"I don't think you dare to really abandon me. You are a coward who only dares to talk."

Mo Li did not refute after hearing this, but just nodded and said: "Yes, yes, I am a coward, okay?"

"Come on, stretch out your foot, let me see where you sprained it, the sooner you treat it, the sooner it will heal. You don't want to wait for the wound to swell up."

Bai Jiu looked at Mo Li somewhat unnaturally. Her two calves were now exposed to the air, and even her shoes were about to be taken off by the other party.

"The right heel was twisted."

Bai Jiu's voice was very low. Fortunately, Mo Li was a young man and his hearing was much better than that of ordinary people. He got the news from the other party without any obstacles.

"Pull your left foot back. It will only get in the way if you leave it here. Of course, if you want me to help you take it off, that's fine."

"You're dreaming. One foot is already my limit. Don't even think about taking advantage of me anymore."

Bai Jiu suddenly retracted her left foot and stared at Mo Li with a vigilant look. She suspected that he was a foot fetishist, but she had no solid evidence to prove it.

"Do you think I'm interested in your stinky feet? Don't be so self-indulgent."

Mo Li spoke calmly. He untied Bai Jiu's shoelaces and then put the shoes she took off aside.

The five crystal white toes were exposed in front of the two people. The fiery red nails were full of inexplicable temptation, and the bony instep had a beautiful curve.

"What are you looking at, you perverted foot fetishist."

Bai Jiu said shyly, with a flash of obvious panic in her eyes.

Feet are a girl's private part. From childhood to adulthood, the only person who has touched her feet is her mother. No one else has touched her feet.

Now, her feet were touched by Mo Li. Indescribable shyness surged into her heart. Bai Jiu's face turned rosy in an instant, like the clouds on the horizon at sunset.

"Please don't give me a nickname or slander me. I'm observing your injuries."

"Sure enough, people with dirty minds think crookedly." Mo Li said speechlessly.

He already had a general understanding of Bai Jiu's brain circuits.

Whenever you do something a little wrong, she can always immediately over-understand it and accuse you of it.

Mo Li knew that he couldn't correct Bai Jiu's bad habit with his ability. All he could do was to take care of himself and do his best.

"I don't want to listen, Mo Li is chanting." Bai Jiu covered her ears with her hands, looking extremely proud.

Mo Li had no way to deal with this eccentric little witch, and silence was his last resort to protect himself.

Mo Li glanced at Bai Jiu's red heels, and after finding his position, he adjusted his breathing. The vortex of supernatural power in his body stimulated a stream of energy, and the cold air emanated from the palm of his hand.

"Bear it, it's similar to ice compress, it will hurt a little at first, but it will be fine after a while."

Mo Li put his hand completely on Bai Jiu's heel, and the cold air immediately wrapped around her wound. The cold stimulation swept through the other's mind, causing Bai Jiu to almost lose her voice.

"Just bear it for a while."

Mo Li comforted her at the right time. Bai Jiu's skin was delicate and smooth, and she knew at a glance that she was the one who was spoiled at home.

Dusting, mopping the floor, cleaning, these dirty and tiring jobs are definitely not what she needs to think about.

Eat when you wake up every day, go shopping when you are full, go home to sleep when you are tired, this should be Bai Jiu's daily schedule.

Mo Li listed the things that the other party would do in his mind. After thinking for a while, he murmured with some envy.

"Efforts are still too insignificant in front of reincarnation."

"Some people may climb to the middle level of the pyramid after working hard all their lives, but some people stand at the top of the pyramid when they are born. These gaps are destined not to be made up by diligence."


Mo Li's abnormality was clearly captured by Bai Jiu. She was suspicious and asked in confusion: "What are you mumbling about, pyramid, diligence, are you going to travel abroad?"

"Nothing, you heard it wrong, I didn't say anything just now."

"By the way, how do you feel now, are you more comfortable?"

Mo Li sent all the remaining cold air into Bai Jiu's feet, and the originally swollen sprain was visibly concave, and the color gradually faded at this moment.

"Hehe, I feel much better. The ice ability is even more effective than ice packs. It's really effective!"

Bai Jiu hummed subconsciously, and then said in surprise.

Ice packs take at least a few hours to be effective, but now it's only been a few minutes since I sat down, and my injuries have almost healed.

This speed is too fast.

"Since you are healed, let's get ready to move.Let's go, time waits for no one, I have to hunt monsters as soon as possible to exchange for funds for cultivation. "

Mo Li exerted force on his toes, jumped up, and put the hand that had touched Bai Jiu's heel into the water and rubbed it repeatedly several times.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean, do you think my feet are dirty?"

Bai Jiu couldn't hold it anymore. She had never been so angry before. It was a great honor for the other party to touch her feet.

But Mo Li was so good. Not only did he not thank her for her kindness, but he also made such a disgusting move.

In her heart, a rage that could burn the world arose, and the target of this flame was Mo Li who was still washing his hands.

"That's what you saw. It's so obvious. Do I need to give you a hint? "Mo Li said innocently.

The feet are a very dirty part. When you exercise with shoes on, the sweat secreted will stick to your feet, which will make your feet emit an unpleasant odor.

Not to mention that dirt will also grow in the gaps between the toes.

Mo Li is a mild mental and physical cleanliness patient. If he touches these places with a lot of bacteria, he will quickly clean them afterwards.

"Mo Li, you are looking for death. I will beat you to death today!"

Bai Jiu didn't even have time to put on his shoes. He stood up from the ground and waved his sandbag-sized fist at Mo Li.


Mo Li didn't even turn his head back. He easily avoided the attack by turning sideways. Only calmness can lead to victory. Bai Jiu's anxious and hurried appearance will sooner or later lead to defeat.

"Ah! "


The sound of an object falling into the water and a woman's scream suddenly alternated. Mo Li was stunned when he heard the sound. His eyes suddenly widened and his expression instantly became distorted.

He dodged Bai Jiu's attack by the river. It happened that the other party had a shoe on one foot and no shoe on the other foot. It was inevitable that an accident would happen when running.

Under such external obstacles, falling down was just a matter of luck.

Thinking of this, Mo Li was no longer hesitant. He turned around quickly and jumped into the river. The fear in his eyes reached the extreme that could be achieved at this second.

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