
Another sound of falling into the water sounded. Mo Li held his breath, squinted his eyes and swam quickly in the water. His body was as agile as a fish, and he swam very flexibly and freely.

Mo Li himself is a sports enthusiast. He often went to the swimming pool in junior high school and swam more than a dozen times every weekend.

With this long-term training, Mo Li's breath holding time and swimming speed when diving are much better than those of ordinary people.

Oops, this time it's too late. Bai Jiu's feet were injured, which more or less affected her normal walking, and I deliberately provoked her and made her angry.

Even avoiding Bai Jiu's attack, it's not surprising that she would fall into the river under this inertial momentum. I should have thought of it earlier.

Mo Li, Mo Li, you are such a fool. If Bai Jiu drowned, I wonder what you would do!

Mo Li scolded himself in his heart. If he was on the shore, he would definitely slap himself in the face.

Although his vision was greatly obstructed, Mo Li still tried his best to look around.

Finally, by a waterweed, he found Bai Jiu, whose calves were entangled by the waterweed. The other party was struggling hard at this time, and a strong fear appeared on her pretty face.

"Bai Jiu! Give me your hand!"

Mo Li subconsciously urged his mental power. Now he focused all his attention on Bai Jiu, and didn't realize what he had just done.

This voice... is Mo Li, is he calling me? No, I have to untie the waterweed quickly, and then go ashore and beat him up to vent my hatred.

Bai Jiu got angry when she thought of Mo Li. If he hadn't avoided her impact, she would have fallen into the water without control.

She drew dozens of ideas in her mind to teach Mo Li a lesson, guaranteeing that he would be in so much pain that he would cry out to the sky and the earth.

Why is this waterweed so difficult to pull? If it continues like this, it will be a big trouble.

Bai Jiu's expression began to become anxious. She put her hands together in front of her chest, trying to burn the water grass with flames.

As soon as the flames appeared, they were extinguished by the endless water flow. Bai Jiu's current strength was not enough to support her against the environment.

It's over. This time, she is really going to capsize in the gutter.

Mo Li heard Bai Jiu's wailing faintly not far away. Realizing that the situation was about to get out of control, he suddenly exerted force with his legs, and the whole person shot out like a beam of light, and swam to Bai Jiu's side in a few breaths.

Realizing that Bai Jiu's situation was not good, Mo Li bent down directly, grabbed the water grass with both hands and exerted force suddenly, and several blue veins crawled all over his arms at this moment.

Because he was underwater, Mo Li couldn't use his full strength, and the strength he could use was particularly limited. It was difficult to tear off the tough water grass with brute force.

Mo Li's face was flushed, and in his eyes, there was an unconcealable anxiety.


As soon as Bai Jiu opened her mouth, she was choked by water.

Mo Li leaned forward and held Bai Jiu's slender waist with one hand. He was about to breathe for her, but changed his mind and held back.

Several bubbles rose from the water to the riverside. The bodyguard standing above the waterfall saw this scene, and his frowned eyebrows moved inward, twisting into a black line connecting his eyes.

"Why hasn't Miss Bai Jiu come up yet? Is that kid capable? Can't he even do such a small thing as swimming to save people?"

"If the boss hadn't given me a clear order that he must not be found unless Miss Bai Jiu's life was threatened, I would have let this kid know what the evil of society is!"

The bodyguard stood there and wandered around, his expression was extremely solemn. He almost rescued her several times, but the boss's majesty was too great, and he shuddered just thinking about it.

After a few minutes, a lot of bubbles appeared on the river surface, and two figures that were dim and bright broke into his field of vision.


Mo Li stretched out his hair that had been soaked by the river water. Beside him, Bai Jiu, who was choked by water, was coughing non-stop.

"Cough cough cough!"

"This feeling is too uncomfortable. I swear I don't want to experience it again." Thinking of the suffocating feeling that rushed straight into his heart, Bai Jiu was a little scared.

"Actually, it's okay. Diving is one of my sports hobbies. I'm used to this feeling."

Mo Li lifted his bangs and said naturally.

Bai Jiu, who was next to him, heard this and was so angry that he raised his left foot and stepped hard on Mo Li's toes.

"Fuck! What are you crazy about!" Mo Li shouted in pain.

Bai Jiu did not stop her punishment. Her left foot kept stepping down. Once Mo Li dodged, he would continue to follow up until he stepped on it.

"Even if you kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy, I will notIf I beat you to a cripple, I will take your last name, Bai Jiu!"


The woman's cry echoed throughout the world. The bodyguard who was hiding in the dark and observing saw his lady's actions and nodded slightly with great satisfaction.

This is what a lady of the Bai family should be like, high and mighty, looking down on everything. As a well-known family in Daxia and even the whole world, this behavior is too normal.

"The lady is still the same lady. It seems that my previous worries are unnecessary. Family status and so on must be dominated by Miss Bai Jiu. That good-looking boy, you should be a henpecked husband."

The bodyguard put the communicator in his pocket. He specially recorded the video in order to share the gossip about the two with his boss after returning to the imperial capital.

"The noise here is a bit loud. I have to do something a little bit. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he used his low-level earth-level magic, Holy Light Mist. This magic was not the slightest bit offensive, and its purpose was to conceal people's eyes and ears.

As his palm turned down, a layer of colorless and invisible smoke enveloped the area within a five-kilometer radius of the two people. Helping the young lady win the championship without being noticed was also one of his missions.

His purpose was to do his best to help the young lady, even if he had to go through fire and water, die, and give everything, he would not refuse!

Mo Li and Bai Jiu did not feel the changes in the surrounding environment, but fought more fiercely.

"Damn Mo Li, if you are a man, don't run. If this young lady's foot is not sprained, you have no right to run away!"

Bai Jiu dragged the wound and ran towards Mo Li quickly. The pain under her feet could not stop her revenge plan. She was so angry that she just wanted to beat him up.

"I'm not a prophet, how can I know the accident later? Aren't you forcing others?"

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