The Arcadia System

Chapter 83 - Group Of Young Masters

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Crossing multitudes of intersected streets, Reve found himself facing a particular store.

[Violet Garden]

That was the name of the restaurant. As soon as Reve went inside, cheers erupted from the demi-humans inside.

"There's the mage we have been waiting for," chanted one of the demi-humans.

At this time of the day, Violet Garden was occupied by a group of young demi-human who sat on a circular seating, made from large groups like that.

The demi-human who spoke to Reve was one of them. He was a rabbit demi-human, bearing the main features of humans along with the ears and whiskers of rabbits.

The young boy was Toffan. 

"Sorry. sorry. I was busy---" smiled Reve but he was cut short by another demi-human.

The demi-human, Grejara, sighed, "--you were busy studying. You have told us the same thing every day. You know, just because you are a mage doesn't mean you should be a bookworm all the time of the day."

"Yes. Reve is in his youthful period. He should loosen up instead of staying in the Black Mansion for hours," cheered Miko, the foxman.

"I know. I know. Hey, I'm here now, aren't I? So, shut it!" teased Reve in revenge.

He had become acquainted with this group after his first visit to this restaurant.

He spied at all of them and noticed something strange, "Where's Nikan?"

"Heh, he is the one ordering today," laughed Grejara.

"But he ordered yesterday, and the day before that…..and the day before that?" voiced Reve.

The rest easily shrugged it off, "Nikan has bad luck. It's not our fault."

This group of degenerates had a certain eating tradition. Every day, they would play a game to draw out which one of them would order their meals for them. 

It was a game of dice. Whoever rolled the lowest number would be their unfortunate winner. It was an absolute game of luck and yet, the demi-human called Nikan was their leading champion.

Reve sighed, "I guess so."

He found an empty seat among the group and comfortably sat on it.

Meanwhile, the shadow of a figure loomed over the group. They didn't react to it as they knew who it was.

It was a demi-human with wolf ears but no whiskers. He had a lean body and wore a black tunic with black pants, complementing his curly black hair.

He was Nikan. If one judged him based on looks, one would not associate him with a five-star loser in a game of luck. Alas, such was the sad reality.

Nikan walked closer to them with trembling feets. On his shoulders were two large trays. On his two hands was another set of trays. Balanced on his head was yet another one.

Before he could trip to the tricky load on him, Grejara stood up to help him and lifted a few trays.

They settled all the trays at the center of the table which they sat at.

Reve took a scent of the dish on the trays and a drool slipped down the corner of his mouth.

It was braised pork, his now favorite meal!

Coincidentally, this was the beloved dish of everyone in the group. It was what brought them together.

Being the newbie, Reve shamelessly took one stick and allowed the rest to proceed. 

He didn't bother about the white shirt he wore as his mouth engulfed the juicy pork.

As he ate, his eyes wandered on Nikan. 

Nikan was the one who introduced him to the group!

Back then, he was seduced by the scent of braised pork and found himself in the restaurant but he later realized that he had no money. Heck, he didn't even know the currency of Vagoroth.

It was then his dilemma was caught by Nikan, a kindred fellow with love for food. The wolfman dragged him to the group and the rest was history. But that was not all…...Reve had a particular reason for answering Nikan's invite.


"Another one," Reve bellowed.

He raised his hand to take another stick as he used his right hand to fiercely grab a mug of fruit juice.

"I can't get enough of this," mentioned Miko.

"I agree"


"So delicious."


The group of five said the same thing. 

After multiple rounds, they were done with the trays and focused on the fruit juice. Soon, they finished that with their bellies bulging like a pregnant woman.

Grajera burped, "I'm full. Should we order more?"

"Ahh, no. Mother says not to overeat," cautioned Fen, a dogman.

His mother was one of Vagoroth's council members so he was the richest among them. He was also their sponsor as he paid for every one of their dishes.

Nikan teased, "She also said that hunting is dangerous. What are we if not beings of the hunt?"

Fen's mother has been the topic for many of their jokes. She liked to behave like a dainty young woman despite the fact that nobody thought of her like that.

Strangely enough, the group was a group of young masters. Each of them had an illustrious background in Vagoroth with Reve serving as the most mysterious one.

Fen looked at the time from a clock in the restaurant and noticed that an hour has passed since they started eating.

He spoke to the rest with a timid tone, "It's time. We have to go all we have people hunting us. See you tomorrow."

Without waiting, Fen quickly cleaned his lips and escaped from the restaurant. The others didn't try to stop it as just yesterday, his family guards ransacked the city looking for him. 

After he left, one by one, the others followed. In less than five minutes, there was only Reve and Nikan left.

Reve was not in a hurry. He had intentionally woken up late at night to begin his daily study. He adjusted his schedule with Circe, who was even happier to have more sleep time to herself.

Now, he had the rest of the day free!

Reve's eyes beamed as he said to Nikan who was still munching on his pork stick, "Let's go."

The two of them had a shared secret

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