The Arcadia System

Chapter 157 - Reve And The Thieves(6)

Reve sighed, "I'm tired."

About an hour after Dorian guilt-tripped him, Reve had finished healing all the thieves. He sat in one of the tents as he recuperated. Beads of sweat rolled from his forehead, indicating that it wasn't an easy task.

Because he could not expose his status as a mage, Reve proceeded to use healing potions on them. Normally, anyone could take the role of a healer with the potions, but all the thieves could barely function on their own, not to talk of helping others. 

"Whew," Reve let out a sharp breath of air. 

It was no shock that he was exhausted. Really, helping people was much harder than breaking them.


As he was in one of the tents, he was the only one there. There were kids looking at him with different expressions. However, when he looked back, they would shiver and cover their eyes. 

If he had to guess, they thought he was going to eat them.

'I'm hurt. To think even children are scared of me,' sighed Reve. 

He laid on the ground and enjoyed the pensive stares coming from the children. As he glanced upward, he realized he was really doing it. 

His plans were already in motion, and he couldn't turn back.

'Ha, I just want to sleep. What a sad life?' grumbled Reve. 

Following his thoughts, he closed his eyes and took a quick nap. Despite being in a cave full of thieves, he reckoned that not a single one of them would think of attacking him in his sleep.

"Excuse me,  young sir," an awkwardly polite voice woke him up from his slumber. 

"What is it?" asked Reve. He wanted more sleeping time for himself. 

The thief in front of him said, "Our l-leader, Dorian, is ready. He asks if you plan on resting before conversing with him or not."

Reve sighed and sat on his bum, "Tell him I'm ready."

"W-Will do, sir."

".....Oh, and also, quit the 'sir', I'm a young man…..or do I look old?"

"N-No, sir. I mean, young man. Uhhh, young sir."

The thief hastily ran away from the tent. It took a while, but later, the slender figure of Dorian pushed open the entrance of the tent. 

He first looked at the kids staying there and signaled for them to leave. When they left, Dorian addressed Reve. 

"I thank you for sparing us," apologized Dorian. 

Reve looked at him, "You are awfully polite for a thief. It seems there is more to you than meets the eye. Anyway, it's better this way."

He motioned for Dorian to take a seat beside him. 

"So, what is it you want? Seith tells me that you intentionally searched for us," asked Dorian.

This question was something Dorian had mulled over for minutes. 

What could a bunch of thieves possibly give him?

Answering this question, Reve wore his signature smile, "It's quite simple, actually. I want information on the underworld….."

Dorian could feel a headache coming his way, "The underworld?"

"Yes, I'm quite certain you are affiliated with this league. Apart from your apparent cleverness, they should be something supporting your gang."

"....And?" trailed Dorian. 

"Is my curiosity not enough reason to seek out knowledge of this secret league?"

"No, but I know better than to pry into your business. But did you send all my mates to the state of half-death just to ask questions?" sighed Dorian.

Reve scratched his head awkwardly, "I told you I bore no nefarious intention, but you just won't listen. So, I figured I would make you listen. You know, the way thieves do it..."


Fake tears poured out of Dorian's eyes as he sadly spoke the opposite of what he meant, "I see.... I understand."

"Good. Just tell me everything you know and we can part ways. There is nothing like a conversation that benefits both sides, is there?"

".....The underworld is..."






The Underworld. 

Most mortals would think it merely represented the plane of hell where dead souls pass on to.

But to the Kingdom of Narva, it meant something different. Nonetheless, most of the regular narvens, people of Narva, wouldn't come across the underworld in the entire span of their life. 

Reve, himself, had only heard bits of it during the start of The Alchemist's killing spree in NIRA. This was when he reconstructed his original plans. He had to know what this underworld was and, according to what he finds out, he would plot his next course of action.

According to Dorian, the intricate few narvens classified Narva into three levels. The first one was the Overworld, the aristocratic circle filled with nobles of different ranks and headed by the sole monarch of the kingdom, the king of Narva.

The second level was the normal world occupied by the simple-minded humans. This level was the precious face of Narva and was what foreigners referred to when they talked about Narva. 

The third level, the archetype bottom, was the dark underworld! 

The underworld held everything wrong with Narva. The illegal activities like slave trading, dark potion, organ merchandise. The promiscuous bits like brothels or even multi-racial sex houses. The grim parts, like the assassin guilds and evil mercenaries. 

All this was kept under the wrap of the night and normal narvens, and even some nobles had no idea of this. 

This much could be acclaimed to the sophisticated structure of the underworld. Different organizations formed this evil league, and like nature dictates, a pyramid was built among themselves.

As long as an organization had influence, they could climb the pyramid and receive more opportunities, becoming more fearsome to the point their hands could cover the entire of Narva. 

What made matters worse was that the underworld was a necessary existence for Narva. Something Reve quite understood. 

A nation could never be truly pure and free from evil. However, if they could contain the evil, they could do more good than harm to their people. 

The underworld was built just for that, and for that reason only, it could never be destroyed. The three levels of Narva had to live in co-existence together, lest they destroy themselves. 

Yet, that was not the harshest truth about the underworld…...

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