The Arcadia System

Chapter 165 - The Banquet(1)

Days later. 

Reve looked at the exceedingly handsome figure in the mirror. Oh, boy, was he so dashing?

Donning a smooth shirt buttoned up to support the elegant tie he was wearing, he wore a chic with a v-line over it. 

He also wore a suit jacket with intricate rope patterns that made it look stylish and graceful. Complimenting the dress was his pants, which had the same pattern and style as the jacket. He finalized the full suit with a shoe he couldn't describe. He had simply thought it was fashionable and bought it.

Appreciating his beautiful work, Reve thought, 'That should be all. Seems like the large sum of money I spent in the tailor shop wasn't in vain.'

This style of formal wear was new around this area, which made it costly to get. It came from the new continent and was apparently what the people there dressed in when they had formal events to attend. 

He had spent quite a lot to acquire this dress.

Sighing, Reve left his room and headed to one of the campuses where Lithia resided. Due to the mature age of the students, there was no gender divide on campuses. Each campus allowed both male and female students. Instead, the difference in campuses was based on other themes. 

Reve was quick to get to Lithia's room as he had been there a handful of times, each time because of a shared mission. After knocking on her door, Reve waited for a few seconds before the door halfly opened. 

A head popped up, "Oh, Reve of Azea, you look.....I would say elegant, but I know better than to fill your damn ego."

Reve smiled, "You don't need to tell me. I'm quite aware of how much of a lady-killer I look like in this dress."

"Do you lack the ability to take a compliment," cursed Lithia. 

She didn't continue the topic and fully opened the door, revealing the dress she wore. She wore a long majestic dress that flowed from top to bottom. It had a v-neck, which revealed her milky cleavage that was sure to stir sensual feelings in the hearts of male onlookers. 

Leading Reve inside her room, the latter saw his fellow club member, Karmin. The black-haired girl had a similar dress to Lithia, but hers revealed no cleavage and was lighter in color.

Nevertheless, she managed to distinguish her own female charm. If Lithia was like a blue fire, Karmin was like a calm blue water that became more attractive the more one stared at it.

Reve joked, "Karmin, I must say, I didn't think you could put on a dress and look good."

There was a bit of history between the two club members.

"Would it hurt you to keep your foul thoughts to yourself? Oh blessed Xoris, why do I have to be stuck with your wretched arse?" sharply retorted Karmin. 

Clearly, her words did not match her demeanor and appearance. It was almost as if whatever came out of her mouth was sure to be fouler than a dirty gutter.

Reve was her main source of aggression. The two of them could bicker for days if left unattended. Luckily, Lithia was here to prevent that. 

"Now. Now. Today is not a good day for this bantering. I suggest we put on our best behavior and smile throughout the banquet," coerced Lithia. 

"You mean I should endure hours with this…..this braggart!" hissed Karmin. 

"How dare you call me that? I will have you know not a single word of praise I have sung for myself was untrue. You know, it is okay to admire me. You shouldn't hide it."

"Oh, goddamn it!"

The two were about to duke it out before Lithia utilized both her hands and dropped a chop on their heads, reminding them of where they were. 

She threatened, "Gele sent a letter yesterday. She said we should act cordially and whoever damages our favorable reputation would receive a month of missions when school resumes. Do you understand or should I continue listing her series of threats?"


"I understand."

"Good. Now, I arranged for Morgan to be our driver today. He will soon arrive with his carriage. So, we have to simply wait."

*Ta* *Ta* *Ta*

"Oh, good. He is already here. Let's go. We have a banquet to attend."











The carriage the trio rode quickly left the domain of Starhold and crossed a short forest. It soon arrived at the domain of Neverbell, the territory of Lord Rycharde.

After a while, it stopped in front of a tall manor. 

The trio got down and waited for Lithia to finish instructing the driver, Morgan, to wait in one of the nearby inns and pick them up when her linking spell tingles. 

The linking spell was a kind of spell that, obviously, links two parties together. It reveals the status of the parties. So, if manipulated well, it could be used as a means of information.

The three of them passed the servants positioned at the door. It was a strange sight to Reve…..watching others bow to him as if he was nobility. 

He preferred the barbaric approach of "Hi there" or "Hey".

Entering the manor, they were greeted with the sight of long tables that were about fifty feet long. On the tables were dishes of different varieties that left Reve's mouth itching to taste a bite of each of them. 

Before he could attempt it, a large arm grabbed the trio. It brought them to the center of the manor where everyone noticed them. 

"Ladies and gentlemen. May I have a moment to announce the arrival of my saviors, the Archaic Mysteries Club," loudly shouted the man that grabbed the trio. 

His breath oozed of alcohol and his stance wavered from time to time, but it didn't stop him from gathering a round of applause from his guests. 

After the crowd focused back on their personal self, he focused on the trio, "I'm glad you came. Please enjoy this banquet. Tonight is a night of wild festivities!"

He moved his drunk body out of the scene.

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