The Arcadia System

Chapter 84 - The Uno Reverse Master

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A week ago, when Nikan and Reve met in Violet Garden, they kept exchanging looks.

To Reve, Nikan appeared familiar, and to Nikan, Reve reminded him of something in his memory.

The two behaved cordial and as Reve accepted Nikan's invite, they analyzed each other and came to a common conclusion.

They had met each other before!

And where was that? Well, it was an unknown location used as the base of the Gehenna Order.

Yes, Nikan was a Gehenna Order prospect. That was why he looked so familiar. He was the prospect that stood behind Zev. However, after the conclusion of the meeting, he seemed to have departed alone while Zev journeyed with Circe and Reve.


Current time.

The two of them left the restaurant and headed to the Black Mansion. It was from the group of young masters that he realized that no one really knew Circe and her mansion. All they knew was that the Black Mansion was a forbidden area.

Reve could imagine that at first rumors spread around about the mansion but like every other rumor, they dwindled with time. However, after the owner of the mansion moved in, it seemed people had reawakened their curiosity.

Sadly, they had no access to the rumors as it was far older than them.

Nikan and Reve stopped at the courtyard. As the student of Circe, Reve could be considered the second owner of the mansion. He had the right to grant entrance to any of his guests. Circe had told him that.

The two young people sat on the grass as they discussed. This was not Nikan's first time here. For the past three days, he had been coming here with Reve since the latter needed him for something.

"The air here is fresh. I can't get enough of it," sniffed Nikan.

He dropped his full body on the grass as he immersed himself in the beautiful warmth of the courtyard.

"Hey, now is not the time for that. Let's begin," said Reve.

He stood up and dusted his laps.

Facing Reve's naggy words, Nikan did the same. The two faced each other and a sharp gale was generated by their intense stares.

Rev could feel the growing smile on Nikan's face and understood he probably wore the same exact smile. The both of them were thrilled.

Just like his master, Reve was not a socialite. There was only one reason why he would invite another Gehenna prospect…...and that was to spar!



Just like every other ki user, Nikan took the first move!

He blitzed away from his original sport and appeared closer to Reve moments later.

In return, Reve's mind sharpened as he calculated each possible movement Nikan would make.

A magic circle appeared beneath Nikan and the latter felt the hellish cold about to pour out. 

Immediately, his body glowed up. A shock wave emerged from him that depowered any active magic spell in the vicinity.

It caught Reve by surprise as all his plans went down the drain.

Suddenly, his senses blared. In the span of a few seconds, his feet ascended to a few inches above the ground and swerved as if they were skating on an ice floor.


He was just in time as a wind blade brushed past his skin with fierce momentum.

Reve had activated [Morai] and he surfed on the surface. It was something he had come to understand in the previous spars with Nikan.

Back to the current spar, before Reve could even take a breathing space, a figure blinked into existence in front of him and threw a quick punch that even Reve couldn't ignore.

The latter crossed his arms to block it but it never came. It was a feint!


A side kick went for his face and saw no obstacles. It sent Reve flying high in the air.

Strangely enough, after a few rounds of turning around high up, Reve balanced himself as if he was gliding.

With the momentum gotten from the sharp winds, he began his descent to the earth.

However, it was not to be smooth. An array of wind blades appeared to aim at him.

It was then Reve understood Nikan's plan. Reve's skill repertoire was mainly built on the nature element. If he was dissociated from said element, his arsenal would dwarf.

"Heh, I figured as much," smirked Reve.

He chanted inwardly, '[Force Barrier].'

A transparent barrier that bordered the line of illusions emerged in front of him.

Reve increased his falling speed and faced the storm of wind blades. He closed his eyes for better efficiency and dodged a few of the wind blades while allowing his barrier to tank the rest.

Soon, he was almost close to the earth surface and twisted his body to find a good balance. Any human of the same level as him would have died trying to execute his sequences of action, but as a cat, balance was the least of Reve's problems!


The moment his feet touched the ground, he twisted in an inhuman like fashion and sent a kick to his back. Nikan's fist was blocked by his right leg but it still gleamed.

A blue energy shot out of it and smashed Reve's brutally. It made the latter roll on the grass until he regained balance. The sheer force of his rolls garnered dust that dampened visibility of both opponents.

Reve used that to his advantage as usual. He extended all his sensory skills as he began his execution of [Ice Fantasy].

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him and held a wind blade at his throat, "I knew you would do that."

Before he could gloat in his victory, Reve dispersed into various white plants. His voice echoed throughout the courtyard.

"I knew you knew you would do that."

Suddenly, a light brightened up in the dust-filled courtyard.

It seemed to be moving and the next thing Reve knew, he was in the grasp of Nikan.

The wolfman laughed at him, playing the perfect uno reverse, "Hehe. I knew you knew I knew you knew you would do that.. So, I prepared something you can't evade." 

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