The Arcadia System

Chapter 156 - Reve And The Thieves(5)

"By the gods, what is this...?"

The slender thief cried his heart out as he fell to his knees, coughing out lots of blood. Staring at his trembling hands, the slender thief couldn't help but wince as he could see the whiteness of his bone.

He heaved heavy breaths as he tried to moderate his breathings. If he wasn't careful he might die because of a lack of good respiration. His dry skin gained a red hue in a span of half an hour and his body lost more blood than he had lost all his life. 

All around him, the monotonous battle cry resounded, "Get her!"



"Get her!"


"Get her!"


It was the same scenario that played out every time one of his mates shouted those two words. Nothing could stop the stranger!

The slender thief feared not even the devil could!

God knows that he had tried stopping the stranger but he just ended up being part of the pile of damaged bodies the stranger had racked up.

He had to do something…..

This was futile. If this battle continued, one of his mates would seriously end up dead.

The slender thief struggled to get up, but when he did, he raised the white flag, "Wait, we give up!"

His shout reverberated through the broad cave, making every single being in the vicinity pause. They focused on him. 


Reve was having the time of his life bullying a bunch of thieves. Some of them proved to be tough to deal with, but they were nothing too serious if he put his mind to it. 

After sending one of the thieves on his way to the stars, Reve's body tingled, 'The pain is coming back. My psi-force is getting depleted. I need to wrap this up now.'

Suddenly, someone shouted among the thieves, "Wait! We give up."

'Oh, seems like they have had enough. Just in time,' thought Reve. 

In truth, he could have played it out nicely. He could have easily told them what he wanted, but thieves will always be thieves. If he came out passive, they would assume him as easy prey. 

Heck, they might even try to rob him again. 

So, he decided the best course of action was to satisfy his violent urges and also to make them understand he was not a rabbit. It was good for him either way. 

Reve asked loudly, "Am I to assume this ends here? I'm a bit exhausted."

"Yes, you have won," said one of the thieves with a broken limp. 

The other terrified thieves spoke up, "We admit defeat."

"Yes, we now know...."

Reve smiled as he gladly dropped the body that was in his hand, "Good, now can we tend to my troubles?"

"....Yes," struggled the other thieves. 

Reve thought of something, "While you are recuperating, can I have an audience with your leader?"


Smirking, Reve halfly threatened, "Please, do not assume I do not know you have a leader. A bunch of thieves with your intelligence would have long been captured by the Defense Force. Someone is giving you rules that keep you away from them. Interesting, right? A group of rogues surviving this far."

Reve concluded with a great truth that made the thieves quiet, "Someone is organizing your operations!"

Feeling the silent atmosphere, Reve knew he was right, "Well, who among you is the elusive leader?"

"We have no leader,…young lady," rasped one of the thieves. 

A look of horror donned on Reve's face as he understood something he hadn't pick up on before. 

In the blink of an eye, a force barrier mightier than those he had used on the thieves smashed the one that spoke up. 

"Did you say 'lady'? Do you think I look like a lady? I know I'm handsome and all, but goddamn!" cursed Reve. 

He thought over it again and felt enraged. To showcase this, he slammed the thief for the second time while the others watched. 

Far from having sympathetic feelings, they were tremendously happy that they hadn't spoken up. Perhaps, they would have been reduced to dust the moment they revealed what they thought of the stranger's gender.

After beating the thief up, Reve asked again, "I know the leader is hiding among us. So, show yourself!...or we can simply continue where we left off."

"Wait! I'm here," quickly shouted a familiar voice. 

Reve saw that it was the slender thief he recognized earlier. The man with black hair and night black eyes, an appearance that showed he was not a true native of Narva as the real native were slightly sable-haired and had brown eyes. 

Rev walked closer to him and inspected, "So, you are their leader?"


The man didn't look that special apart from his appealing looks. His thin stature and laid-back demeanour made him feel like he was a lamb among wolves. However, maybe that was what made him special. 

The lamb had the power to tame the pack of wolves. 

Reve smiled, "How should I address you?"

"Dorian," responded the thief with a weak smile. 

He couldn't exactly smile when his entire body was breaking down. In a surprising fashion, blood gushed to his throat as he was forced to cough them out. 

'Now, this is just making me feel bad,' thought Reve. 

He felt awkward looking at Dorian. 

"Dorian, you are not from around here, are you?"

"No, my pa is a native but my ma came from the faraway lands. I—---"

Dorian had to stop mid-conversation as he coughed blood again. 

His body finally broke down, leading him to fall to his knees and spurt out an abundance of red liquid. As if to guilt trip Reve, he mistakenly touched Reve's shoes and stained it with his blood.

However, Reve didn't react as expected. The young demihuman was contemplating on whether he truly went too far. When he turned around, he got his answer. seemed that the other thieves were in a similar state to Dorian's

Out of nowhere, Reve the innocent eyes of kids peeping out of the tent. They seemed terrified of him, which made the cat emperor officially feel guilty. 

"Alright.. Alright, I know," yelled Reve.

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