The Arcadia System

Chapter 164 - Demis Returns

After Reve was tired from laughing boisterously, he sat down on his bed and mentioned, "Heh, she is finally gone."

In truth, he was only teasing Lithia. He had no idea that his teasing would be so effective. It seemed like Reve still maintained his godly emperor charm wherever he went. 

However, he had to say, he had not thought of his love life at all. 

'Oh damnation, I have become a loner like Circe,' complained Reve. 

If he let things slide, he might just die without ever feeling the company of a lovely female, be it demihuman, magical beast, or human. 

Now, he was terrified of this truth. How was he to defend his title of a cat emperor if he could not produce a single cat empress?

'I shall deal with this later. For now, I have pressing issues to deal with.'

The original plan was to sort out all his problems the next day, but since Lithia disturbed his sleep, he might as well use this lucid time to finalize his plans. This would in turn allow him to spend tomorrow as he wished.

Hastily, Reve picked up a blank scroll and a pen. He started writing what he planned to send to Circe. In his letter was an impromptu request to assist him in his plans. He gave the details of what he planned and asked Circe to advise him on what magical potions to produce and their formula. 

He also emphasized that it should be easy to make since he was not an alchemist. The exquisite aspect should lie in its rare ingredients and recipe, which would make his magical potion one of a kind. 

Reve had planned to find an alchemist but reckoned it wouldn't be anytime soon as he needed a trustworthy one. He also couldn't just pause his plans because of his lack of an alchemist.

After explaining his thought process in the scroll, Reve left his magical name at the bottom of the scroll. It was necessary that he did it so Circe would be able to validate the authenticity of the scroll as she was one of the few who knew his true name. 

He rolled the scroll and used his magic to seal it so only the receiver can read its content. 

Soon, he was done so he stood up and sat on the cold floor. Positioned in a meditation stance, he closed his eyes and opened his mind to his surrounding. As he felt the mana in the air, Reve circulated his magi. 

His body shone with a vibrant bluish-green light as his heterochromatic eyes donned a purity that couldn't be rivaled. 

The following words spilled out of his mouth as if he was possessed by a celestial being, "I calleth upon thou gentle spiritas. His steps blesseth the land with gold. The prince who sleeps in the field of lush. Noble is thy coronet."

"I summon thee. Thy King of Mis'ry, Demis! The eye who seeks only salt'd drops of sorrow."

The ethereal link in him tingled as his contracted spiritas immediately appeared in front of him. The great black hawk opened its mouth but no words flowed out. 

Only an annoyed voice rang in the air without a sound, "Reve Amethyst! What is the meaning of this? I seem to not recall granting you to summon me as you wish."

Reve smiled in reply, "It's good to see you, old friend. I summoned you for a pronto delivery. Lest you forget, we have a contract of Hermes."

"......that is right."

The great black hawk was instantly diminished to that of an unreliable contracted being. 

"That reminds me. Do I have any letter from Circe?" asked Reve. 

If he remembered correctly, he sent a letter to her and was expecting some kind of feedback. 

Surprisingly, Demis avoided Reve's gaze when he replied, "No." 

Reve knew fully well something was up, "What is it?"

"Nothing," quickly retorted Demis. 

"The King of Misery does not simply say 'nothing'," taunted Reve. 

He thought as to why Demis was behaving strangely. Soon, he arrived at a conclusion.

"Could it be that....Circe hasn't read my letter yet," slowly asked Reve.


"That is the case, isn't it?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"She threatened you not to tell me, right?"


Reve facepalmed. Surely, someone like Circe would prefer to sleep than to read a letter from her student after assuring he was safe. 

"Damn, just give this scroll to her and tell her if she doesn't read it, I will march back home and quit the mission. Damn, old hag," shouted Reve. 

He threw the scroll at Demis and laid back on his bed. However, the latter hadn't left yet. 

"What is it?" queried Reve.

Demis' serious voice flowed into Reve's ear, "Is your mission to find the shards of Sheol?" 

Reve eyed him, "....How do you know of that?"

"I have spent a long time with you and the Immortal Witch, enough to discern the authenticity of your supposed mission."

"So, why do you ask me?"

"So, it is true. My brethren have heard rumors of the shards of Sheol resurfacing. I never thought the terrifying shards to be real, but if the Immortal Witch approaches the matter with such seriousness, then I suppose it is as real as it gets," revealed Demis. 

Unlike the races of Arcadia, the elementals and spiritas of the elemental planes are not prohibited from sharing information about the shards of Sheol. In fact, most of the time, the world administrator was quite lax with them.

After ascertaining the true mission of Reve, Demis attempted to leave but Reve asked him, "I plan on figuring out where the shards are. Can I depend on you to help me?"

"We have a contract. I am already helping you," said Demis. 

Reve offered, "True, but what if I use your connection with your brethren to nurture contracts with other humans for a lower price?"

Demis knew what Reve was getting at. He was asking to change the status of their contract from just two parties to allies. This would mean that Demis can go above the details written on the contract and Reve would not be required to pay for it. 

This was a tough decision for spiriton that are hungry for contracts.

Demis disappeared after giving it thoughts, but not before murmuring, "Give me time to consider."

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