The Arcadia System

Chapter 90 - The Campaign(2)

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"It is possible that we are walking on an empty island"


Kallinos had a grim look on his face as he speculated what might be the reason for the strange occurrences.

A strange feeling was welling up in his bowels. Being a member of the Kratos clan, Kallinos was taught never to ignore his instinct. In the words of his elders, his instinct was truer than himself.

'What is it?' he thought.

The strange feeling refused to leave, making Kallinos descend into the well of panic. He hastily turned around to inspect his surrounding.

He sighed when he saw that Sir Alex's men were still safe and ignorant. It was then he saw something quite peculiar!

He saw a glint of light hiding in one of the bushes. When he focused hard enough, he could spot the outline of a humanoid figure.

"Enemies!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

However, he was too late.


Multiple tiny objects flew in the air at an insane speed. They were targeted at the necks of the Solaris knights, who had no helmets on.

Five of the tiny objects were successful while the rest were parried away. The moment those five objects found their target, they sucked on the necks like parasites. 

The five knights dropped dead like a log of wood, leaving the remaining knights to speculate what had happened.

Sir Alex unsheathed his sword as he took a glance at his dead men, "Poison darts. Gather in a circle formation. Kallinos, what do you see?"

In the rear of the formation, Kallinos peered his eyes through the veil of the night. It was at times like this that he wished he had [Night Vision].


Suddenly, another rain of poison darts soared through the sky!

"Incoming," shouted Kallinos.

This time they were more prepared this time. The surrounding took a stance and their ki spread outwards. It formed a yellow dome of energy that protected the formation.

The darts hit the dome but couldn't pierce. Out of nowhere, white smoke was released from the darts. It blinded the group in less than five seconds.

The only thing they could see was the white smoke that had consumed their environment.

Having the best sense of hearing among the party, Kallinos heard sharp movements heading towards him. All of a sudden, a blade reached out for him.

He parried it with his right sword and anticipated an attack aiming at his left leg. 

A smirk appeared on his face as he met the attack with his left sword. Showcasing his strengths, he pushed both attacks apart and flipped his body to perform a dropkick at his assailant.

"Hmmm…." Kallinos raised his brows.

His leg had met with nothing but thin air. Something was strange about his assailant.

He was sure he was not strong since his weapon attacks were easy to tank. Yet, sometimes, they proved too heavy to absorb.


Just as he was thinking, a punch went to his guts. However, his inner armor plate negated that.

Nonetheless, the attacks seemed to have just started. One blade swipe went for his neck and his instinct told him of a hidden attack following that.

Kallinos dodged both of them but he felt a hot breath envelop his back. Instantly, he shot out ki from his body and erupted with an insane amount of strength.

With bulging muscles, he faced his back and sent a kick aimed nowhere. His kick proved to be just in time as he saw a faint outline of a leg clash with him.


A sharp pain coursed through his right leg in response to the attack. He ignored it and rolled away from the spot.

'How are they moving freely? The smoke should be blocking their sights just like me,' thought Kallinos.

He decided to put an end to the restriction on his sight once and for all.

Kallinos sniffed at the fresh air coming from the sky and extracted a large amount of ki from his body. He converted them to wind ki.

Channeling them into his dual swords, Kallinos entered a stance and his view of his environment changed.

Suddenly, before any attack could reach him, his swords chimed and released an outburst of fierce wind gales that blew away the smoke.


As soon as Kallinos was successful in clearing the area, he took a look at his surroundings.

'So, this is what they wanted to achieve,' he said to himself.

Tens of feet away from him was the rest of Sir Alex's party, too invested in their fight with seven veiled figures that they failed to notice the change in environment.

It was crystal clear to Kallinos now. The poison darts were to thin the numbers of the knights. The smoke darts were to release a smoke veil. The smoke veil was to cover their main objectives, which was to separate the party.

As for who this "they" was?

It was the group of assailants.

From the corner of his eyes, Kallinos spotted two figures heading for me. They were dressed in leather cloaks that left no part of their body revealed. This cloak was more than just leather, it was made in a tribalistic way that seemed familiar to Kallinos. On the waist of this group of assailants was a belt equipped with strange items.

"This appearance. You are amazons, right? The extinct race of Arcadia. Rumors say you were hidden in the beast continent. I guess they were true," asked Kallinos.

The Kratos clan were sometimes thought to be amazons due to their battle prowess. However, from this short battle, even he could see the differences in battle prowess.

Kratos activated his [Appraisal] skill in them to confirm his thoughts.



He laughed inwardly, 'Of course, they are two!'

Now he knew why their attacks did not match well. They belonged to different people!

Kallinos waited for a reply from the amazons but he got no reply. He wasn't offended as he had read that amazons fought in silence.

He watched as the two amazons took one last look at each other before they dashed at him like a grand prize!

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