The Arcadia System

Chapter 112 - His Guilt(1)

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The next day, Circe was forced awake by the harsh ray of sunlight that burned her face.

She grumbled and grabbed her robe to cover her body. Knowing that she might not be able to get a good sleep anymore, Circe headed downstairs to cook a breakfast meal.

"So, he was up all night…."

The door to the library was left open and she could hear the rustling of books. Not wanting to disturb her dear student, Circe tip-toed close to the door of the library.

She took advantage of the open gap and spied on him.

Reve's eyes were sharp as he kept drawing something on a blank book. Every time, he would shake his head and mercilessly tear down the paper which he drew on. He would then repeat the cycle by restarting on another blank paper.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Reve drew the perfect illustration of what was in his mind. He suspiciously brought towards his face to inspect for any error but he couldn't find any.

Feeling invigorated, Reve manipulated his magi to create the same magic circles inscribed on the paper. 

The bright blue energy particles assembled to form three magic circles. They were shimmering like fireflies at night. However, all of a sudden, the shimmered too bright and dispersed.

Reve showed no extreme expression but simply sighed. It was then he looked at the paper yet again and spotted an error, making him restart the process all again.

After a while of failure, he finally noticed the presence spying at him.

He greeted, "Another Blissful day, Circe."

"A blissful day indeed," lazily replied Circe.

She took a look at his surroundings and yawned, "Why don't you come help me? I estimate that you won't be able to memorize that spell model easily. After that, you would still have to worry about spell control. A moment's break is not going to inconvenience you."

She managed to convince Reve who understood that he needed to cool his mind.

He followed after Circe as they headed for the kitchen. 

An hour later.

Reve brought two bowls and offered them to Circe. She poured the meal into the bowls and allowed Reve to take it to the dining table.

Today's breakfast was not a cereal but black beef stew with red wine!

Reve licked his lips as he quickly dug his spoon into his bowl. 

Reve's eyes bulged upon first taste, '...Damn, this is the life.'

Unlike the others in Vagoroth, Reve and Circe had no occupation to support their lifestyle. However, what they did have was the Immortal Witch's wealth.

Over the eras, Circe had accumulated enough money that she would be able to last well enough for many more eras to come.

She had had thousands of thousands of roth gold coins, which was the coin system that Vagoroth implemented. When asked, she revealed that she had been commissioned for most of Vagoroth's leyline terminus. This was normal as the old witch claimed to have lived on Azea even before the founding members of Vagorth were born.

One thing to note is that it was also these roth coins that Reve used to pay for his contract.

Anyways, all in all, Circe was very stashed and as her student, Reve was also privileged to experience this wealth. He could only boast that he was one of the richest young lords in Arcadia.

Back to the main topic, Circe had paid for the ingredients used for the breakfast meal. Frankly speaking, she had bought a lot of food items and stocked them in the kitchen's ice chest, a big cupboard powered by an ice magical gem.

This makes it easy to preserve the food supplies.


Reve finished his meal and thanked Circe.

He was about to go back to his studies when he heard Circe call him, "Wait."

Reve turned back to face her. Normally, she would be very happy to get rid of him. So, what was the occasion?

"I noticed that you seem to be rushing things. The path of magic requires diligence and patience. You know that. Yet, you ignore it and try to speed things," Circe sighed.

She looked at Reve straight in the eye, "I suppose there is a reason for this absurd rushing?"

She was the only one in Arcadia that knew Reve well enough...…..maybe a bit too much. She could read as easily as one could read the weather.

Knowing this was going to be another heavy talk, Reve kindly went back to his seat and explained, "Amethyst told me something. Something very important and hopeful."

"Hmmm… I do remember that you participated in that wild trial for a reason. What was it again?" Thinking deeply, Circe snapped her finger not long after, "Yes, you wanted to resurrect someone. Is that what this is all about?"

"Yes. I want to save Myrna," confirmed Reve.

"Save her…..? But she's dead," said Circe.

Reve was stuck. He didn't know how to counter, however, he still spoke, "But I can still save her. This Arcadia, the world of dreams. I can dream too, can't I?"

"I understand your thought process but you need understand that death is not as terrible as you think. Death is mainly the epilogue of one's story. Why do you want to disturb a beautiful epilogue?" wondered Circe.

She couldn't understand why he thought that way. For eras, lots of beings have died whether tragically or normally. Yet, their comrades and family never possessed the desire to bring them back to life, the same desire that dwelled in Reve right now.

In a way, Circe viewed death as a blessing. It allows one to forget all about Arcadia and their worries.

As an immortal, Circe saw things differently. While she didn't encourage worshipping the concept of death, she knew it was a form of release and one's death should be respected.

Circe speculated as she observed Reve, "Isn't that audacious, little thing? I reckon that your dear friend didn't ask you to save her if she died. I reckon that she knew very well that she might die when she took you to your fated place. If she is as you say, then she didn't die unjustly.. I dare say she died with a smile. So, why are you disturbing her spirit? No, who are you to deny her of peace?!"

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