The backpack was visibly bulging, and Mo Li's mood gradually became happy. These monster teeth can be used to make weapons, and the sharpness is several times higher than that made of ordinary iron ore.

Some big bosses who want to collect will also buy these beast teeth at a high price and keep them in their own collections.

For those big figures with a net worth of more than eight figures, these monster materials are a symbol of status, and people with high positions and power often have their own hoards.

Although the teeth of the second-level monsters are not rare treasures, there will be people who want to buy them.

Mo Li plans to sell these materials to people in need on the day he registers for the superpower hunting team after leaving the academy to make a small fortune.

He knocked on the bone-white sharp teeth and couldn't understand what was so attractive about this thing. He could understand forging weapons, but he really couldn't understand it when it was preserved as a treasure.

The world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things.

Mo Li couldn't agree with those people, but he didn't slander them. Everyone has their own unique strange hobbies, and he should give them the most basic respect.

Just like I like to cook some side dishes when I have nothing to do, or study and improve the skills I have mastered, and strive to exert greater power.

In terms of recognition, Mo Li has always done a good job. He talks less, watches less, and asks less. This is the rule he has set for himself.

Discussing other people's favorite styles of behavior behind their backs is not his style.

Mo Li squatted on the ground and sawed for a full five minutes. Finally, he got all the teeth of the tiger monster off and put them all into the bag.


"Not bad, it's time to cut off the claws."

Mo Li glanced at the tiger monster that was still open-mouthed after death, and an indescribable weird smile appeared on his face.

The tiger monster lying on the ground opened its bloody mouth, which was empty inside. Only the roots of the white teeth in its mouth were left. The smooth mirror-like incision looked very strange.

Mo Li's sense of humor is very high, but the scene in front of him still made him laugh and chuckle.

A tiger demon that was so majestic not long ago had its teeth sawed off, like a pitiful puppy that died with its eyes wide open.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even leave you a complete corpse. You should blame this damn world."

Mo Li's mouth was flat, and a trace of pity arose in his heart. He buried this trace of compassion in the deepest part of his heart, and his eyes were still so fierce and firm.

In this dark world, Mo Li knew that he couldn't be too emotional. Emotionality would make people impulsive and put themselves in danger inadvertently.

He understood this truth better than anyone else. After all, no one is born indifferent. It was the environment that transformed him. There were also factors of growth, but they accounted for a small proportion.

Only when reason prevails can he survive for a long time in this world full of dangers.

Mo Li spoke indifferently, his face became particularly calm, and his palm was placed on the tiger demon's murderous eyes, gently stroking downwards.

"This is the only thing I can do, digging holes or something, please forgive me for not having so much time."

Mo Li lowered his head, pointed the dagger at his claws, and sawed up and down, his eyes as cold as ice without any emotion.

Halfway through the work, his stomach went on strike and made a growling sound of hunger.

He had not eaten in the morning, and then he had to do such high-intensity exercise. Even if Mo Li had a good physical fitness, he would be exhausted.

"Eat something to restore your strength."

Mo Li took out a compressed biscuit from his backpack and lurked on a tree. The surroundings were extremely quiet. He had not noticed the movements of his senior. Facing unknown risks, he had to be cautious.

He bit off a corner of the compressed biscuit, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it into his stomach without changing his expression.

The taste of the compressed biscuit was indeed a bit bad, but there were both disadvantages and advantages. This kind of professional-level compressed biscuit had a strong sense of fullness.

Unlike the inferior compressed biscuits like snacks, the compressed biscuits provided by Mingzhu Academy are essential dry goods in the wild, which can well supplement the missing nutrients in the body.

He just took a bite, and the hunger in his stomach was relieved immediately.

"Buy more of this next time. It's a bit unpalatable, but the effect is surprisingly good. It will be very useful for carrying out tasks in the wild."

Mo Li stuffed the compressed biscuits into his mouth and took out mineral water to drink it.

The compressed biscuits were too hard to chew, and he could eat much easier with the help of water.


"It's much easier to swallow the compressed biscuits with water." Mo Li wiped the corners of his mouth, and his body returned to its peak state.

"There is such a strong smell of blood here, why is there no one? This is not right. Could it be that he predicted that I would come, so he slipped away in advance?"


A man's voice sounded nearby, reaching Mo Li's ears, and he heard the voice and his expression changed.He was startled and hid in the tree with his body huddled.

He was so unlucky that a senior came to him while he was still in the tree.

Mo Li did not dare to move at all, for fear of causing the leaves to make a sound. He prayed silently in his heart that the other party would not look up.

Anyone with good eyesight could see him hiding in the leaves at a glance.

"At this temperature, he is an ice-type awakener, and his strength is among the top among the freshmen."

"The corpse of the monster was not cleaned up, and the other party is not far away."

"Is it Mo Li who has been rumored on the forum these days? Interesting, really interesting. I accidentally met the top strong man among the freshmen."

The senior had brown hair, brown eyes, and bulging muscles in his arms. He was a little stronger than Wu Qian. The title of human beast fits him very well.

Mo Li knew at a glance that this person was not to be trifled with. The other party's aura that was as strong as a pillar of heaven made him breathless.

There was a distance between the two of them, but the effect was minimal. Mo Li covered his stuffy chest and sweated on his forehead.

This senior was much stronger than the one he met yesterday. His legs stood on the ground, like an unshakable mountain, which was daunting.

I shouldn't have been greedy for these animal materials. Now it's over. I can't get the reward for hunting.

Mo Li thought to himself, feeling a little annoyed and full of regret.

Greed is insatiable, and this time it can be regarded as a lesson for himself.

Thinking of this, Mo Li calmed down his mentality, no longer anxious, and calmly waited for the senior's eyes to move up.

"Let me test the overall strength of this year's freshmen to see if they are as good as ours."

"On the second day of the hunt, we caught an S-level ice awakener. That's enough for me to brag about for a year." The strange senior excitedly said to himself, his fighting spirit burning.

"I'm going to ask the teacher for more contribution points. As an S-level student, it's not too much to give me twice as much. Hehehe, here comes my little cash cow!"

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