Mo Li rushed forward at full speed with Silver Light, and suddenly, several vines grew underground and blocked his escape direction.

Mo Li's eyes were cold, with vines in front and pursuers behind, he was trapped.

Unable to escape, he stepped on the ground with one foot, and the power exploded under his feet. He shot out with murderous intent in his eyes.

Even if he couldn't escape, he would try his best to leave an unforgettable memory for the other party.


Mo Li's fist collided with the other party, and he only felt his arm numb from the shock. If he hadn't been wearing C-level armor, his whole hand would probably have been useless.

The other party's fist was like a mountain, and it couldn't be shaken at all.

He was wearing C-level armor, which was comparable to a fourth-level psychic, but he couldn't get any advantage in his hands. The other party was at least a fifth-level psychic.

Mo Li found the right time and chopped the other party's neck with another hand blade, as fast as lightning.

The opponent moved quickly, clamping Mo Li's hand blade with one hand, and defending tightly, not giving him a single chance.

He was about to laugh at Mo Li's arrogance when he found an ice spike piercing his face in the air, and hurriedly blocked it.

Mo Li took advantage of the opponent's gap and kicked the opponent's abdomen fiercely, taking the opportunity to flip his body backwards, and the whole set of movements was smooth and flowing.

The opponent was kicked by him and flew several meters away, until he hit a tree, and his speed slowed down.

Mo Li didn't give him a chance to react, and grabbed his arm with one hand again. While he was in a trance, he lifted him up and kneed him in the stomach.

With a bang, a dull sound sounded, and Mo Li was still not satisfied after the kick, and then he came several times.

"Boy, you must die today!"

He didn't expect that he was not paying attention and the opponent found an opportunity, and a set of combined attacks almost beat him half-paralyzed.

Fortunately, he was already a fifth-level psychic, with greatly improved strength and physical body. If he were a fourth-level psychic, he might have fallen here.

Mo Li did not hesitate at all. The moment the other party's angry voice sounded, he rushed directly to the side. A wooden thorn rose from the ground. If he was a step later, he would be in a string.

Not good!

The instinct of the creature strongly told him that danger was coming. Mo Li's body shook, his legs suddenly exerted force, and he retreated violently, and another wooden thorn pierced out from the ground.

If he continued like this, he would be tired sooner or later and unable to dodge. He had to take the initiative.

Mo Li condensed a half-human-high ice blade in his hand and quickly approached the enemy who was controlling the vines in the distance. The speed was so fast that a few afterimages appeared behind him.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his pupils shrank, and he stared at the enemy in front of him. Suddenly, he swung his knife and turned around to chop. The sharp blade directly cut the newly protruding wooden thorn in half.

The smooth blade reflected Mo Li's blood-red pupils, like a bloody Shura, with a murderous aura all over his body.


Mo Li shouted angrily, holding his breath and concentrating, veins on his hands bulged, and the blade flashing with cold light slashed down, and the vines in front of it were split in half from the middle.


When the ice blade touched the giant hand wrapped in vines on the opposite side, it shattered in less than three breaths, and the crystal ice danced in the air.

Mo Li was in a trance for a moment and immediately took action, supporting himself with his palms, and his legs suddenly tightened, clamping the opponent's arm and twisting it hard.

With the blessing of the armor, although he could not smash the opponent's hand bones, he could still make the opponent fall.

"Not good!"

He was shocked in his heart. When the ice blade broke, he subconsciously thought that the opponent had no so-called means of attack, but he ignored that Mo Li's fighting instinct was also extremely skilled.

His whole body lost balance and fell sideways, with a leg in metal armor coming towards his face.



With the dull impact, it felt like a train was running over the sky. He almost heard the sound of bones breaking, and his whole face was in great pain.

Touching his face, a large area was concave. He knew without thinking that he must be disfigured. He collapsed at first, and then was covered by anger.

He changed his mind. He wanted to chop off Mo Li's limbs, cut off his tongue, dig out his eyes and put them in a jar. He also wanted to use drugs to keep him alive and not let him die, so as to avenge his disfigurement.

He got up dejectedly and was about to fight back when a fist as big as a sandbag appeared in front of him.

Mo Li would never give him a chance. Swinging his arms was a set of unregulated fighting methods. No matter what, it was right to hit him in the face.

When he was fighting excitedly, a hand tightly grasped his arm, as if it was an iron clamp and could not be shaken. With one hand, the five knuckles tightly grasped Mo Li's arm, and his armor was broken by this hand.The fingers were slightly concave.

"I want you to die!"

He stood up from the ground, his face swollen like a pig's head, and looked at Mo Li with resentment.

The strength in his hands continued to grow, and Mo Li's arms were squeezed, and the pain from his palms was excruciating.

His arm strength was very strong, and with a light lift, Mo Li's legs left the ground, his body soared into the air, and his fist suddenly exerted force, hitting Mo Li's vital abdomen.


Mo Li only felt a burning pain in his abdomen, and countless ribs were broken. The warm liquid in his mouth sprayed into the inside of the armor.

His fingers loosened, the power dissipated, and Mo Li knelt on the ground.

His legs like arrows suddenly kicked out, like a cannonball hitting himself, and the strong force made Mo Li roll on the ground for countless times before stopping.

Mo Li listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer, and there were a few blue lights flowing in the palm of his hand on the ground. This was his last attack. If he failed, he would die.

He slowly approached Mo Li, not knowing whether the opponent was dead or not. He had seen the scene of a dying blow and killing the opponent before, so he was very careful at this moment.

He was hit so many times, and the opponent was obviously much weaker than him, which also left him with a shadow in his heart. It would be the same for anyone who was hit in the face by others.

Listening to the footsteps that stopped beside him, Mo Li was sure that it was time. He raised his palm and slapped the opponent.

Boom! The ice element vented everywhere, but the opponent was not touched by him.

The vines surrounded the opponent's body, like a flexible giant python. Mo Li's full-scale burst of ice element was blocked by the opponent's vines.

"It's over."

Mo Li was as dead as ashes.

The vines rolled up Mo Li again, and the power emanated from the vines. He felt as if all the bones in his body were about to be shattered. The force was so strong that his breathing became difficult and his face turned red.

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