The Arcadia System

Chapter 129 - Grey Omen(2) - Dragonkin

What Reve first saw was the shadow that covered the sky. It descended the world into darkness, making the earth tremble beneath it.

'What in Xoris' bottom is this?' cursed Reve.

Unlike the others, his abilities enabled him to see past the great shadow. The real identity of the silhouette that embraced the land was a creature.

It was far up in the high which led to its concealed state but when it moved closer to the land, everyone was left to bask in its glory.

The creature was draconic, having the basic features of a dragon from head to toe. It even possessed their size. In fact, Reve was sure that even the legendary dragons were not as huge as the creature that could cover an area of more than a kilometer.

The creature had four limbs and greatly looked like a lizard. On its body were white crystalline scales that shimmered every time a ray of light touched them. The mere movement of its wings brought about the rumblings that Reve heard. The three horns that protruded from its head disturbed the energy in the surrounding, no matter what form of energy it was, be it ki, mana, or magi.

What stuck out like a sore thumb the most was a bright white diamond, the same gradient as it scale, fixed into its forehead.

Reve didn't know why but he was attracted to it. It was like a voice was calling out to him from within the diamond.

However, he quickly shook off the influence and focused on reality.

"Ahhhhh! What is that?" screamed the humans nearby.

Before this…this draconic creature, no one could keep their composure, not even Reve.

The crowd went into panic mode as some humans knelt to the ground praying to whatever illusionary god they worshipped. There was no thought about escaping.

…..escaping where?

The monster in the sky towered over everything. What place could be rid of its silhouette?

Meanwhile, Reve was puzzled about something.

'This creature…..It fits the description of something Circe told me. However, that is not the issue right now. The way it moves. I don't think it lacks intelligence. Which begs the question…..what is it purpose? What does it want?'

The monster roared ferociously, bringing forth a snowstorm that buried the land. Luckily, no one was hurt by this terrific weather. The only thing they could acquiesce to was the cold that seeped into their bones.

Reve watched as the humans either fainted due to shock or knelt to the ground. Suddenly, the surrounding was clear, if one ignored the unconscious body on the ground.

Only Reve and a few others stood tall against the monster.

From beside him, a youthful voice said out loud, "Its horns, scales, gigantic....would it be a wild guess to identify it as a dragon? A dragon walks among us. Oh, god!"

He was genuinely scared of his words. Even Reve could feel the intensity oozing off him as his voice trembled.

Reve moved closer to him and spoke with a low voice, "It's not a dragon."

He figured that since he could do nothing about the monster, he could as well find meaning in conversing with the young man.

The boy of similar age to Reve asked, "What is it?" 

"It should be a dragonkin. To be more specific, the second form of a dragonkin, inherited from their ancestor dragons," told Reve.

Dragonkins were one of the most apex races on Arcadia. A large part of that was due to their direct lineage to dragons, unlike other draconic creatures that only possess a broken lineage.

Just like how beastmen were said to be children of titans, dragonkins were descendants of dragons.

They were the only legacy of dragons that still existed to this very day. And now that Reve was so close to one, he knew why dragonkins were horribly feared by the rest of Arcadia.

"Dragonkins…I thought they were myths," wondered the young man.

Reve chuckled, "In this present times, everything lost to the globe of time is considered a myth. Dragonkins, dragons, gods, theryns, faes. I won't be surprised if Narva becomes a myth in the next two eras."

The young man glanced at Reve, "Still…..what does it want?"

"I don't know, but I'm guessing it is not here to hunt. Its mere wings are enough to level mountains. Yet, it is being so careful not to destroy the lands," analyzed Reve.

"No casualty. Unbelievable… it's like this thing is only here to brew chaos," said the young man.

Reve smiled once again, "No. You are close enough though. Its appearance has a purpose. Think of it. Why does it show itself yet take no further action? Up till now, it has only released a threatening roar."

With the facts laid before him, the young man assembled the puzzle. His face brightened as he had begun lost in the interesting topic.

He snapped his fingers as soon as he reached an answer, "An empty bottle is the symbol of bluffs. Quite easy to understand. This dragonkin could be bluffing....or maybe it isn't bluffing. Maybe this is what it wants. A horn…a war trumpet. No, a reddeath arrow!"

A reddeath arrow was a tradition that all of Arcadia embraced. During the initial sparks of a conflict, an arrow coated with the blood of a grand being would be sent to the second party. It was used as a warning to quell any chance of the conflict turning into a mass war.

Of course, there were other technicalities involved with the reddeath arrow, but that was not the main issue. The actions of the dragonkin quite mirrored the system of reddeath.

Reve sighed as he took another look at the dragonkin, "Again, quite close. It is interesting to see that we are like-minded people."

Reve went on, "The dragonkin is not given a warning. Before its roar, it could be understood to be doing that. But after its roar, there is only one thing that could describe the situation....a threat!"

….and as for what the threat was about, Reve had a clue!

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