The Arcadia System

Chapter 148 - She Still Watches Over Me

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Immediately after Reve spoke, the calm atmosphere of his room began roaring with violent black winds. The wind brushed against Reve's body, but the latter simply stood still.

His physical stats were enough to negate the tempestuous wind.

Reve's face twitched when he observed his surroundings, "But the room….."

His room was now in tatters. His furniture was either laid flat on the floor or broken into tiny pieces by the ferocity of the black wind.

Luckily, there was an enchantment in his room that blocked sound from escaping outside. If not, the other students might have thought a god was descending in Reve's room. That was just how wild the situation was.

Soon, the black winds formed a small but mighty tornado that had no limits to its twistings. It quickly broke apart, dispersing into tiny black specks of dust that merged with the warm air. 

A great black hawk emerged from this eruption. Its predatory eyes quickly locked down on Reve as it displayed a pensive emotion.

However, Reve wasn't terrified by the appearance of the hawk.

"Oh King of Mis'ry, Demis. It is a pleasure to be before you once again," greeted Reve. 

The hawk opened its mouth. No sound originated from it, but a few comprehensible noises echoed in the room.

"Reve Amethyst. Skip the formalities, I know very well that you are not good-natured enough to say that. I come bearing a letter from the Immortal Witch."

Reve cocked his head, "Circe…..? If I recall that ol–fine lady has a spiritas of her own. Why did she employ your service?"

"Fyre is busy. I'm the only other spiritas that knows your location since we are bound together," explained Demis.

"Is that so....?"

He picked up the letter which Demis offered but didn't attempt to read it. 

Instead, he had an important question in mind, "Pray tell, King of Mis'ry, since you did not appear before me in the past few months, I take it that Circe covered the monthly price of our contract?"

"Yes, the Immortal Witch paid the price for the two months. However, she said you are on your own from now on," told Demis. 

Reve felt warm inside. Circe had always been like that. Just when he thought she might have forgotten about him, she sprung up a surprise. 

He rubbed on his necklace and brought out a brown crystal stone, "Take it. This is the price for next month. Also, don't leave yet. I have a letter for Circe."

Taking his time, Reve opened Circe's letter and read it in his mind. If it was anyone else in his room, Reve wouldn't attempt to read it, but Demis was a companion…..even if he denied it. As long as the fear of Circe was instilled in him, he wouldn't spill any beans. And that was what made him a good companion!!

'Hehehehe,' laughed Reve. 

He continued reading the letter, word for word, as he discerned the contents. 

After a while, Reve looked up, 'So, it is like that.'

There were three things that the letter contained. 

One, an indirect message from the Gehenna Order informing him to be careful, and speed things up a bit. In Reve's opinion, it was almost impossible to do both at the same time. 

Two, Circe was interested in what he had been up to for the past two months. Quoting her, 'If possible, take your time. Now that I have gotten rid of you, I have finally attained the perfect state of slumber.'

Three, she inquired about his progress and if he needed more materials from her.

Reve thought out loud, "I think she will find it satisfactory that I'm taking it slowly with my magic progress."

He picked up a blank piece of paper, grabbed a pen, and started writing, "Dear Old Hag, hehehehehe......"

It was only after a few minutes that he was done with his letter. After packaging it, he gave it to Demis.

A gold object flew from his fingers to Demis, "Take this, one piece of Narva gold according to our contract. I shall expect you next month. Oh, and also..."

"Also, what…?" curiously asked Demis.

"Perhaps learn how to neatly enter my abode before next month," scoffed Reve. 

He was expecting a banter from Demis, but the latter knew better than to argue with the student of the Immortal Witch. The great hawk summoned its black wind and disappeared out of existence. 

"Tch!" hissed Reve. 

He sat on his chair and calmly watched the sun. 

'The time is right. I have waited for months, laid low for what seemed like an eternity. My bones quake for more action. My mission awaits me.'

Reve quoted a monologue from a popular fable, "The Dark Knight". However, he did not do that just to jest. Instead, those words aligned with Reve's current thoughts. 

It was time for him to begin his true mission!

After having gathered enough information on Narva, Reve already had a plan in mind!

'I will start—----'


Suddenly, someone knocked on his door. Reve coolly dragged his body to open it. He didn't bother checking who it was since he already knew. 

From the other side came a young man with dashing looks. It was Silas, Reve's supposed friend. 

"Hey, Reve. Damn, you were right, the last classes of the term were always going to be terrifying," wept Silas as he dropped his body on Reve's bed.

"That is to be expected. Those teachers really think we are sad to briefly depart from academic life," said Reve. 

"The guts of them to think that. By the way, did you see your results? Rumors about them are already beginning to spread, Mr. Brilliant Mage," teased Silas.

Reve sighed, "What do they say?"

"They say you got perfect marks in all your classes. Some even say that you might be offered a teaching position due to your marks. Can you even imagine that?" laughed Silas. 

"Rumors are more dangerous than world-extinction threats," joked Reve. 

He went on, "I didn't get perfect marks in all of them.. I struggled with enchantment, practical ritualism, and popular alchemy."

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