Mo Li lowered his head and thought. Gu Yuan was right. This was a double-edged sword. If he used it well, he could lie down until the end of the hunt and get a generous reward.

If he took on a few simpler tasks, he wouldn't have to worry about the training resources for this semester.

If he was unlucky and bumped into a senior on the first day, he wouldn't have to participate in the subsequent hunts. It would be the best choice to let the senior catch him.

At least he could save himself from the pain of being beaten.

He was very successful in planning the greatest benefits with the least effort.

"Teacher Gu Yuan, how much do you know about the specific situation of the D-level 05 Monster Mountain Range?"

Looking at Mo Li's eyes full of curiosity and expectation, Gu Yuan couldn't refuse. He said in a deep voice.

"There are very few monsters with amazing defense in the D-level No. 05 Monster Mountain Range. Most of the monsters are either extremely aggressive or highly poisonous."

"But I don't think you need to worry about this. You have made sufficient preparations in advance."

Mo Li looked at Gu Yuan's slightly raised mouth and understood what was going on. He simply didn't hide it and spoke frankly.

"My partner and I took anti-poison pills in advance to prevent poisoning. Although the probability is very small, it is not zero after all."

"Teacher Gu Yuan, are you right?"

Mo Li explained calmly.

"Hahaha, classmate Mo Li, you really know how to surprise me. I find that I like you more and more."

"The last sentence is unnecessary."

"You said this so frankly. Aren't you afraid that I will report it to the person in charge?"

Gu Yuan stared straight into Mo Li's eyes, trying to find even a trace of fear.

But no matter how he looked at it, Mo Li's eyes always carried natural confidence, as if it was branded with a hot iron shovel.

The two stared at each other for a long time, until the dean appeared in everyone's sight, and Gu Yuan turned his head away like a loser.

"Student Mo Li, you won. I hope that in the upcoming hunting or in the future growth journey, your dazzling self-confidence will continue to shine."

"I will. I will never give up my self-confidence."

"Good boy, I was not as crazy as you when I was 18 years old. I am looking forward to your outstanding performance in the hunting." Gu Yuan patted Mo Li heavily several times: "Come on, get a good score and win glory for the first grade of the Ice Department."

"As long as your score is good enough, I will apply to the director for your reward."

"By the way, the most important thing is to protect your own life. After all, the competition is a competition. There are countless opportunities to participate in it. There is only one life, so you must take it very seriously."

A ray of warmth as hot as the sun flowed through Mo Li's heart. He smiled and whispered: "Thank you, Teacher Gu Yuan."

Gu Yuan nodded, turned his legs back, and Dean Zhang stood on the front step.

"Children, I believe you are looking forward to the hunting as much as I am. I am an old man who has to deal with tedious things every day except for correcting documents."

"The only entertainment time is spent on flower viewing and tea making. I am so lazy that my body is almost infested with maggots. Don't learn from me in the future. Make your life more exciting."

Dean Zhang's humorous speech made the students present laugh continuously, and the applause was deafening, like thunder exploding in the sky.

"Children, I know you are all very excited, but I still have something to say, so stop for a moment."

Zhang Yuan pressed down with both hands, and the voice stopped abruptly. The difference between before and after was so huge that it was jaw-dropping.

This deterrent power is awesome.

"All of you will take the airship to the D-level No. 05 Monster Mountain Range for a seven-day hunt. Your actions will be recorded in detail on the bracelet."

"All the materials obtained from hunting monsters will belong to you personally. This is also a small benefit I give you."

Zhang Yuan's words completely ignited the passion of the freshmen. They could no longer control their emotions and cheered.

"The dean is wise and powerful, long live the dean!"

"Dean, I love you!"

"Wuhu, I'm rich, I'm rich, dean, you are my second parent!"

Mo Li also clenched his fists excitedly. What he lacked, he got what he needed most. Zhang Yuan's news was like a timely help, which relieved his urgent need.

Mingzhu Academy is indeed a representative of wealth and power. A person who stays in the Monster Mountain Range for seven days can obtain more or less hundreds of thousands of monster materials.

With more than 1,500 students, the income has already exceeded 100 million.

Mo Li had never seen so much money before, and his money-loving nature was fully and perfectly revealed to the outside world at this moment.

"Flying cars, flying boards, armor, just thinking about it makes me feel my blood flow faster, I must return with a full load this time. "

Mo Li was thinking about his inner thoughts and whispered.

"Ahem, kids, calm down, I'm an old man, I can't stand your torture."

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, his eyes were peaceful.

"Okay, okay, let's talk on the airship, teachers of each class, lead the students in their class to board the airship in an orderly manner. "

A huge airship that blocked the sun slowly descended from the sky, like a hurricane's airflow hitting the flesh of every student.

The strong tearing sensation made the students wail, and the exposed skin was scratched with faint blood lines.

Hair soared into the sky, black, blue, white, red, yellow... and so on, all mixed together

Zhang Yuan took a step forward, and powerful energy spread with him as the center, covering the students on the field. The fierce wind could not cause any damage to the energy shield.

"Next time for similar activities, park the airship farther away. Getting too close will hurt the children."

"Okay, Dean!"

Zhang Yuan calmly reminded the person next to him, who quickly bent down and responded repeatedly.

"Thank you, Dean!"

The students tidied their clothes and thanked in unison.

"This is my duty as the dean of Mingzhu Academy. You should get on the airship quickly. "

Just a few seconds after he finished speaking, the airship landed steadily on the ground, and with a bang, a staircase large enough for dozens of people to walk in parallel extended from the inside.

The teachers led the students to land on the airship one by one in an orderly manner.

"Hey, remember to find us when you go up."

Mo Li's arm was bumped by someone. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw Bai Jiu winking at him playfully.

"Wow, squad leader Mo Li, you are so lucky. The white-haired beauty is winking at you."

"Don't call her beautiful girl. That's squad leader Mo Li's girlfriend. Didn't you read the forum?"

"I don't envy squad leader Mo Li for having such a beautiful girlfriend. Who says our squad leader is so outstanding?"

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