Water resources in the wild are extremely scarce. If you can find a river, it's OK. You can heat and disinfect it.

But if you can't find a water source or are in a desert, ice-type awakened and water-type awakened are undoubtedly the best choices.

In such an important cultural knowledge class, Mo Li didn't understand why he could laugh. This was not only disrespectful to the teacher, but also irresponsible to himself.

Gu Yuan frowned, stopped teaching, and walked slowly from the stage.

The sound in the classroom stopped abruptly, and the student who laughed also felt something was wrong and raised his head.

"This classmate, what's so funny? Do you have an opinion on the knowledge I taught, or do you have an opinion on me?" Gu Yuan said calmly, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"Gu... Teacher Gu, don't get me wrong, I don't have any opinion on you." The student stood up in fear, shaking his head like a rattle.

"In that case, if you disrupt the teaching progress of the classroom lecturer at will, one contribution point will be deducted, and you will receive a notification later."

"Okay...Okay, thank you Teacher Gu Yuan."

Mo Li has been watching this scene from the side, treating it as a leisurely melon. When Teacher Gu Yuan returns to the podium, he returns to the state of serious study.

Gu Yuan leaned on the podium, fiddling with the mechanical equipment on the desk. With a beep, several screen modules emerged from the small projection device in front of Mo Li's desk.

The various knowledge points of ice-related abilities appeared in the screen modules.

"The advantages of ice-related abilities include burst, defense, and control. The disadvantages are that there is no healing method, and the speed-related spells are scarce, which leads to the speed of ice-related awakeners being a shortcoming."

"There is only one ice-related speed-related spell that can be found on the market, the yellow-level spell of stepping on ice."

Hearing that there is an ice-related speed-related spell, Mo Li's mood instantly became excited. He pressed a button on the table and connected to Teacher Gu Yuan on the stage.

"Mr. Mo Li, what's up?" Gu Yuan asked when he saw Mo Li connecting to him.

"Teacher Gu Yuan, which shop sells the ice-based speed-shifting magic you mentioned? I've been looking for it online for a long time but can't find it."

"Search for War Preparation Home online, then locate Mingzhu City, and find a store called Ice-based Ability Awakeners Gathering Place, which sells the yellow-level magic of stepping on ice."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu Yuan." Mo Li nodded slightly to Gu Yuan to express his gratitude.

"It's okay. It's our duty to help students solve their problems. By the way, in the next class, all the first-year students of the Ice Department will have a battle with all the first-year students of the Fire Department."

"This is decided by the deans of both departments. You should all know that the Fire Department and the Ice Department restrain each other and there is no absolute difference."

"If the two fight, assuming that the Ice Department awakener is stronger, the Fire Department will be completely restrained, and vice versa."

"This is determined based on your own strength. Whoever is stronger will restrain the other. The purpose of this battle is to make both of you realize your own shortcomings and improve them."

All the students in this class were in high spirits. When they heard that they were going to fight against the first-year students of the Fire Department, they were all eager to fight and look forward to the arrival of the next class.


The bell rang for the end of get out of class. Gu Yuan glanced at the bracelet and told all the students to line up outside, waiting for the students from other classes and the first-year students of the Fire Department to gather, and then set off together to the battle trial area.

Mo Li, standing in the square, saw a huge monster in the distance and widened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

In front of him was a huge airship, which could accommodate hundreds of people. It was more than enough for all the first-year students of the ice and fire departments.

"Teacher Gu Yuan, isn't it a bit of a waste for us to take this big airship to the battle trial area?"

"Big airship? Is this big? This is already the smallest airship in Mingzhu Academy."

Gu Yuan's words almost made Mo Li's worldview collapse. You told me that such a large means of transportation is a small airship?

Or the smallest model of Mingzhu Academy, how big should the largest airship of Mingzhu Academy be?

Mo Li's head was dizzy. Everything that happened today was too incredible. His little head couldn't stand such a fierce impact.

First, Gu Yuan told him the store where he could buy the ice-type speed-shifting spells he had been looking for, and then he was shocked by this airship.

"Students, please take a break here for a while. It will take no more than ten minutes for everyone to arrive." Gu Yuan saw that everyone was in a very impetuous mood and said something to comfort them.

Mo Li sat alone under the shade of a tree and opened his bracelet to check the store that Gu Yuan mentioned.

The bracelet distributed by Mingzhu Academy is very good., it has all the functions of a normal communication device, such as surfing the Internet to take photos and videos, etc., and can also be used on campus at the Pearl Academy.

For example, the announcement of the Pearl Academy, check your contribution points and points, and accept tasks in the task bar.

The most important thing is that this bracelet is a symbol of the Pearl Academy, and it is very troublesome to reissue it if it is lost.

You must first pay the material fee and reissue fee yourself, and then wait for about three working days before it is issued to you.

The first unified bracelet given to students when entering the academy is funded by the Pearl Academy itself, and students do not need to pay for it, but once it is lost, the Pearl Academy will not be responsible.

Entering the War Preparation House, Mo Li entered the words "Gathering Place for Awakeners of Ice Abilities" into the search box, and with a click of his finger, a store appeared in front of Mo Li.

When Mo Li entered the store, he saw a variety of ice-based magic, most of which were yellow-level, and there were very few Xuan-level ones sold on it.

This is also normal. Xuan-level magic is already scarce, and the earth-level and heaven-level magic above the Xuan-level are even rarer.

With my current self, I have no ability to get in touch with this level of magic.

Clicking on the hot-selling list, the first one is the Huangshu Gongfa stepping on ice, which also shows the desire of ice-type awakened people for speed-type magic.

Looking at the price, there are six zeros after 1, and the price is 1 million. This terrible number makes Mo Li feel cold.

The only money I have left is more than 200w. When I go back to buy this at night, I will only have more than 1 million. This is the money I earned with my life, and I spent it too quickly.

Sure enough, the poor are not worthy of cultivation. Mo Li remembered a sentence on the Internet. He didn't believe it before, thinking that as long as he kept working hard, he would succeed.

But now the facts are in front of him. You have no money, you can't even afford a Huang-level magic, not to mention the source energy crystals needed for cultivation.

Rich people can buy a lot of source energy crystals for their own cultivation, while poor people can only compete with others for the source energy between heaven and earth. If you are weaker than the other person, you cannot compete with them.

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