The Arcadia System

Chapter 155 - Reve And The Thieves(4)

Three months ago, Reve had started plotting his plans, which led to the present. Yet, he didn't expect to see something like this.

To understand his feeling better, about sometime a month ago, Reve realized that to progress his plans better, he had to access the base of a criminal gang. He knew the existence of gangs like that were prevalent in Starhold, and they were even more dangerous than gangs of other territories. 

However, he didn't expect them to also be so coordinated.....

After Seith picked up his mates, they quickly joined the nearby lively streets and mixed with the ignorant crowd. Seith took Reve through multiple streets till they got to a bakery shop far away from the marketplace. 

Immediately, they entered, the smell of apple cakes wafted into their noses. However, surprisingly, there was no one in the bakery shop except the store owner who simply glanced at Seith. 

He wore spectacles but couldn't hide the twinkle in his eyes when he saw Seith. After a brief nod, he looked sideways and let Seith do as he wished. 

The latter led Reve towards the back of the store. He went through a door beside the counter and entered a stuffy room, but Reve's eyes widened as he detected cool air rising from the ground. 

He didn't need Seith to tell him why that was the case.

Reve rolled up the leaf rug on the floor and saw a hole that led deep into the earth. 

'Xoris bottom!' awed Reve as he lent his ear to the hole. 

With his sensitive hearing, he estimated that the hole led to a large cave. He could hear the muffling of voices but it was unclear to make sense of them. 

A hole in a bakery store!

Who would have imagined the entrance to a gang of thieves' base existed in a harmless bakery shop?!

Feeling excited, Reve motioned for Seith to go down first, but the latter was struggling with this decision. 

"What about my mates?" weakly asked Seith. 

"What about them?"

Seith contemplated, "How are we going to get them down there?"

Reve looked back at him as if he asked a foolish question, "How? Throw them, of course."

"Huh? But....."

Reve tapped him on his damaged arm, "Why are you acting so meek? Where is your previous barbarity? Just throw them. It's not like they would break more than a few bones." 


Seith picked up one of his mates and threw him down the hole. The sound that came out of the hole didn't sound positive at all. It was akin to the sound of an egg cracking on a rock. 

"I think he might be dead….."

"What do you mean? He is perfectly fine. See! He is moving"

"No, he is gasping for breath. I think his throat bone is broken."




Reve laughed it off, "He is a tough man. He would live to see another day…..probably."









Devil's Cave, Starhold. 

In a part of the illustrious city buried by the surface of the earth, a bunch of humans danced near a campfire with booze in their large burly hands. 

Their rugged clothes were soaked in the liquid that sometimes poured from their mouth as they sang and partied together. 

After a while, all the adrenaline had settled down and the sweet infested area was washed away by the cool underground breeze. 

They settled down on their make-shift tents, revealing the original occupants in the tents. They were kids of varying ages, ranging from middle childhood to old teenagehood. They were extremely as they watched the group of thieves enjoy the time of their lives. 

However, it all stopped when one of them shouted, "Enemy incoming!"

The thieves paused their movements and listened to the deathly calm in their surroundings. All they could pick up was the resounding footsteps that echoed from one of the cave's pathways. 

The view was hazy but they could see the figure of two individuals. One of them, they recognized as their fellow thief, but the other was unidentifiable. 

Slowly, the thieves motioned for the kids to hide in their tents as they brought out their weapons. The seasoned ones among them could feel a terrifying amount of unknown energy brewing inside the stranger. It was as if he was hiding it and not hiding it at the same time. 

With their fellow thief beside the stranger, they could understand the situation. 


Instantly, an arrow greased with black poison embedded itself in the stranger's path.

"Stay where you are!" shouted a slender thief. 

The chill voice of the stranger reached out to all of them, "I expected this. I guess anything I say would prove ineffective to your stubborn ears."

Once again, the slender thief took charge, "It depends on what you have to say."

"Ok. I come in peace. You have something I want. I can exchange the life of your comrade for it," replied the stranger.

"What is that?"

"It can't be discussed out in the open like this," responded the stranger. 

The slender thief poured out his ki into his weapon for preparation, "Then, I'm afraid we can't reach a positive decision."

"I know. What a sad life? Having met one of you, I reckon there is only one way to get through to you," spoke the stranger.

"Oh, and what is that?"

Suddenly, a frightening abundance of energy spilled out of the stranger. His hood was pulled down by this, but the thieves couldn't concentrate on that now.

They heard his next words as the energy died down rapidly, "Damn."

He seemed to be struggling with himself as his electric blue eyes sparkled, "As I was saying, I have come to find that thieves only respect one way of doing things. Beat up, then talk. Hence, I shall follow this tradition."

Around him, something materialized in the transparent air, but the thieves could not see it. They could only feel something being wrong with their surroundings.

"Shall we beg—-"

The thieves beat him to the chase, "Get her!!!"

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