The Arcadia System

Chapter 85 - Reve’s Martial Art

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"Hehe. I knew you knew I knew you knew you would do that. So, I prepared something you can't evade."


His body caught in Nikan's arms, Reve sighed and was about to raise his hand, a sign of defeat, when he got an idea!

Nikan laughed wildly, "Haha, I win."

It was at times like these that Reve could see the similarities between Zev and Nikan.

Reve pretended, "Alright. Alright."

Suddenly, his voice beamed, "Ehh, is that Circe and Zev?!"

The surprise in his voice convinced Nikan, who turned around to look at the direction Reve pointed at.

The bait was hanged and the fish was attracted. 

It was then Reve did something ladylike. He raised his right knee to hit Nikan in the worst place possible...the place responsible for baby-making!

"Yeek," Nikan screamed like a cow.

He unknowingly released his grip on Reve, successfully allowing the latter to break free.

Immediately, Reve chanted inwardly, '[Ice Fantasy].'

Three magic circles rose to the sky. Their constant revolution brought to life an orb that exuded a cool aura. 


The orb cracked and a small greenish-white flower extended from its depth. It took a long time but when it finally blossomed, a fantasy world replaced the courtyard!

Harsh snowflakes fell on the grasses as crystalline spears made out of pure ice wandered around. They only had one enemy, which was Nikan!

Finally recovered, Nikan smiled as he sensed the rain of ice spears incoming, "You dirty bastard. You better pray to Xoris that I don't get you. You #### ##### ###### ####."

Even when Nikan took action, a wide number of profanity words slipped out of his mouth. However, that didn't stop him from performing his evasive maneuvers perfectly.

He danced in the storm of ice spears like an immortal playing a game of strength with mortals. 

If Reve was akin to water, then Nikan was parallel to wind. The two of them boasted feats of speed that were hard to find among magical beasts in the same age range as them.

Like a swift bird, Nikan crossed the sea of ice spears and headed for the true mastermind, Reve! 

His hidden wolf claws extended from his fingers as he took a swipe at the figure of Reve. Just as he expected, Reve turned to white plant whips again. Yet, he wasn't downcast.

No, far from that. Reve might think he was clever but he was getting monotonous….and Nikan had already found a way to counter his cloning spell.

He revealed his plan to the empty courtyard, or maybe not empty, "The number of clones you can't create is less than five but u found a loophole by cloning your clones. However, their ability would be severely lessened. Hence, you only use them for distraction. Good decision but it won't matter when I can simply clear the field. [Wind Disaster]!"

He took a peculiar stance. His feet planted firmly to the earth as gravity seemed to focus on only him. With his stance, he was like a catapult. The more gravity chained him down, the more force he would generate when he is released.

The wind went still and it could even be discerned that there was no air in the environment.

Suddenly, a large pillar of green light erupted from Nikan's body. He was released and the disaster ensued!

The original still winds fiercely ravaged everything in sight. They formed incorporeal objects like swords, knives, spears, claws. The grasses were cleared away by them, leaving only the bare brown earth in its wake.

Nikan could see as every one of Reve's clones transformed back to their original form. One by one....until only one Reve remained, the true Reve!

"I got you," smiled Nikan.

His body beamed again and blinked into Reve's ten feet space. Feeling the desire to not go down without a fight, Reve swerved with his [Morai] skill and sent his signature right kick at Nikan.

It was clearly an attempt at suicide. A mage could never best a ki user at physical combat. 

Moreover, Reve wouldn't be dumb to risk protecting his physical space.

Suddenly, inches away from reaching Nikan's face, Reve did another superb movement. He forcefully dragged back his leg along with the momentum it generated and sent out his left leg instead.

It all happened in a flash and Nikan only saw himself getting kicked from his right side instead of his predicted left side.

He was sent deep into the earth as he made a crater form. When he stood up, red liquid dripped from his orifices. His eyes were almost white and his right cheek flushed intensely with a red hue.

However, Nikan was more fixated on what actually happened to him, "I told you during our yesterday sparring. You have the talent for ki mastery. Heh, what martial art is that? What school?"

Meanwhile, Reve wasn't left scot-free by the attack he just used. His bones broke due to the sheer pressure and his waist appeared to be almost dislocated.

He heaved at Nikan, "Doesn't belong to any school."

Just like magic, ki mastery also had schools but they were of a different concept from the schools of magic. While the schools of magic dictated the different types of magic, ki schools, also called, martial schools, were more of the different beliefs of ki mastery.

This was why they were always founded not discovered like the schools of magic.

Nikan dismissed what Reve said and focused on concluding the spar, "Heh, one last attack, right?"

"Yes," sighed Reve.

They engaged in a meaningful stare and only time could tell when they actually moved.


What came next was a contest of speed and power!

Rev thought to himself, 'I will finish this off with one of the shadow's attack moves.'

'[Enchant Base: Body].'

Cerulean lines appeared on his skin as he became faster than ever. He overloaded his body with mana, reaching for his limits, and activated his peak state.

Nikan seemed to have also done something as his speed increased. Within a sizable distance, the two prepared their finishing attack.

Nikan's fist extended from his body, while Reve's right feet could be seen stagnating behind his left feet.

Suddenly, Reve's body dropped flat before he could fully execute his move. Seeing this, Nikan laughed boisterously and stopped.

"Hahaha.. I won. Did you actually think you had unlimited mana?"

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