
Before dying, the Demon Wolf King howled unwillingly. It tried to stretch its limbs and wanted to stand up and fight the Tiger Monster again.

But the injuries on its body were too serious. The green grass around it had been coated with a layer of scarlet gauze by blood.

After the front paws swung weakly for a few times, the only remaining eye of the Demon Wolf King completely lost its spirit and turned gray.

In this war between beasts, the Tiger Monster relied on its own strong strength to fight with dozens of demon wolves and finally survived.


As the winner, the Tiger Monster howled to the sky, startling many birds hiding in the forest. They flapped their wings and circled in the sky, staring at the several wolf corpses next to the Tiger Monster.

For wild birds, the dead bodies of these beasts are the most delicious food. One animal corpse is enough to feed a nest of birds.

The tiger demon glanced at the birds in the sky with disdain. It slowly licked its bleeding wound and used saliva to stop the bleeding.

Although the recovery ability of monsters is not as good as that of the light-type awakened, they are strong in that they can heal naturally without relying on external forces.

The bodies of monsters are different from those of humans. Even if they are seriously injured, as long as they are not killed on the spot, their injuries will heal themselves over time.

The tiger demon walked to the corpse of the Demon Wolf King, lowered his head and ate the opponent's flesh and blood, eating happily.

The joy of winning made it forget to beware of the danger hidden in the dark.

Mo Li knew that the time had come and it was time for him to take action. He spun his feet and rushed out suddenly on the branches, like a lightning bolt.

Getting closer and closer to the tiger demon, Mo Li turned 360 degrees, and the strength in his hands deepened a few points. The blade carried a hurricane and quickly slashed at the back of the opponent's neck.


A stream of blood splashed on Mo Li's face. His eyes were like ice, extremely cold, without any human warmth.

The black blade was stained deep red by blood. At this moment, Mo Li was like a bloody Shura with murderous intent.


The tiger demon roared in pain, leaped on its hind legs, and retreated several meters away, staring at the human man who had caused harm.

"Is this the vitality of a second-level demon beast? It's quite tenacious."

Mo Li spoke in a surprised voice with interest, tapped the ground with his toes, and the ice element energy wrapped around the man and the beast.

"And you miscellaneous soldiers, get out of here."

Mo Li turned his head and looked carefully. The cold light in his eyes pointed directly at the flying birds in the sky. The blood on the ground gradually solidified into blood-colored ice crystals, and the leaves were covered with frost and ice.

The cold air enveloped and divided the battlefield. It was still sunny in summer outside, but the temperature inside was continuously decreasing, with a tendency to return to zero degrees.

"Ice spikes!"

Mo Li muttered, and the ice spikes rose up and pierced out from the ground.

The tiger monster reacted quickly, moving its injured body to barely avoid the ice spikes. Just as it was about to fight back, several blue beams shot at it.


The ice spikes pierced the tiger monster's torso, and suddenly exploded under Mo Li's control, and the ice mist covered it.

Mo Li did not show any mercy, and threw out dozens of ice spikes, which exploded in the ice mist. For a moment, the ice mist covered the battlefield of the two, and visibility was greatly reduced.

Ice spikes!

Mo Li silently chanted in his heart, and the ice spikes deliberately avoided him and protruded in other places.

This was his full-strength attack. The ice spike technique was created by him when he was learning the yellow-level technique of stepping on ice.

Since the earth-based ability awakening can use earth spikes to attack the enemy, why can't he do it himself?

With this wonderful idea in mind, Mo Li worked hard and studied hard for a whole day. Finally, God did not treat him unfairly and gave him the reward that every hard worker deserves.

The strength of the ice thorn technique is not high, but it can catch the enemy by surprise. Who would have thought that an ice-type awakened person would have earth-type attack methods?

I guess no one could have guessed it.

The key is that the ice thorn can also effectively divide the battlefield, and the control ability is first-class.

In a group battle, the performance of the ice thorn will never let him down. Mo Li is confident in the technique he created.

The ice fog slowly dissipated, and the situation on the battlefield was exposed to the sight of all creatures. The white-haired tiger monster was pierced by several large holes by the ice thorn.

Nail it to the ground.

The blood flowed along the ice thorn on the already red grass, and the bloody rust smell in the air was very strong.


"Ga ga ga!"

The bird swooped down from above Mo Li's head, fearing that it would fall behind and not even get a mouthful of blood.

The instincts of living things are infinitely magnified, and their genes determine their thirst for blood.

"I am tired of living."

Mo Li snorted coldly, frowning his eyebrows in displeasure. These monster corpses areIt was his trophy, so there was no reason to let outsiders take it first.

His eyes condensed, and the overwhelming ice elements rushed straight into the sky. With a wave of his hand, the ice spikes behind his head seemed to have received his order and flew out at this moment.

Puff puff puff!

The ice spikes collided with the flying bird accurately, and the corpse fell from the air. Mo Li was like an elegant dancer, moving his feet slowly and avoiding the rain of flying birds.


Unable to dodge in time, Mo Li was forced to be hit and was hit by the flying bird corpse.

"Damn! This is too much."

"Ice shield."

Mo Li said angrily, his fingertips pointed to the sky, and a huge and transparent ice shield condensed above his head.

About ten seconds later, Mo Li looked up and saw that there was no crystal blue ice shield.

"It's time to clean up the spoils."

Mo Li threw the ice shield, which was redder than the rose, to the side, took out a dagger and walked to the tiger corpse, cutting the opponent's sharp teeth.

"Why is it so thick? I'm exhausted."

Mo Li carefully cut the tiger monster's teeth slowly, fearing that his hands would shake and the cut would not be smooth, resulting in a lower price.

These are all money, resources for his future cultivation, and cannot be wasted.

"And these claws, I'll be busy for a long time."

Mo Li sincerely hoped that Bai Jiu could slow down and not reach the waterfall too quickly. He felt a little sorry for letting the girl wait for him.

"After selling these beast treasures, move some of them to Bai Jiu, Su Qi, Xu Ling and others."

"Especially Su Qi, he has too few cultivation resources, and mine can last for a while, so this money will help him first."

"Bai Jiu and Xu Ling don't lack cultivation crystals, just buy some snacks they like."

Mo Li made a plan in his mind, he took everyone into consideration, but he didn't include himself...

"Hurry up, the smell is too strong, the senior will smell it."

Mo Li increased the strength of his hands, and switched from cutting to sawing. He sawed off the beast teeth one by one and put them into his backpack.

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