The Arcadia System

Chapter 104 - Rite Of Misery(4)

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"King of Misery. I am Reve Amethyst."


The Hawk squinted his eyes as he heard Reve's last name, "Amethyst…..Amethyst, such a name is filled with vast magical powers. Quite peculiar for a weakling like you. Although, I suppose your background is rich. Very well, you have my attention."

"I seek a contract. An equal contract," re-explained Reve.

Despite already laying down the details, it was advisable to go over it again with the spiritas.

"....Hmmm, not many have summoned me in the past three eras and not many have sought me for this kind of service. What kind of contract are you looking for?"

"A contract of apparatus protection and if possible, a contract of hermes," revealed Reve.

What he wanted was the contract of apparatus protection. It concerned the spiritas taking care of his [Energy Absorption Spell]. Demis would have to make sure nothing interfered with the spell for eternity. 

However, a contract of hermes was basically the normal reason one sought an elemental or spiritas. Nonetheless, it was wiser to pursue weaker spiritons or elementals as the strong ones were immensely arrogant. Such arrogance was detrimental to the relationship between client and contractor.

The great hawk, Demis, bent his head to speak to Reve, "Hmmm…...a contract of apparatus protection is indeed rare. Are you an arcanist?"


"I thought as much. Hmmm… would be the first one in ages to seek me for a contract of apparatus. My sanctum is empty. Very well, shall we first discuss about the details of the contract before we move on to the aforementioned possible second?"

"It will be my honor," politely replied Reve.

Demis queried, "Firstly, since you are an Arcanist, your apparatus would most likely be an [Energy Absorption Spell], am I right?" 


Reve wasn't surprised at the brilliant deduction. It was said that spiritons and elementals rivaled, if not surpassed, the feys in the field of magic. Taking advantage of their long lifespan and simple lifestyle, most of them dedicated their lives to magic.

"What [Energy Absorption Spell] is it?"

Reve replied, "[Mouth of Adephagia]."

"Hmmmm…...that is a top-tier one. Its value is high which would make the price increase. Are you aware of that?"


"Very well then. Next question, is your spell, which I assumed is inscribed on a scroll, fixed to its maximum efficiency, or is its absorption rate set at its limit?"

"Yes, it is inscribed on a scroll made from blue feywood. Regarding the setting of the spell, I modified it to operate at maximum efficiency so you don't need to worry about it tearing apart," spoke Reve.

"Good. Last question, what quality of magi do you desire?" asked Demis.

Just like how the mana at the first stratum was much purer than the mana at the fifth stratum, magi also had varied quality.

Reve went silent for a few seconds before he said, "I want one above average. I do not possess any need for a high-quality magia but if you grant me access to that, then I would be delighted."

After much experimentation, Reve realized his mana veins purified any magical energy that flowed through it. So, just like he said, he had no need for a superb quality of magi.

"Very well, that is all the questions I have. Before I mention my price, do you have any questions?"

"Just one, my scroll needs physical space. Will that be alright?" asked Reve.

His ethereal linking spell would be linked to the [Mouth of Adephagia]. This link required at least an empty radius of ten feet to operate perfectly.

"Yes, my sanctum has a lot of space. Do not fret."

Sanctums were what the contractors called the location where they kept the scrolls of their clients.

Demis then said to Reve, "My price is a hundred pieces of gold monthly!"

In Arcadia, the use of coins existed in every kingdom, whether human or not. Despite having variations of money coins, the basic concept of bronze, silver, and gold was present.

A hundred bronze coins could be converted to a silver coin

A thousand silver coins were equivalent to a gold coin.

A thousand gold coins made a rich man!

Yet, it was almost impossible for even a rich man to earn a monthly average of 100 gold pieces.

Reve scoffed at the lavish price Demis dropped, "You could go rob a bank if you wanted that much. By my calculations, even half of that would still be too expensive a price. So, I wonder how you got that amount."

Circe had specifically warned him to appear confident in front of Demis when talking about prices. He had to lessen the price to its limit and not let himself be taken advantage of.

"Be careful with your words. I am an arch-spiritas. You should have known what to expect from seeking a contract with me," boasted Demis.

Reve retorted, "Yeah, I didn't take an arch-spiritas to be well versed in the art of theft. Well done, I would say. Can I indulge you in revealing the logic behind the price?"

He eyed Demis after a momentary pause, "There should be a logic, right? Surely, you couldn't have just picked a random number .....?"

"You!! What right do you have to speak to me like that?" shouted Demis.

His domineering magical aura spread forth but before it could squash Reve, the latter mentioned, "I am depth in magical arts. Moreover, you should know I am a student of the Immortal Witch!"

Suddenly, the aura retreated. Reve sighed as he had felt death when the vast aura was about to consume him. He couldn't hide the beads of sweat that rolled down his skin.

"The Immortal Witch!" Demis repeated in shock.

Even a spiritas like him knew of the Immortal Witch. He didn't just know of her. Barely knowing her wouldn't have made him terrified at the mere mention of her name.

The Immortal Witch was a nightmare to any elemental and spiritas. They hated her yet they couldn't touch her garment.

"How can I verify that?" cautioned Demis.

Reve pointed his right hand at the array, "See for yourself."

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