The next morning, Mo Li walked out of the room, he was no longer confused.

If he awakened a powerful superpower, he would become a hunter, kill all those bloodthirsty monsters, and protect the lights of thousands of homes behind him.

But if he didn't awaken his superpower, he would also become a soldier, do his part, or do something he wanted to do, such as cooking.

Now Mo Li exuded a confident glow all over his body, with the expectation of the awakening day in a few days, he opened the door and walked out.

After not having to go to school, the two decided to meet at Su Qi's house.

"Brother Li, do you think I can awaken my superpowers?"

"If I awaken my superpowers, will I become very strong, and break the mountains and rocks with my hands?"

"Will there be many girls who like me?"

For today's question boy Su Qi, Mo Li said don't ask me, I don't know, I'm a fool.

"Just tell me, please, Brother Li~"

With a vomit, Mo Li pushed him away, his eyes wide open, and pointed at him.

"You can't play like this, mental attack!"

"I advise you to stay away from me, or I'll throw you down the building."

Because the building is two stories high, it can't cause any damage to people today.

"This is just a joke, Brother Li, calm down."

"Then Brother Li, can you answer my question?"

Su Qi slowly approached Mo Li, revealing a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'm really scared of you."

"The probability of awakening superpowers is about one in twenty, and it may be even lower. We have more than 20,000 people waiting to be awakened in Blue Sea City, and the maximum number will not exceed 1,500 anyway."

"As for the strength of superpowers, it depends on your luck. Most of them are C-level and D-level, and B-level and above are extremely rare."

"I heard that the number of A-level superpower awakeners in a city each year will not exceed one hand."

Mo Li answered his questions one by one. As for whether girls like it or not, it's a joke. He himself is a single dog with zero foundation in love, how can he know.

Isn't this just poking at his own blind spot of knowledge?

"Then Brother Li, if both of us can awaken superpowers by then, we will create a superpower hunting team together in the future."

"If we join forces, no one will be better than 50-50."

Mo Li spread his hands and walked away directly, wanting to be alone and quiet.

After Su Qi finished imagining his great cause, Mo Li went downstairs early and sat on the sofa and ignored him.

The door clicked, and a middle-aged man pushed the door and walked in quickly. This was Su Qi's father, Su Yingtian.

The man was wearing a suit, and the aura of majesty on his body had not yet dissipated. He should have just returned from the company after a meeting.

Seeing Mo Li sitting on the sofa, the man smiled at him.

"Xiao Li, you are here. How are you? Are you used to staying at your uncle's house?"

"If you are hungry, you can ask Su Qi to help you get some food. If you are thirsty, there are drinks in the refrigerator."

"Just treat it as your own home. Uncle has something to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he hurried upstairs.

There are very few people who can make Su Yingtian treat them with a smile, and Mo Li happens to be one of them.

Not only because he is a friend of his son Su Qi, but the most important point is that he has seen his son sparring with Mo Li.

Mo Li's performance in the battle can be described as perfect, and his son can't get any advantage in front of him.

Mo Li's fighting talent is terrifying. Not only is his punch deadly, his own reaction is also beyond ordinary people, and he is calm in dealing with crises.

A natural warrior, this is Su Yingtian's evaluation of him, he seems to be born for fighting.

Therefore, Su Yingtian has a good impression of Mo Li. His son can learn fighting skills by following him, which are important means of saving his life in the future.

It seems that Su Qi loses every time, but it is in the repeated failures that his fighting quality is gradually improving.

He has seen a lot of intrigues in the workplace. Often two people are brothers in the previous second, and stab you in the back in the next second. Su Yingtian does not want his son to live in such an environment.

His son treats people sincerely. This kind of character is right or wrong.

But in this era, this kind of character is the easiest to ruin your life.

Bad people usually live longer than good people because they have no morals, no sense of shame, and can do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

His vision is so sharp that he can tell whether Mo Li is sincere about his son.

Su Qi is at ease with Mo Li.

"Yes, brother Li, put thisTreat it as your own home. Tell me what you need. What's mine is yours. "Su Qi said to Mo Li as he walked downstairs.

"Thank you. I'll tell you if you need anything."

"We're still friends. No need to thank me."


Days passed by, and soon it was the day of awakening.

July 1, 8 o'clock in the morning

The sun shone through the window on Mo Li's face, and the whole person seemed to be stained with a layer of golden halo.

Ding Ding Ding——

This is the alarm that Mo Li set last night. He has been looking forward to this day for too long.

He reached out to turn off the alarm, got out of bed, stretched his body, and felt refreshed. Mo Li's slightly lazy face was full of excitement.

Mo Li deliberately wore a white T-shirt today, a black sweater on the outside, and white pants on the bottom. The whole person was full of youth.

Brushing teeth and washing face, the whole person's breath became capable.

"Xiao Li, breakfast is on the table, all your favorite. "

"Okay, Mom!" Hearing his mother's voice, Mo Li smiled happily.

There was a basket of shiny meat buns, a cup of soy milk, and two eggs on the table.

After finishing his breakfast quickly, Mo Li said hello to his mother, opened the door and ran out.

The awakening location was located in the square of Blue Sea Academy. It didn't take long for him to get to the destination after taking a taxi.

At this time, the square was crowded with people. At a glance, it was full of black heads. Mo Li estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of people.

Mo Li searched around for five minutes but didn't find the gathering place of his school. He had no choice but to call Su Qi's communication device.

After telling Su Qi about his experience, the other party just asked him to wait for him there.

Standing in the original Mo Li, who was on the ground, immediately attracted the attention of a group of girls. Some of the more daring ones came up to Mo Li and asked for his communication device account.

Just when Mo Li was in a dilemma and didn't know how to deal with it, Su Qi took the opportunity to pull him out.

Then the two of them ran to the gathering place. There was no way. The fighting power of this group of girls was too strong. Two people who had never been in love didn't know how to face it.

After seeing that they had been shaken off, the two slowed down and breathed deeply, as if they had experienced a war.

"Brother Li, you are too lethal to the opposite sex. I saw you surrounded by a group of women from a distance. Fortunately, I pulled you away in time, otherwise I guess your chastity would be lost."

"How should I know? You asked me to stand there, and I stood there without doing anything, and they surrounded me."

"Sure enough, my mother was right. Men should protect themselves when they are outside. "

Mo Li, who had recovered, muttered a few words with lingering fear. Fortunately, Su Qi appeared in time, otherwise he really didn't know what would happen.

"Okay, Brother Li, let's go to the gathering place first. The awakening will start soon." Su Qi stood up and led the way.

Not long after walking, he saw a group of familiar figures, who were his classmates.

Mo Li, who found the large group, was really relieved. He looked at the time and saw that there were less than five minutes before the awakening began.

In addition to the teachers leading the team from each school, there were students from other schools.

Everyone's face was filled with joy, excitement, tension...all kinds of emotions.

There was a huge platform in the center of the square, with fifty stone pillars standing upright on the platform, about half a person's height.

Each stone pillar was placed with a transparent round bead, and there was a faint light flowing in it.

"The awakening unified examination has officially begun. All candidates are requested to go on stage in the order of arrival. "

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