A not very loud but very clear voice sounded on the stage, and everyone's eyes were drawn to the four people standing on the stage.

"These three are the admissions officers of the three universities in Lanhai City. They will review you today."

The person standing in the middle quietly stepped down after saying this.

"Please go to the stage in an orderly manner to receive awakening, students who have registered for me."

The middle-aged man standing in the middle of the three spoke at this time.

One by one, the people whose names were reported walked onto the stage, and under the gaze of the crowd, they had the most important moment of their lives, looking at the beads in their hands with expectation on their faces.

Unfortunately, the first group of people who walked up did not awaken their superpowers. This probability was even lower than what Mo Li said, but it could also be that these people were too unlucky.

When they saw their dreams shattered in their hands, some people turned pale, some clenched their hands, and some even started to cry.

They knew the importance of awakening superpowers since they were young, and they also knew that the possibility of failure was very high.

But when I really saw this scene happening in front of me, I just felt short of breath and depressed.

Mo Li also sighed. Although it was cruel, this was the reality. The gap between those with superpowers and those without superpowers was like a chasm.

The students around them also looked at them with sympathy, and no one laughed at them.

They also knew that when they came on stage, most of them would fail.

"The probability is so low. Will we be like this?"

"I don't know. I used to hope that this day would come sooner, but when it really came, I was scared and wanted to escape."

"Yes, yes..."

Soon the second batch of students went up. This time, two people awakened their superpowers. One was a C-level fire awakener, and the other was slightly inferior, a D-level earth awakener.

"I actually awakened the fire power, and it's C-level, hahahaha! Great!"

"Brother, you're great. I have a D-level earth power."

The two walked off the stage with laughter, and the other eight looked at them with some jealousy.

"Oh my god, look at how arrogant they are after awakening their powers."

One person said unconvinced.

"Then what can you do? They are already superpowered people now. What can we compare with?"

The people next to him retorted.

"Isn't it just a superpower? I'll awaken one later."

"You think superpowers are cabbages, and you can awaken them if you want. Why don't you say that you can fly into the sky with your left foot on your right foot, or you can wave your hands."

"Are you looking for trouble?"

"I'm so anxious, hahaha."

Listening to the two funny guys quarreling with each other, the people next to them also laughed, and the atmosphere became a lot more relaxed.

The third batch, the fourth batch, the fifth batch... a group of people came on stage one after another.

Time has also gone from morning to evening, and the number of awakened people has gradually increased.

There are about 800 D-level awakened people, C-level has been reduced to more than 300, B-level has less than 100 people so far, and A-level has not even one.

Next is Blue Sea No. 1 Middle School where Mo Li is.

Watching his classmates go on stage one by one, some successfully awakened, and some failed.

Su Qi's body began to tremble, and his hands clenched unconsciously, red like a pig's hoof.

Mo Li patted him and told him to relax and not be nervous.

Mo Li seemed very calm and steady like an old dog, but his heart was actually in turmoil, and his appearance was all fake.

If he showed it, Su Qi would only be more nervous, and he could only counsel Su Qi like now and persuade him to calm down.

With Mo Li's persuasion, Su Qi also slowly calmed down, took a deep breath, and his hands gradually loosened. The muscles of his whole body were no longer tense, and his body stopped trembling.

"Lanhai No. 1 High School, Lin Zefeng... Please come on stage in an orderly manner."

Soon a familiar name sounded in the ears of the two people, and when they looked over, Lin Zefeng and others were already standing on the stage.

Holding the bead in his hand, suddenly a strong fire aura began to gather around him.

The scorching air spread around, and everyone felt hot all over, and those who were close began to sweat.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man who looked stronger moved directly in front of him, and Lin Zefeng was a little at a loss.

Now he is completely different from the arrogant and domineering look before, like a docile little white rabbit.

"A-level fire ability awakener, finally an A-level one, this trip is not in vain."

"Student Lin Zefeng, my name is Zhang Hu, the person in charge of Xialong Academy this time, you can consider our Xialong Academy, we will try our best to meet your conditions."

"Their Xialong Academy openedOur Mingzhu Academy can also agree to your conditions. "

"Our Imperial Academy is the same."

The heads of the three universities publicly extended an olive branch. The sudden joy made his mind stunned for a short time, and soon he became excited again.

"These are the three strongest universities in Daxia. Even they have reached out to me. I am indeed a genius."

Thinking of this, Lin Zefeng felt very superior. He glanced at the people in the audience with contempt. Looking at their envious and jealous eyes, he felt very comfortable.

The students in the audience looked at him and wanted to pull him down and beat him up.

"Isn't it just an A-level superpower? I don't envy it. I don't envy it. Why can he awaken an A-level superpower, but I haven't even awakened an E-level superpower."

"Oh, it's really annoying to compare yourself with others. The most important thing is his look. He is as arrogant as a millionaire."

"Don't say anything. Be careful if he hears it. He will seek revenge on you. "

"I know this person, Lin Zefeng from No. 1 Middle School, he is famous for bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and he will never let go of any grievances."

"Yes, yes, let's just shut up."

A helpless sigh was heard in the square below the stage.

Lin Zefeng looked at the group of people who wanted to do something to him but couldn't, and his tail was almost up to the sky.

He looked back at his school and saw Mo Li and Su Qi, with a little mockery in his eyes, thinking of finding an opportunity to teach them a lesson.

The two looked at each other without showing any weakness, and Su Qi even gave him a middle finger.

With a snort, Lin Zefeng no longer paid attention to them. After all, he and they were now people from two different worlds.

As the number of people continued to decrease There were only a few people who had not yet participated in the awakening. Soon Su Qi also came on stage.

Looking at the bead in front of him, Su Qi put his palm tremblingly on it, and he was looking forward to it.

He hoped that he could successfully awaken his superpowers, and it would be best if he could reach level A.

He didn't want to be looked down upon by a bastard like Lin Zefeng. As time passed, he didn't know if his wish would come true.

A large amount of wind elements gathered in his palm, and a green light shone on him.

"Level A wind superpower, another level A, this child is determined by my Mingzhu Academy."

"Bullshit, if you say it's your Mingzhu, it's your Mingzhu, you really can flatter yourself."

"If I say you should come to Xialong Academy..."

"Shut up quickly, you jumped the fastest with the level A fire superpower just now, you are the one who is least qualified to speak. "

When the two heard Zhang Hu's words, they immediately pointed their guns at him.

The drama of three people fighting for one child was staged again, and the others closed their eyes and ignored this weird scene.

Haha, whatever, just ignore it. As long as we can't see it, we won't be upset.

When Su Qi came back to his senses, he happily made a "yeah" gesture to Mo Li, and then looked at Lin Zefeng with his thumb down.

It seemed to say, "A-level supernatural power, your big brother also has it, hey, are you angry?"

Lin Zefeng almost fainted in one breath. He thought he was the only one who entered the A-level, but he didn't expect that another Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, and it was Su Qi who had a dispute with him.

"It's okay, there's still Mo Li here, it's impossible that both of them are A-level."

Lin Zefeng comforted himself in his heart.

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