The Arcadia System

Chapter 103 - Rite Of Misery(3)

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After Reve was sure he executed the first episode well, he voiced out the next episode, "I bequeath his presence. Mine own desire is to did lie in his warmth. Mine own wisheth is to procureth his service."

The theme for the second episode was "Desire". It was all about introducing himself as the client.

"I bequeath his presence…." was the typical starting line for an episode.

"....Mine own desire is to did lie in his warmth…..."

Since it was a ritual, there were a lot of reasons for seeking the other being. Hence, Reve had to be crystal clear about what he wanted. 

The second sentence of the second episode made it explicit enough that he wasn't a fanatic as that was not something a fanatic would say.

Then the last line, "...Mine own wisheth is to procureth his service", was used to introduce himself as the client, seeking a contract with his chosen contractor.

Reve thought to himself after he landed the second episode, 'The lots of sleepless nights are finally paying off.'

He went on to the third episode, "I invoke an arrangement of equilibrium. The price is cleareth as the moon. Comprehension is all that fills my mind."

This was all about the theme of "Contract". 

What type of contract was he offering to this being?

From the first sentence, "I invoke an arrangement of equilibrium…...", he defined the contract as an equal contract with a ratio of 50:50. This meant that the service would be equal to the price.

He then used the last two sentences, "....The Price is cleareth as the moon..." and "...Comprehension is all that fills my mind", to reconfirm the type of contract.

He did this mainly because most contracts with elementals and spiritas weren't equal. Most of the time, the spiritas would be the ones to benefit most from the contract since the client would not be able to afford an equal contract. The price would increase while the service would lessen.

However, Circe had guaranteed to pay the price of the first few years of his contract. With her by his side, he would be able to make sure the spritas doesn't scam him as they are normally known for taking advantage of clients.

With three episodes gone, Reve sang the last one, "I summon thee. Thy King of Mis'ry, Demis! The eye who seeks only salt'd drops of sorrow!"

Making it revolve in a full circle, the final episode complimented the first episode. It said the exact name of his potential contractor along with his epithet, "...The eye who seeks only salt'd drops of sorrow."

This was possibly the most important episode in the chant. The reason was that the magical names and epithets of most beings were kept secrets as names had power. Hence, unless the mage had a connection, they would fail at the last episode. Even worst, they might call something else. It wasn't rare for a ritual to backfire at the ritual.

Luckily, Reve had Circe, the equivalent of an ancient library. She knew the magical names of almost all elementals and spiritas!

Reve stopped thinking about vain things and repeated the chant. He was planning on doing it until he received the desired effect. As for what the desired effect entailed, he had no idea. Circe had only told him he would when the time comes.


After about twenty rounds of chants, Reve's senses picked up on something abnormal. It was coming from the spatial gate that Circe opened. 

Reve's eyes were still shut, but he could perceive the silhouette of a gigantic entity hiding behind the gate, on the other side of the spatial gate.

The entity said nothing as he spied on Reve, but Reve knew what he had to do.

There was something he had learned during his intense one month of training. It was the ability to fluidly interchange between forms. For instance, he could easily draw out his fur from his [Dos Form] and retract it back in his [Tres Form]!

Using this ability, Reve's cat claws extended from his fingertips and merged with his fingernails. He concentrated on his right index finger and used it to cut his skin. This self-brutalization allowed his red blood to seep out of the cuts.

As he was bleeding out, Reve used his [Telekinesis] again to summon another closeby object. It was a vial with squirmy green liquid.

No hesitation crossed Reve's face as he drank the vial of poison wholeheartedly. Instantly, his veins bulged out of his skin as he gritted his teeth fiercely in pain. 

To top it off, he triggered his mental issues which sent forth a fresh wave of headaches and other mental ailments that made him almost wish he was dead.........almost.

This was his way of enticing Demis.

The King of Misery wasn't called that for nothing. Despite being a spiritas from Vitaris, Demis delighted in torture. He was even more fond of self-torture. 

All in all, he had a few screws loose in his mental faculty but that wasn't Reve's place to comment. His job was to please the damn spiritas!

As he bled out, his blood merged with the magical beast's blood on his skin. As if influenced by magic, they snaked over the array lines perfectly. They didn't surpass the array lines and simply became the new array lines.

The lines beamed with a red glow. A solemn song of sorrow began playing in the air. It spoke of the tremendous pain Reve was going through.

Soon, Demis moved. He crossed the spatial gate, revealing his true body which was that of a great black hawk. The hawk was among the biggest creatures Reve had ever laid his eyes on. Despite constantly shrinking to a more toned-down size, the hawk was still able to top the nearby trees.

It spoke to Reve, "I have answered your call, magical beast."

This was all Reve needed to know the ritual was successful. He hastily used his levitating ability to bring the antidote of the poison and wrapped the victory headband on his head.

A cool surge of energy washed through him as Reve realized he would live to see another day.

He smiled at the great hawk, "King of Misery, I am Reve Amethyst."

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