The students behind Mo Li said their own things, and took Bai Jiu as his girlfriend on their own initiative.

It was not their fault. The forum was abuzz with the news, and Bai Jiu's message of self-innocence was like a stone sinking into the sea among thousands of comments, and there was no trace of it.

And his classmates were only 18 years old, and their ability to distinguish right from wrong was average, so they naturally followed the general trend.

Rumors spread more and more, even if they were not true, as long as everyone believed in this fact, it was true.

What you hear may not be true, and what you see may not be true, Mo Li was too lazy to waste his saliva.

Even if he explained, his words were still in opposition to the public. This kind of words that went against the inherent thinking of most people would eventually be in vain.

People only want to know what they want to know, and usually respond to things that go against their own ideas with a negative attitude.

When they have reasons, they will double their accusations against you. When they have no reasons, they will also come up with a lot of twisted reasons to shape their image of being fair, upright, and impartial.

Isn't this a kind of human degeneration and social sadness...

Mo Li was powerless to argue. He stood quietly behind Gu Yuan, with an unwavering look in his pupils.

He couldn't change other people's thoughts. All he could do was to be strict with himself and do his best in this chaotic torrent.

"Don't say anything?"

Gu Yuan didn't turn his head and said with his back to Mo Li.

"No need. Just ignore this kind of speech that will cause mental burden." Mo Li laughed at himself and said calmly.

"The collapse of the Taishan Mountain in front of you and your face remains unchanged" is what he is like now.

Gu Yuan glanced back at Mo Li in admiration, without saying a word. When the crowd in front began to move, he waved his arm and led the team into the airship.

Mo Li came to the interior of the airship, which was more than ten times larger than the airship he had taken on the previous level.

He was now in the lobby of the airship, and more than 1,500 students had not yet filled the lobby.

A crystal screen was placed above the airship, explaining the basic information of the D-level 05 Monster Mountain Range that they were going to visit this time.

"Fortunately, I am smart and have predicted that an anti-poison pill can be immune to toxins within five days, which is worth the money."

Mo Li muttered to himself and leaned against the wall in a deserted place.

A hidden gaze fell on him. Mo Li did not look at the person, but he had guessed who it was.

It seems that you are not going to reveal it, so don't blame me for being cruel.

I just don't know whether the body search will be strict or not. If the body search is very strict, this micro-eavesdropping device cannot be used.

Mo Li thought to himself, and touched the micro-eavesdropping device with his hand in his pocket.

Mu Yue only told him that he was not allowed to have anything other than the bracelet, but did not say whether he wanted to be searched, which made him feel very difficult.

An electronic scanner search would definitely find the micro-eavesdropping device in his pocket immediately. He had never experienced a manual search, so he did not know what it actually was.

"Children, look at me first. I have something to announce."

The students were attracted by this shout and looked at Zhang Yuan, and Mo Li did the same.

Zhang Yuan stroked his beard, glanced at the students in the hall, and said peacefully: "I'm calling you because I have something to remind you."

"Some of you must have brought some small things privately, which is strictly prohibited during the hunt, but every year a lot of students still bring them on the airship."

"So I decided today that as long as the small items you hide can escape the search of the electronic scanner, I will pretend to be unaware and let you go."

"Also, I will tell you an old story about a teacher in Mingzhu Academy."

The students were immediately interested when they heard it, and the crowd became silent, all of them focused their eyes on Zhang Yuan's face with bright eyes.

Mo Li was also a little looking forward to it, wanting to hear the teacher's gossip.

Gu Yuan, who was not far away, shuddered, his palms overflowed with dense cold sweat, and his legs trembled imperceptibly.

Mo Li was not too far from Gu Yuan, and he happened to see this action out of the corner of his eye. Of course, he would not miss this abnormal point.

Teacher Gu Yuan was hiding something, and things were interesting.

Just as Mo Li was thinking, Zhang Yuan cleared his throat twice and slowly told what he had prepared in his mind.

"It happened more than ten years ago. During a body search at an activity, a student hid a small thing and escaped the search.

"Later, relying on that little thing, he achieved a good result in the competition."

"After graduation, the student became a teacher at Mingzhu Academy. I won't tell you which teacher it was. I'll tell youLeave some suspense. "

The students in the hall heard this, and their high spirits suddenly became low. The dean was trying to whet their appetites, which was really bad.

Halfway through the melon, it felt like someone had robbed him of his money, and he felt an indescribable depression all over his body.

Mo Li was a little surprised, and his surprise did not come from Zhang Yuan, but from Gu Yuan.

He was worrying about how to hide from the body search, but now he had a perfect way, with a 100% success rate, that is, he had to convince Teacher Gu Yuan.

Mo Li tiptoed to Gu Yuan's side and poked the other's arm lightly.

Gu Yuan suddenly turned around, and when he saw that it was Mo Li, he calmed down again and pretended to be calm.

"Student Mo Li, do you have something to do with me?"

"Teacher Gu Yuan, the dean is talking about you, right?" Mo Li put his mouth next to Gu Yuan's ear and whispered.

"What do you want to do by saying this, student Mo Li? "

"Teacher, I actually have something I want to ask you for help. We are all on the same front. You can't just stand by and watch someone die."

Gu Yuan was silent, and Mo Li didn't say anything either. The two of them just held each other.

After half a minute, Gu Yuan gently pushed Mo Li away. What the other party said was right. The two of them were on the same front.

What's more, the dean also said that as long as he could avoid the search, he would turn a blind eye.

"Tell me how to hide. I will try my best to help you."

He had done this himself, and it was reasonable to help the students. You can't just cut the bridge when you get ashore. It's too unkind to do so.

Mo Li looked around the crowd vigilantly and whispered.

"I want to put the micro-eavesdropper in your hand, and I will take it back after the electronic scanner search is over."

"Micro-eavesdropper? What is your purpose in getting this thing? Don't even think about doing something too outrageous or illegal. I will report you to the dean. "

Gu Yuan must know Xiao Moli's intention to hide the micro-eavesdropping device. This thing has too many changes, and he can't just agree to it casually.

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