The Arcadia System

Chapter 149 - The Alchemist

"Oh, yeah. Explain what you mean by 'struggling'?" mocked Silas. 

Reve simply pouted in response. 

The premature magical education system of NIRA took most of its ideas from its parent organization in the new continent. It implemented the advanced grading concept, as well as merged it with the ancient Arcadian magic prowess grading.

A student would be graded based on their tests and understanding of the class. After all was said and done, the teacher would assess the student and give a grade that ranged from the ancient arcadian characters; Fz, Az, and Sz. Those characters had a deep intonation as they represented the first letters of three runic words; Fayz, Assez, Sarz. It was unknown what the words meant, and by the time people started to wonder, the grading custom had already stuck permanently. 

'Fz' usually means bad. It denoted the failing of the student.

'Az' indicated that the student did well.

'Sz' was the best grading mark. It represented a perfect grading. This grading mark was used rarely by the teachers. Hence, its immense value. 


Reve sighed once more, "I got Sz for all my compulsory classes but couldn't maintain that streak for my elective ones."

"You say it like that isn't good in itself," spoke Silas, "I couldn't get a single Sz, all I had was Az. Luckily, I didn't have any Fz despite switching magic school mid-term."

Feeling downcast, Silas attempted to change the conversation, "Enough about studies, the Drateel twins got into a fight again today. This one was more bloody than the last time, I tell you."

Reve turned to face Silas, "Let me guess, another group of nobles initiated the fight?"

If there was anyone more popular than him in NIRA, it would have to be the excellent Drateel twins and this was not because of their academic grades that rivaled his. 

It was because of their origin, or rather, the origin of their grandfather…..Vaddon Drateel, who just happens to be the man that Reve desired to see the most.

Apparently, he was a former student of Narva Academy, the oldest magic institution in Narva. He had brought up a storm in his student years and the repercussions of that still follow his descendants. Reve didn't know much about the story surrounding Vaddon Drateel, just that it was a love story and it offended some of the nobles of that time. 

The descendants of these nobles formed cliques to harass the Drateel twins. That was why the twins originally transferred from Narva Academy into a young institution like NIRA. The nobles viewed them as outcasts, and the rest was history.

Reve laughed wildly, "Those bastards. They think they could really harm the Drateel twins. I do not even need to ask what the outcome was. What I still don't get is why they are so relentless."

The life of the aristocrats still remained a great mystery to Reve. He felt that they were just too complicated for no reason. 

"Prejudice. The nobles have a code and when Vaddon Drateel broke the code, he was outcast. Now, some do not care about going the extra mile, but the shallowest of them, the ones with extreme pride, won't stop till the House of Drateel is vanquished from the domain of Arcadia," explained the experienced Silas.

"Oh, I see," drawled Reve. 

He did not still understand a single bit, but he just had to act like he did. Cool, calm, collected. 

Reve focused on his only source of news in NIRA, "What's the update with the Alchemist?"

"Still nothing, his killing spree has subsided though. However, it seems like he vanished into thin air. With the Narva's defense force on his tail, he would be smart to keep his head low."

Reve pursed his lips, "I think differently. I think he achieved exactly what he wanted. He wanted a good debut. The alchemist is an underground seller. He needed the fame and the attention that came with such a profession. He needed his victims to spread his name, and it went just like he predicted. The Defense Force has him on their priority list. His products have gained traction in the underground market. Most students have consumed his potions."

Reve further analyzed, "It's a snaky situation, right there. The people of Narva desire the power in his potions while the Defense Force wants him captive. This makes it very easy for him to evade the capture of the Defense Force since some of his customers are bound to be influential."

Silas raised his brows, trying to understand what Reve said, "So, he is enjoying the fruits of hard work? He doesn't need to perform vile acts again. Sounds terrifying to imagine."

Last month, a bunch of gouged bodies started resurfacing all over the dead streets of NIRA. They belonged to the students and teachers. 

As this streak of corpses kept being found, it was theorized that this was all the work of an unknown individual, who was later named The Alchemist. He stole vital organs from his victims and used them to brew dark potions.

The Defense Force had found energy signatures of the victims all over potions turning up in the underground world. When they linked the two events together, they saw the bigger picture and increased their hunt for The Alchemist. 

Sadly, it seems it was all in vain as there was still no mention of any successful hunt. 

What made matters worse was the fact that some students have shown an almost impossible increase in magical prowess. Rumors began to shed light on this bizarre occurrence. It was revealed that the students had drunk The Alchemist's potions. 

It suddenly became a question of morality and self-evaluation. 

Was it worth it to take the dark potion despite knowing it would come with terrifying side effects?

Many students took it, and NIRA couldn't do anything about it. They could only watch as students went crazy for potions built on the carcasses of other dead students.

All of a sudden, this summer didn't seem that positive anymore in Reve's eyes. If anything, it looked grim!

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