The Arcadia System

Chapter 113 - His Guilt(2) - Vaddon Darteel

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Reve kept glancing away from Circe's eyes. This was the first time that he felt a cold fury in her voice. This was the first time that he allowed himself to be intimidated by her!

"So, what do you want to do? You want to bring her to Arcadia or Earth? Ludicrous! Do you think that you can forge your own 'happily ever after' in her story?---" Circe scolded.

She was about to drop a few more words when she realized the guilty look on Reve's face.

She wryly smiled, "I see, the problem does not lie with her death but with your acceptance of it. You can't move on. Moreover, is that guilt I sense in you. You feel that it was you that caused her death?"

Who killed Myrna?

No matter how one looked at it, they would only come to one conclusion; the big sharks at the Devil's Triangle.

However, there was no doubt that there were machinations involved with her death. Yet, she was used!

She was used by Khaos and mercilessly discarded after she fulfilled her purpose.

She could have been saved by Khaos. However, the god only cared for Reve!

This was why Reve couldn't find it in himself to find peace with her death. His self-proclaimed caretaker was used as his transportation. Her death was not as glorious as she always thought it would be. Instead, she died a puppet!

Reve revealed his turbulent emotions, "I have to try at least. I might not be successful in resurrecting her but the effort is all that matters. As for whether Arcadia would be the best place for her,.....heh, Myrna would love Arcadia!"

"I see….." muttered Circe.

She still couldn't fully understand his reasons but what she comprehended was enough. It brought memories back to her….memories of when her dearest friend died. Rather than trying to resurrect her, she and Cain focused all their pain on rampaging on the world for taking her away!

Circe sighed as she pushed back that memory to the back of her head, "Very well, If that is your wish, I shall assist you. What was the clue Khaos gave you?"

Reve beamed, "Amethyst told me that my greatest chance lied in Taxan, the Devil's Pasture."

"Taxan! That is absolutely impossible and reckless," retorted Circe.

As one of Arcadia's greatest mages, she knew very well what the plane of Taxan was...

"No one has ever walked into Taxan and come back alive. No one! No lived to tell the tale. Moreover, what makes you think that finding Taxan will be what you need? Apart from that, what are you to do after you find it? Simply ask whoever is there to search for Myrna?"

"I don't know, but Amethyst pointed at Taxan. He wouldn't lie to me. He doesn't lie. He only tricks," said Reve.

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't doubt his intentions," scoffed Circe.

She wondered how she came to mentor such a troublesome student. Her lazy life was almost extinguished the moment he walked to her home.

Circe sighed, "I guess you are not going to listen to me, right?"

"Yes," firmly replied Reve.

"Alright then. I have a clue on where to find Taxan," said Circe.

As if realizing something, her lips curled to form a vile smile. Her unreadable stares made him think he was a trapped prey.

"Well, would you look at that...." teased Circe.



She focused back on what she wanted to say, "Decades ago, I woke up, following my usual routine. However, I thought I should do something special to commemorate the end of the era of imagination. Hence, I exercised my body by sight-seeing all parts of Arcadia. It was akin to a great spiritual journey. Oh, you should have seen the----"

"Circe, focus!" hissed Reve.

"Alright, now, where was I? Oh, my journey!" she sieved through her memory bank.

Circe went on, "In this journey, I came across a human noble from far away. If I remember correctly, his name was Vaddon Darteel. He pursued me for days and when I finally listened to his cries, he introduced himself."

"Vaddon Darteel was a human from Xoris. He was scouring all over Arcadia just like me. However, unlike me, he was a man on a mission. You see,  Vaddon Darteel had spent decades looking for a way to resurrect his beloved. He had narrowed his chances down to venturing to Taxan, just like you. He explained that he needed a mage to perform an extremely detailed spell. None of the mages he knew could perform that. So, when he heard of an unknown witch wandering around Kyas, he traced her and requested her assistance."

Reve asked her, "Did you accept?"

"No! I didn't. I wasn't about to sacrifice my peace for a troublesome spell," coldly replied Circe.

Reve knew that she would say that. He couldn't deny that she was right. A spell that could supposedly summon Taxan was indeed troublesome no matter how efficient it was.

"Vaddon was relentless. Even after I advised him to move on, he wouldn't. He left me and went on to search for another strong mage. It was possibly this stubborn-headed nature that would make a man leave his home continent for something that had a 99% chance of failure," commented Circe.

She waved her hand in the air and a small spatial pocket opened. 

Circe put her hand through it as she spoke, "However, before he left, he still had hope that I would change my mind. He gave me a way to find him if I ever did."

She brought back her hand and closed the spatial pocket. Afterward, she revealed what was hidden in her hand.

It was a small bronze tablet with an inscription of a sword in a lake. Below the drawing was the arcadish characters, "Darteel".

"This is what he gave me. I never took a second look at it. Take it," offered Circe.

Reve scrutinized the object, "Darteel….is his Noble House's name."

He flipped the tablet and saw another drawing at its back. It was the inscription of a star resting on the top of a great tree. There was no identification of the symbol so Reve was left to comb through his memory and identify it.

After a while, he realized why it looked familiar, "The symbol of the Kingdom of Narva. The House of Drateel is in…...Narva!"

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