At this time, Bai Jiu was sobbing softly in his arms, and her trembling body made Mo Li feel distressed.

"Bai Jiu, are you crying?"

"I'm sorry, I went too far just now. Do you want to hit my head too? I promise I won't complain at all."

The meaning of Mo Li's words was very clear. As long as Bai Jiu was happy, he would let the other party beat him from morning to night.

"I'm too lazy to hit your head, like a childish ghost."

Bai Jiu finally spoke, but from her tone, it can be heard that she is very aggrieved now.

She raised her head, and her wet eyes aligned with Mo Li's line of sight. There was a transparent water mark on Bai Jiu's cheek.

"Look at you crying like this. Rather than saying I'm childish, I think you're the real childish one."

"Honestly, did I hit you too hard and hurt you? If you don't mind, how about I rub it for you?"

Mo Li stared at Bai Jiu and said sincerely.

If someone else said this, Bai Jiu would definitely think that the other person was a scoundrel who wanted to take advantage of him, but Mo Li was just an accident.

"Your strength is not enough to make me cry. I just twisted my ankle when I stood up. Do you think I don't know if you stop?"

"I'll give you a word. Don't treat others as fools, otherwise you are a real fool yourself!" Bai Jiu said word by word.

In her stubborn eyes, Mo Li saw a trace of barely perceptible reluctance.

Hey, you've twisted your foot and you're still so stubborn. Who did you learn this bad habit from? It's better to say it out. I won't laugh at you.

Mo Li heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, thinking a little wronged.

"Okay, okay, I'm a fool, okay? Lift up your twisted foot and show it to me. I'll use my supernatural power to help you relieve it."

"No need, I can still bear it, don't worry about me."

Bai Jiu still said stubbornly.

Mo Li didn't want to say anything to the other party after hearing this, so he pushed Bai Jiu away from him and said calmly.

"I advise you to be obedient and don't force me to use force. I always do what I say, you know this."

Bai Jiu looked at Mo Li's pair of calm eyes, and suddenly felt a panic in his heart. The threat in the other party's words was not concealed, and anyone could hear it.

It's over. This damn Mo Li is really going to force me. Am I going to agree without dignity like this?

No, no, I can't let him touch my feet. Girls' feet are so sensitive. They must not be touched by outsiders. Once Mo Li touches them for the first time, there will definitely be a second and third time.

What if he is addicted to feet? Then I will become the canary in his cage. This is terrible. For my innocence, I must stop this from happening!

Bai Jiu kept thinking about it. The more she thought about it, the more exaggerated her expression became. Mo Li, who was sitting in front of her, slapped his forehead and felt tired.

"I don't want to repeat the same thing again. Hurry up and lift your feet. I'll help you rub them." Mo Li said straightforwardly.


"Are you sure? Then I'll try this trick."

Without giving Bai Jiu a chance to hesitate, he picked him up in a princess hug. Although his feet were sore and numb, Mo Li bit his tongue and endured it.

Compared with pain, the soreness and numbness are more uncomfortable, but Mo Li has a strong will and holds on.

"Ahhh! Put me down quickly, damn Mo Li! You filthy rascal!"

Bai Jiu lay on Mo Li's two arms full of security like a kitten, her legs swinging back and forth, shaking the breeze.

"Haha, do you think it's possible?"

Mo Li bowed his head with disdain, and the masculine breath came to his nose, slapping Bai Jiu's face fiercely. In his pupils, there was a faint smile.

"Okay, we really misjudged you, Mo Li, and I didn't expect you to be a hypocritical hypocrite who likes to attack defenseless beautiful girls when you are alone."

"I will tell Xu Ling, Su Qi and others about this when I go back. I will expose your disguise in front of them, let you be pointed at by thousands of people, and be spurned by everyone!"

Bai Jiu waved her pink fist and kept hitting Mo Li's arm, trying to make the other party let go in this way.

Mo Li walked towards the river without saying a word. Bai Jiu's fist was like a massage stick, and there was no pain at all.

"Can't you move less? I'm already very tired. If you keep doing this,, even if I have extraordinary physical strength, there is nothing I can do. Please, my Miss Bai. "

Mo Li carefully placed Bai Jiu on the river bank and washed his face.

"Okay, I'm going to massage your feet next. Don't move around. I only have this face. If you break it, many people will be sad."

"Tsk, narcissistic ghost, you are just average looking, not even half as beautiful as me."

Bai Jiu raised her head and looked down with contempt.

"Yes, yes, Miss Bai is the most beautiful. I am just an ordinary boy. How can I compare with the beautiful Bai Jiu? "

Mo Li chuckled, moved Bai Jiu to another direction, and then sat down face to face with him.

The girl's long silver eyelashes were very distinctive in the sun, and there was a touch of pink on the tip of his nose.

"I'm going to use the ice element to massage your feet. Don't make a fuss anymore, lest you attract the seniors who are chasing us. I'll be frank with you. I won't care about you if the seniors come."

"A beauty like you, if you meet a cunning senior, you might be..."

Mo Li didn't say it clearly, but his meaning was very straightforward. The smart Bai Jiu understood the deep meaning of this in an instant.

"You dare?"

"If you dare to leave me and run away, I'll beat you to death when I get back to the villa, and I'll write the word Bai Jiu upside down. "Bai Jiu puffed up her cheeks and said with resentment.

"Yes, yes, I dare not, I just said it for a moment. Protecting Miss Bai's safety is my life's mission. Now you should be happy, right?"

Mo Li lifted up Bai Jiu's trouser legs, and the flawless ankles as white as jade appeared in his sight.

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