Mo Li didn't say a word, biting his lower lip tightly with blood oozing out of it.

"Scream, scream if you can't help it, the louder you scream, the more excited I am, hahahahaha!"

The vine was like a giant hand, squeezing Mo Li's bones all over his body, but he kept his lips tightly closed, and didn't make a sound even if he bit his mouth.

Perhaps he was irritated by Mo Li's stubbornness, and he once again controlled a sharp wooden thorn to stab Mo Li's arm.

"Uh ah!"

The piercing pain made Mo Li's face pale, his mouth suddenly loosened, and a hysterical voice shouted from his throat.

"Hahaha, that's it, I can't relieve my hatred unless I torture you to death." He laughed crazily, completely ignoring how disgusting he looked when he laughed at this time.

The crazy smile on his uneven face made people's eyelids jump.

As he was talking, several more wooden thorns pierced Mo Li's limbs. He could no longer bear the pain, his head drooped, and he fainted.

Just as he was about to plant the seeds for Mo Li, a burst of hurried footsteps came faintly, gradually approaching.

"It's too late, then please die!" He suddenly controlled a wooden thorn towards Mo Li, with a crazy light flashing in his eyes.


A wooden thorn pierced through Mo Li's body and drilled out from the back of his body. He did not take the wooden thorn back, but left it here for the people behind to appreciate his masterpiece.

He moved his body, hid behind the bushes, slid forward quietly, his footsteps were silent, and then disappeared into the forest.

However, he did not notice that the pendant on Mo Li's chest slowly entered his body with a trace of energy, and the heart that was about to stop beating began to tremble slowly at this moment.


A few minutes ago, Mo Zhongguo and his group found Xu Wan, Wang Xue and others in the woods.

"Ms. Xu, Ms. Wang, how are you? Are you injured?"

The man looked at them and spoke softly, his eyes scanning from top to bottom. Fortunately, there was only a little dust on the two of them, and there was no sign of injury.

Xu Wan was extremely anxious after hearing this, and looked at everyone and said hurriedly: "Now is not the time to talk about this, hurry up, go and save Mo Li and them, they are being chased!"

Mo Zhongguo originally wanted to ask the other party if he had met his son, and wanted to inquire about the direction they were going.

But when he heard that his son was being chased, he quickly grabbed one of the other party's arms, his face was extremely panicked, and he spoke urgently.

"Do you know which direction Mo Li fled to? He is my son, please tell me."

The group of bodyguards also came over and heard from the other party that not only Mo Li was being chased, but also the son of their boss. This scared them so much that they almost died.

"I, I installed a tracker on their backpacks."

Xu Wan lifted the reconnaissance device in her hand, on which the location of the micro tracker could be clearly seen.

Mo Zhongguo took it, found the correct location, stepped out, and rushed over quickly. The bodyguards and the small group of soldiers behind him also followed him.

"You guys should go quickly, too. They are our saviors. Take me and Wang Xue with you. We are light and water psychics. We can help them if they are injured."

Xu Wan hurriedly spoke, stomping her feet on the ground, feeling very irritable. Wang Xue also responded.

"Ms. Xu, Ms. Wang, we are only responsible for your safety. You are making us very..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xu Wan and Wang Xue looking at him with murderous eyes. He dared to guarantee that if he said no, he would be finished after returning.

In order to save his life, he could only nod and wave his hand. A group of people came out from behind and led Xu Wan and the others to the direction of Mo Zhongguo and the others.

Mo Zhongguo and the others, the weakest of whom had the strength of the third level, rushed to the location of the signal device in about a minute at full speed.

"There are no signs of fighting here, why does it show that the micro tracker is nearby."

Mo Zhongguo was a little anxious, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger. The heart hidden in his body was shaking faster than before, as if it was about to break out of his body. This uneasy feeling made him panic.

"We found someone, there is a person lying in the bushes over here." A soldier from the rescue team shouted loudly.

A group of people rushed over immediately after hearing the sound, and Mo Zhongguo was no exception, but he was very surprised in his heart. Why was there only one person? Didn't they say that Mo Li and Su Qi were together?

When he saw the person lying on the ground clearly, his heart instantly sank, and his hands trembled unconsciously.

Su Qi!Su Qi was lying on the ground alone, where was Mo Li.

The bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. Fortunately, their boss's son was fine, otherwise they would be in trouble.

"Where is my son Mo Li? Why isn't he here?" Mo Zhongguo said somewhat dejectedly.

Everyone looked at him when they heard this. One of them was about to speak to comfort the other person, when suddenly, a cry of pain came from a distance.

"This is my son's voice!"

After hearing this, Mo Zhongguo rushed straight to the place where the sound came from. All the trees blocking his way were broken by him. He couldn't wait a moment now. The only thought in his mind was to find his son quickly.

After seeing this, the others left a few people to protect Su Qi, and the rest followed again, at an incredibly fast speed.

But when they found Mo Li, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them. Mo Zhongguo even collapsed to the ground, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

At this moment, Mo Li's limbs were nailed by the vines underground, and the center of his body was pierced by a wooden thorn the size of a baby's head. Blood flowed along the wooden thorn onto the ground, filling a small pit nearby.

"Hurry up and save people, hurry up, is there any light or water ability users in the team? Hurry up and treat him."

Those who reacted first shouted to the people around them.

"I'll do it, Wang Xue and I can treat him."

Xu Wan and Wang Xue, who rushed over, were frightened by this scene, covering their mouths with one hand, eyes full of disbelief.

Mo Li, who was still energetic and like a banished immortal yesterday, now looked like a bloody man, with no life in his body.

However, they also took action immediately and rushed over to treat him. At present, a second later may make Mo Li closer to death, and they can't delay any longer.

Walking in front of Mo Li, Xu Wan and Wang Xue tried their best to catalyze the light and water elements in their bodies to treat Mo Li's injuries.

Noticing that Mo Li still had a heartbeat, Xu Wan and Wang Xue excitedly said to Mo Zhongguo: "Uncle Mo, Mo Li is fine, he is fine, he is still alive!"

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