The Arcadia System

Chapter 102 - Rite Of Misery(2)

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After drawing the second circle, he moved on to the next one, "The third circle embodies the secondary elements."

With that in mind, Reve perfectly constructed the third circle. He thought for a while if he should make the fourth circle but later decided on it.

"The fourth circle mirrors the tertiary elements and other abstract forces," revised Reve.

In less than five minutes, he was done with the array. If one looked from above, one would see the true form of the spirit circle.

A circle within a circle within a circle within a circle.

Such a grand depiction of the world of elemental forces. One could use it to gleam at the cosmology of the elemental planes!

Reve tiptoed to the center of the array and placed four mystical candles called Anima Candles on each of the four primary elements. He lit a small wisp of flame on it, making it release a sharp scent that very much resembled the scent of a blue gardenia. It infiltrated Reve's nose and almost forced him to sneeze, but the latter had to keep a calm composure. If not, he might jeopardize the ritual!

The anima candles were meant to link him with the four elements. This would ease the following ritual steps to come.

Reve sat in the middle circle. He used his [Telekinesis] to summon a ball that was just outside of the array.

Touching the crystal ball, Reve could see bright stars shimmering in it. It was like the ball was alive.

It was a star floating in the deep cosmos….. A star made of stars!

The object itself was called a crystal ball. It was used in rituals to communicate with the elemental planes. Legends say that each crystal ball was born in pairs. One in the physical world and one in an elemental plane.

If one spoke into the crystal ball, their voice would come out from the other crystal ball. 

Reve had no idea how true the legend was, but crystal balls were proven to have the ability to communicate with the elemental plane. Each crystal ball was different.

A fire crystal ball would only communicate to the Elemental Plane of Fire. A water crystal ball would only work for the Elemental Plane of Water. 

The crystal ball Reve held in his hands affirmed to Vitaris, the plane of Eden, otherwise known as the Elemental Plane of Life.

Feeling the coolness of the crystal ball, Reve closed his eyes. 

A while later, as they had practiced, his ritual assistant, Circe appeared in the middle circle.

Despite Reve's eyes being shut, she announced to him, "I'm going to commence."

She dived her left hand into the bag hanging on her left shoulder. The item that she brought out of it was a jelly-like egg.

With her sharp nail, she pierced the egg and poured its content inside Reve's mouth, "The egg of a Cockatrice."

She brought another item and emptied it in Reve's mouth, "Mermaid Tears"

"Gargoyle Dust."

"Banshee Scream."

In less than ten minutes, Reve's mouth had tasted a lot of weird ritual materials.

Circe ended this long process by bringing out a small whitish bone. She grounded it with her palm and poured it into Reve's mouth, "Your bone!"

The moment these materials entered his body, his blood began to boil as if it was dipped in hot oil.

Circe brought out a bowl of red liquid and dipped her finger in it.

She drew the shape of a pentagram on Reve's forehead.

A pentagram was another symbol of the elemental planes. It corresponded to the four primary elements and the spirit as the last element.

The red pentagram glowed as it was inscribed on Reve's head. The liquid used to draw it was the blood of a magical beast imbued with abundant mana. It was Circe that procured it for Reve.

Circe raised the bowl above Reve's head and poured it all out on his skin. She allowed the blood to flow all the way to the ground and left the array.

She then stood in front of the array and looked at the stars. The moment a shooting star was reflected in her eyes, her hands moved.

She instantly weaved nine magic circles that moved to form a starry formation. They linked to one another and a slit appeared in the space.

The slit was unlike normal spatial slits which normally brought forth environmental chaos. This slit was calm, one wouldn't notice it unless they stared deep enough.

It gradually expanded like a hungry parasite but couldn't go past the boundaries of the starry formation.

Seeing this, Circe sighed in a lazy tone, "It is done. The rest is all up to you, my dear student."

For days, she had watched as Reve focused on studying. Day and night, there was no hour he wasn't without a book. She hoped this process will turn out right, but as a mage, she knew there was nothing that was certain.

Meanwhile, in his mental world of clouds, Reve could feel a link that connected to his very existence.

'This is the link to Vitaris. It is time for the chant.'

Each elemental and spiritas required a perfect chant. As long as it conformed to them, they would accept it. An analogy of a host and guest could best be used to describe the situation with chants. A host had to properly welcome the guest. If not, the guest would feel unwelcome which would send them away.

The art of ritual chants was divided into four episodes with each one having a specific theme.

Still with his eyes closed, Reve sang the first episode with his pure voice, "I calleth upon thou gentle spiritas. His steps blesseth the land with gold. The prince who sleeps in the field of lush. Noble is thy coronet."

Reve had taken long to construct the episode. For him to create the perfect atmosphere, he was forced to use Ancient Arcadish, which he wasn't good at. Heck, he barely knew anything about the language.

Following the theme "To whom?", Reve knew he had to use the right words.

For this episode, each sentence meant something.

"I calleth upon thou gentle spiritas…..." was the welcoming clause.

".....His steps blesseth the land with gold….." pinpointed the exact elemental plane. It was a way of confirming that he intended to communicate with Vitaris.

"....The prince who sleeps in the field of lush….." narrowed down the scope to a strong spiritas not elemental. The field of lush is a sort of idyllic green pasture. Elementals are said to never wander there because it is occupied by spiritons.

"......Noble is thy coronet." reconfirms that the one being addressed is an arch-spiritas, an immensely strong spiritas!

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