The Arcadia System

Chapter 82 - Eternal Misery

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[Reve's Random Lectures: Level Ranks

              -> A concept coined collectively by the people of Arcadia after understanding the practice of Nixy's classification of raw power. 

              -> Since raw power is hard to evaluate, what was instead classified were the different ranges of raw power and they were titles given for each classification.

            -> It is to be noted that the humans' preliminary classification is different from the universal classification, as humans fixate on low levels

              -> It is also to be noted that while bearing similarities, the level ranks of various paths remain different from the general level rank

Neophyte/ Amateur/ Initiate Rank -> Level 1-50

Meister Rank -> Level 51-100

Grand Rank -> Level 101-150

Grand Rank -> Level 151-200

Legend Rank -> Level 201-250

Legend Rank -> Level 251-300

Archon Rank -> Level 301-350

Mythic Rank -> Level 351-400

Demigod Rank -> Level 401-450

Demigod Rank -> Level 451-500

                                            -sourced from the "Book of the World", Year 600 A.E                  ]


One week after.

Reve could be found in his room. His head hanged over a dusty book as he read, word for word, attentively.

"YEAR 100 E.T. Arcadia has been submerged in peace for quite a long time. The scent of blue lilies began to fill the lands again. When I observed my periodical roaming, I saw children laughing vibrantly. They were part of the new generations and had no connections to the sins of the last era. I smiled for the first time in a while. Was this the end to the eternal misery promised to us by the world we damaged? Was there a possibility of sweet peace?"

This was part of Reve's classes. Strictly speaking, it was his history class.

However, Circe was not with him this time. She had determined that he was mature enough to independently study.

He had to say…..Circe was unrivalled when it came to excuses!

Nonetheless, for the past week, Reve's history classes were done by himself. He was given journals of Circe as his academic book.

These books were arranged perfectly. They were all directed to specific topics and were written from the witch's perspective.

It was after his first class alone did he understand that Circe was not as lazy as he thought. At certain times in every era, she would wake up and familiarize with the world. Yet, it was a wonder why she never taught about her first student, Zatius, and only heard of his possible death from him. 

On second thought, she was probably too lazy to check up on him.

Reve shivered as he imagined the scene of him being forgotten in his room for centuries.

'Focus,' he chanted to himself.

Back to the topic, yesterday, he had officially skimmed through the ascension era timeline.

This allowed him to move on to the next timeline, the era of heroes and demon lords or as Circe says, "the damn wretchedest era".

He was eager to see what she meant by that.

Hence, he continued reading, "Oh, I spoke too soon! The calm before the sea. Arcadia never knew peace. I should have never believed otherwise.  The first sign of the coming dark times was the black clouds that filled all parts of Arcadia. I was fascinated with it as my magic reacted violently to it. Nevertheless, I was merely a bystander and I would act as such."

"Months later, it began…a new war that would later be known as Demon World War. The first of this war erupted suddenly like the opening of the abyss. Before I knew what was happening, a being known as the demon lord promised to liberate the magical beasts from the chains of discrimination. When he destroyed Garian Dynasty, he had the noblest intentions but after a few more years, he descended to madness…..pure insanity that only seeked destruction. He became a being of myths known as a demon!"

"Strangely enough, my acquaintances told me he wielded a strange form of energy termed [Black Star]. This energy was said to be the vilest energy. He was powerful, rightfully so. Yet, fate played with him as expected. When he raised hell on Xoris, another strange being like him emerged. He was called the hero and he wielded [White Star], the antithesis of [Black Star]. Pushed by fate, they would fight against each other in multiple battles and their last fight would be in the Battle of Rurs, a perfect place for the final fight."

"By the time the sun shone light into this would-be memorial ground, two corpses would be identified. The hero and the demon lord. Such a tale! Such an epic! Such a legacy that would define the rest of the era! Yet, the world would forever be ignorant of…..the lurker in the shadows!"

After Reve was done with the sentence, he closed the book and faced the ceiling.

This was what he loved about history. The feeling each story gave was enough to immerse him in that time period.

Reve had to give point to Circe. Just from her writings, his understanding of her increased.

'There's still more….' sighed Reve.

The First Demon World War had many light sub-topics to discuss but….

'There's no time,' reasoned Reve.

He looked at the clock hanging on the sides of the left wall of his room. The time and days of Arcadia was the same as Earth so Reve had no hard time adjusting to things related to that.

He deciphered the time on the clock. It was nearly noon!

Wait, Noon!

Reve jumped from his spot and quickly transformed to his [Dos Form]. If he remembered correctly, he had something to do!

"I'm out," shouted Reve as he left the front door.

He didn't wait for a reply from the sleeping Circe as he joined the streets of Triton Key. 

By now, he was already used to the sight of demi-humans. He had even mingled with some of them. They exuded the same simpleness that magical beasts had.. As long as he was not a threat, this made it easy to converse with them.

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