The Arcadia System

Chapter 105 - Rite Of Misery(5)

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"See for yourself."


The eyes of Demis followed the path of Reve's right hand and saw the portion of the array. However, the great hawk's heartbeat skipped a step when he saw the person behind the array.

The woman in black smiled at him lazily but it was enough for the great hawk to become docile to her student.

"S--So, it is true........fifty pieces of gold monthly."

Reve scoffed yet again, "Fifty pieces? It's not good to be this greedy. I say forty pieces of gold!"

".....Do I have any say in this," Demis cried with no tears.

"Honestly, no."

In the blink of an eye, the elusive vibe that Demis gave was nowhere to be seen. All that remained was the aura of a sad victim.

Demis sighed, "Forty pieces...….will a wildstone suffice?"

A wildstone was a natural oddity of the physical plane that contained trapped earthly energy from ley lines. It was highly valuable on Arcadia due to its many purposes. A wildstone was mainly used by mages and could roughly be estimated to be on the value as forty pieces of gold.

This was not the plan, but flexibility was allowed, according to Circe. 

Reve took a glance at Circe and when he saw her nodding in approval, he congratulated Demis, "One wildstone per month."

Like that, they decided on the details of the first contract. Reve didn't just hand the scroll to Demis just yet.

He spoke about the second contract he wished to enact, "The contract of hermes. What do you say?"

A contract of hermes was a messenger contract. It involved the messenger delivering messages the client's letter to various destinations. 

In a sense, Fye, the contracted spiritas of Circe, did sign a contract of hermes with Circe. However, hers went beyond just delivering letters. For instance, upon each awakening of Circe, Fye was required to update her with the worldly affairs of Arcadia.

Demis replied, "What type of contract of hermes do you seek?"

"A flexible one."

"Hmm….shall we discuss the details?"


"Go on then," said Demis.

Since Reve had already thought much about it, he wasted no time, "As usual, you will be paid per delivery. The speed for a normal delivery should be your optimum speed. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes," replied Demis.

He could only say "yes". "No" wasn't really an option with the Immortal Witch patiently watching the procedure of the contract.

Reve smiled, "What do you think of one gold per delivery? Of course, external factors like troublesome locations and pronto deliveries would be taken into account."


"How about pronto deliveries?"

"What about it?"

"Should the price vary or should it be fixed?" asked Reve.

In a contract-making procedure, the client could set the price or the contractor could do it. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that both parties agreed to it.

Hence, to make sure he wasn't taking advantage of Demis, Reve decided to let him decide the price of pronto delivery since he didn't see himself using it every time. It was a tactic that Circe taught him to make the relationship of the two parties involved smooth.

Demis said after much thought, "Fixed. As for the price, one piece of gold is okay with me."

"Then, it is decided," Reve clapped his hand.

Following the custom, Demis took control of the procedure, "The last part is the penalty. What penalty do you seek?"

"That shall depend on the payment method. And I would like to pay before every service. So, there is no need for a soul contract," offered Reve.

A soul contract was among the riskiest contracts in Arcadia. Most of the time, breaching the contract would lead to death. If not, the penalty would be cruel.

Demis nodded, "An oral oath contract should suffice. Since you don't have a magical name yet, I ask that you swear on your last name."

Reve eyed, "....and the penalty?"

"The penalty shall be termination of the contract and a payment of 100 pieces of gold," smiled Demis.

Even Reve could tell that Demis was hoping he breached the contract. Anyways, he went along with it.

"My last name is magical. It would work," said Reve.

A magical name was tied to one's soul. It was the only thing an individual should hold dearly. From a mortal's perspective, it was akin to swearing on one's mother's maiden name.

"Very well then, shall we begin?" asked Demis.


Reve stood up from his seating position and ignored his stained body. By now, most of his injuries had healed.

He tiptoed around the array, moving closer to Demis before he stopped when he was about five feet away.

As he was the client, he started first, "I, child of Amethyst, vow to adhere strictly to the contract discussed with my contractor. "

His words resonated with the mana in the air. They twinkled like little stars and echoed, word for word, what Reve said.

Demis sang, "I, Demis, the King of Misery, vow to adhere strictly to the contract discussed with my client."

His words also echoed vibrantly in the air with the help of mana.

After letting the echoes die out, Demis muttered, "It is done."

He waited patiently for Reve to bring out a scroll from his surroundings and hand it to him.

Before Reve gave him, the latter closed his eyes and nudged the scroll with his forehead.

Demis then was handed the scroll, but he could not leave just yet.

Reve left the array and when he came back, a crystal stone was in his hands. Demis recognized it as a wildstone.

Reve offered the natural oddity to Demis, "As per the contract, this is the payment for the first month. Since we are halfway through this month, it shall also cover the following month."

"Yes," nodded Demis.

The great hawk flew into the spatial portal afterward. He left Reve alone in the array as the latter beamed at the success of the contract.

"We shall meet again," Demis' farewell wandered through the wind to meet him. 

Not long after, Circe closed the spatial gate!

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