The saying "poor in literature but rich in martial arts" is so true. Cultivation is too expensive. Even if you don't have money, you can't compete with others and your progress will lag behind.

After buying this book of magic, there will be only more than one million yuan left in my pocket, which is not enough to support this semester's cultivation.

Even if I ask my parents for money, it will not be enough. Mo Li knows his family situation very well. Millions are indeed available, but it will also empty the family's assets.

Besides, millions are only enough for the first year's expenses of Mingzhu Academy. As the strength becomes stronger, more money will be needed, and my family can't afford it at all.

Mo Li sighed and tried to think about what good ways to make money are there. It doesn't matter if it's hard, as long as you can make money.

It's really a penny that can make a hero difficult. Although money is not omnipotent, it is really impossible to live without money.

Suddenly, he had an idea and closed the store information and clicked on the task area of ​​the bracelet to see if there are any tasks suitable for first-year students.

Tasks appeared in front of Mo Li, and as his fingers turned, his heart gradually fell to the bottom.

The top task in the task bar was: Enter the A-level 08 restricted area, hunt down the seventh-level demon beast, the evil demon tiger king, and obtain its fangs and claws.

Time limit for accepting the task: one month

Task reward: 100 contribution points, 1000 points

A seventh-level demon beast, it can probably kill itself with a breath. Mo Li thought about the scene of facing a seventh-level demon beast, and his heart trembled violently.

This reward made Mo Li very envious. 100 contribution points, that is, you can directly upgrade from a D-level student to a C-level student.

If you complete ten of these tasks, you can be upgraded to an A-level student, and you can join the Shadow Organization. What an honor it is.

In addition, there are 1000 points, which are the currency that can be exchanged for natural treasures in the Treasure Pavilion. Even if you don’t exchange for the natural treasures in the Treasure Pavilion, you can keep them.

At that time, you can find someone in need to trade with them, and use points to exchange for money, and the ratio is determined by both parties.

Mingzhu Academy will not care about this, because the points are earned by the students themselves, so how to use them should be decided by them.

Mingzhu Academy is very open to this and will not prohibit transactions between students.

Almost every day in the forum, students post messages to find people to trade points and money with themselves.

"This task is too difficult, I'd better not think about it." Mo Li murmured in a low voice, and was about to scroll down to find other tasks, but accidentally swiped up.

"I swiped the wrong way, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I only saw one task, and I still can't do it myself, so it doesn't matter if I refresh it."

When the page reappeared, Mo Li was stunned.

The status of the first task he saw was that no one had accepted it, but now it has become accepted by others.

The task of hunting a seventh-level monster was accepted so quickly. The strength of the students in Mingzhu Academy is too terrifying.

This may be accepted by students who are already in the fourth grade or about to graduate. Only such students have the strength to hunt the seventh-level monster.

After a brief moment of distraction, Mo Li shook his head to wake himself up. He couldn't be immersed in admiring the strength of his senior and forget the purpose of this move.

His finger slid down, and a large number of tasks flashed in front of him, but he didn't even look at them. These tasks were impossible for him to complete at the moment.

It would be fine if it was just difficult, but the strength corresponding to these tasks all required at least fifth-level strength. Asking Mo Li, who was a first-level advanced strength, to do these tasks was tantamount to giving extra food to the monster.

Mo Li's fingers kept sliding like this, and it took almost five minutes. He finally found some tasks that suited him.

For example, go to the D-level monster mountain range to collect basic materials, or assist the local law enforcers in Mingzhu City to patrol the entire Mingzhu City.

Anyway, they are all simple tasks, not difficult, just a waste of time, and the contribution points and points awarded are also pitifully small.

"No matter how small a mosquito leg is, it's still meat." Mo Li sighed and collected all the tasks he liked, so as not to have to look for them again in the future.

He didn't want to spend another 5 minutes looking through the tasks. It was too boring, even more boring than practicing.

Mo Li, whose butt was numb from sitting, just stood up and saw a group of people not far away. It seemed that everyone was almost there.

Mo Li tapped the ground with his toes and ran over to his class. He really saw what polarization meant.

Most of the first-year students in the ice department had cold faces, and the cold air came out of their bodies, as if they didn't want to get too close to me.

On the other hand, the first-year students in the fire department were all very cold at a glance.They seem very energetic, talking and laughing.

The strong fire and cold air collided in the air, making the temperature fluctuate.

Is awakening superpowers related to personality? Bai Jiu loves to play so he awakened the fire power, and I have a bit of a cold temper, so I happened to awaken the ice power.

Mo Li felt that his thoughts were a bit unrealistic. How could personality determine the attributes of superpowers? But the example around him made him believe it.

"Classmates, everyone is here. Everyone gets on the airship one by one. We fly at the slowest speed and are expected to arrive in half an hour."

Gu Yuan instructed the students behind him, and then led the way to enter the airship first, and Mo Li, as the class monitor, followed behind him.

After entering the airship, Mo Li and the others were concentrated in a huge hall, where hundreds of stools were fixed on the metal floor.

The purpose is to allow students to have enough time to rest and recuperate before arriving at their destination.

There was a long table in the middle of the hall, which was filled with fruits and bread. Hungry students could eat them to replenish their energy and relieve hunger.

Mo Li found a seat near the corner and sat down. He didn't like to sit in a conspicuous place. First, the closer to the middle, the more sound he could receive.

Compared with a noisy environment, Mo Li wanted to stay in a quiet place, close his eyes and rest, and the corner was undoubtedly the best choice.

Second, it was easy for people to find trouble in the middle, just like Ye Feng's time. Some people just like to find a sense of existence and attract other people's attention.

He was not afraid of such people, but it was better to have less trouble than more, and he was happy to be free.

The students boarded the airship one after another, and the hall, which was extremely empty a few minutes ago, was filled with people in an instant.

Most of the students sat near the middle, but Mo Li, who was in the corner, seemed to be isolated from everyone and looked a little lonely.

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