The Arcadia System

Chapter 128 - Grey Omen

A few moments later, Reve appeared in a busy location in the urban district. The thriving market of Starhold.

Among the mass of humans walking like freaking zombies on the clustered road was Reve, the emperor cat.

He wiggled his way around his surrounding before he found himself in front of a stall, "May the sun still shine on us, what do you have, old man?"

Clearly, the owner of the stall wasn't in the young-age bracket. His piling grey hair was obvious enough.

As for what he sold, based on what was presented, it seemed to be some sort of package food product.

"You new here? Doesn't matter, These are freshly baked goods. My wife makes them," explained the old man.

Reve's eyes went distant as he picked up an open package on the shelf, "Mind if I take a bite?"

"Help yourself," replied the old man.

The food Reve brought out of the package was some sort of pie. The moment he stuffed it in his mouth, his tastebuds went haywire.

It was as if thousands of stars were exploding inside him, bringing the kind of feeling that was synonymous with euphoria.

'AHH,' moaned Reve.

He had spent decades eating meat-related items. However, at this very moment, Reve discovered his love for baked goods.

"It's good, right? Made specially from a recipe passed down ma lineage," told the old man.

"How much for a box of apple pies?" asked Reve.

The owner took another good look at Reve, "Twenty bronze asteriks. Hmmmm, you are not from around here, aren't you?" 

"What gave you that impression?" 

"Your accent. It is too polite yet rigid at the same time," answered the old man.

He collected the coins that Rev gave him and handed a box of apple pies to him.

After that, Reve went his way. He kept on checking other stalls to see if he saw anything he liked.

Two minutes later, he was conversing with a young stall owner.

Reve spoke out to the man, "....I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean."

"It is quite clear. I need your help in conducting a personal market survey. In return, I will compensate you with five bags of fruits. What do you say?" said the man.

Reve had been called out among the mass of humans for this. What he sold were fruits. This was not as lucrative as it sounded since there were a lot of fruit sellers.

Hence, Reve skipped past that particular stall as he was not interested in it. However, before he could fully move on, the man called out to him.

"Five bags of fruits?" Reve watched the man suspiciously.

At the same time, he kept eyeing the fruits that were presented at the counter. They looked fresh, which was a sign that they were probably sweet.

'It's not nice to turn down such a sweet offer,' decided Reve.

He responded to the man, "Okay, I accept. What does this survey entail exactly.....?"

With an enthusiastic tone, the man told, "It's quite simple. I have two counters. Pick between the left one or the right one."

"Huh….just that?" 

"Yes, just that. I am trying to understand the mindset of my customers. This way, I can pinpoint the dark spots of my business."


Reve sighed inwardly and glanced at the two counters. There was no difference between the two counters. They both had the same fruits. The structure of the counters had no difference.

No matter how he looked at it, he didn't have any idea of how his choice would help the stall owner.

Reve spoke out his mind, "The right one."

"Any reason in particular," asked the man.


Afterward, the man conducted another survey. It was more technical than the last one.

Reve was asked to choose between a stall opposite the man's stall. The rival stall sold the same content as the man's stall. Moreover, the stall's goods were just as fresh as the man's stall.

Using the same logic as last time, Reve chose the one that his mind told him. There was no reasoning behind that option. It was the same situation that occurred when a being is burdened between choosing left or right.

The survey ended after Reve made his choice. He got to leave happily with two big boxes of apples that he carried with a basket.

An hour later, Reve already familiarized himself with the market. It was….breathtaking in his opinion.

He always found it fascinating that many people's paths crossed in this very location. Yet, they were negligent of that.

'Hmm...what is this?' wondered Reve.

Just as he was reviewing his opinion of the market, an inconspicuous feeling swallowed him.

The bright world that surrounded him dimmed. It became the shadow of the world that Reve knew, filled with the greyness of time and death.

Reve racked his head to make sense of what was happening. One thing was sure; he was the only one that could see this grey world.

In the blink of an eye, the grey world disappeared!

Reality rushed back to Reve's surroundings. Colors occupied the vast space.

Yet, out of nowhere, the grey world came back. It blinked out again after a few seconds.

This absurd situation quickly formed a loop that quite resembled a time loop specially made for Reve. His whole world was going out of control.

Not being able to handle it, Reve dropped down. He tried to calm his breath. With his hands touching the floor, he gathered the support he needed.

However, before he could recover, the ground shook…..literally.

At first, Reve thought this was just another absurd experience that only he could feel. However, the stillness of the surrounding made him reconsider.

As he looked around, he realized that the market was quiet. This was not normal at all. A marketplace was a busy place. 

So, why was such an infamous location filled with such stillness that it reminded one of death!

The rumblings in the ground intensified and the humans that looked to the sky fell to their knees. 

It was then it came!

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