively will make him energetic, and it is difficult for him to be motivated passively.

But he will still do his best to do this well.

After all, it is not for nothing. There are still credits for reward. If there is no reward and he is given a duty that the other party thinks is very noble, Mo Li will definitely refuse it sternly.

He doesn't care if he offends some people.

Because once you are used to being ordered around by such people, they will only treat you as a stinky bug who obeys orders and dares not refute.

Being honest is not wrong, it is a necessary condition for people without power, influence and money to survive.

If you have the ability to resist and still remain honest, then you are very wrong and deserve to be trampled underfoot and bullied.

The voices around him were getting louder and louder, and Mo Li was so bored that his legs were shaking. This was not a solution.

Go and get some information that Teacher Gu Yuan already knows, and get as much as you can, anyway, it won’t be a loss.

Mo Li caught Gu Yuan's attention. He patted him on the back and asked softly, "Teacher Gu Yuan, do you know which monster mountain range is the one for the freshman hunting election?"

"Are you in such a hurry? Never mind. It's okay to say it now."

"Listen carefully. This time you are going to the D-level No. 05 monster mountain range. The strongest monster in it is only level three, which is not so fatal to your personal safety."

Gu Yuan thought for less than three seconds before he told the story in one breath.

"Why are the monsters in the D-level Monster Mountain Range all at level three? The same is true for the D-level No. 80 Monster Mountain Range outside Blue Sea City."

"You have only been in school for a week, and the cultural knowledge storage of the new era is like a drizzle, which can't even fill the bottom of a bucket."

"This will be explained in future courses. It won't affect anything if I tell you now. Just treat it as a free offline tutoring for you."

Mo Li's heart was mixed with mixed feelings, and his face was as deep as a pool of stagnant water. Gu Yuan saw the expression on his face and continued with a smile.

"The level assessment of the Monster Mountain Range is extremely strict. It concerns the lives of tens of thousands of superpower hunters. Every time the level of the Monster Mountain Range is modified, a high-level meeting of Xia Country must be held."

Mo Li pricked up his ears and listened carefully, nodding from time to time.

Gu Yuan was right. Superpower hunters make money by hunting monsters. This is the way for all superpowers to survive.

They don't know about economic development, don't understand the hardships of scientific researchers, and don't understand the hard work of grassroots personnel.

They are also completely in the dark about major international exchanges.

They only have a knife, a sword, and a gun. The only thing they know is to turn the blade outward to resist the monsters that harm humans.

Turn your back inward to protect the brightly lit families.

A gentleman is judged by his deeds, not his heart. No one is a true gentleman by his heart.

Their starting point is for money, there is no doubt about it, but when the beast tide emerges, the meaning of their sword drawing is to protect.

What they protect are the lollipops and hot air balloons in the hands of children, the dreams in the minds of teenagers, the family happiness in the hearts of adults, and the longevity of the elderly.

And the inheritance of the people of Daxia.

When the enemy invades, anyone who invades the territory of Daxia must pay for his sins with blood, and the humiliation he suffers will be washed away by blood.

Xia country gave supernatural hunters a very high status. Their reputations were not allowed to be slandered, and their heroic deeds would be engraved into monuments.

Their names will be recorded in history and passed down through the ages.

They are truly immortal.

As long as Daxia exists, their glory will exist. Even if Daxia ceases to exist, they can be buried in the dust with the people and never be separated.

What Gu Yuan said was normal. When he was studying in Lanhai City, he often saw similar news on TV.

The promotion and demotion of the class in the Monster Mountain Range is related to the changes of the local garrison soldiers. In this regard, Daxia is the best in the International Supernatural Hunters Association.

Mo Li was glad that he was born in a good country like Daxia.

"Student Mo Li, it's a bad habit to be distracted." Gu Yuan suddenly met Mo Li's eyes, and he took a few steps back in shock.

"Sorry, Teacher Gu Yuan, openI missed a small mistake." Mo Li scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Don't do it again."

"Now I will formally answer the question you want to know most. The level of monsters in the D-level Monster Mountain is limited to level three, and it is never allowed to exceed this level."

"If it exceeds this level, either find it and kill it on the spot, or let the danger level of the Monster Mountain be upgraded."

"Even if there is only one?"


Gu Yuan's tone was heavy, and Mo Li's limbs tensed up when he heard it.

Daxia's control over the Monster Mountain is extremely strict. Even if there is only one monster outside the restricted range, it will be found by a carpet search by manpower.

"The highest level of monsters in the C-level Monster Mountain is level five, the corresponding level of B-level is level seven, and the level of A-level is the legendary level nine."

"Only level ten strong men can travel freely in the S-level Monster Mountain. ”

Mo Li's worldview was a little broader at this time, and he also deepened his understanding of the Monster Mountain Range.

"Teacher Gu Yuan, is the D-level No. 05 Monster Mountain Range we are going to this time the best among the D-level Monster Mountain Ranges?"

"No. 05, it is ranked in the top five. Will there be monsters that temporarily break through the level?"

Gu Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect Mo Li to ask such a question, and then he smiled, eyebrows frivolous, and said casually.

"Student Mo Li, you worry too much about this question. The ranking of the Monster Mountain Range is not based on the average strength of the monsters, but on the area of ​​the Monster Mountain Range."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the D-level No. 05 Monster Mountain Range is more than ten times larger than the No. 80 Monster Mountain Range in Lanhai City. If 1,500 freshmen are thrown in, the unlucky students may not even meet their classmates. "

"Student Mo Li, you can put aside all the thoughts of traveling together. It is as difficult to find your companions as to find a needle in a haystack."

"There are also advantages. It will take a lot of effort for the second-year students to find you. This is a double-edged sword."

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