The Arcadia System

Chapter 91 - Fortress Of Stars

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'I have the level advantage. This should be quick,' analyzed Kallinos.

There was no smoke veil to block his sight. Hence, his thought was quite sound...except, he didn't factor in the uniqueness of his assailants.


As if practiced thousands of times, the two amazons jumped at Kallinos. One went for a high kick while the other went for the legs!

With the full empowerment from his ki, Kallinos clapped his hands and a sound wave blasted the two away.

Before they reached the ground, they regained their balance and plotted their next sequence of actions. One of them brought out a strange sword called an ulfberht sword, a double-edged sword with lengths ninety-one centimeters(91cm) and a width of five centimeters(5cm), while the other amazon dropped behind the first and quickly assembled a bow from an item on his waist.

They used the momentum from their previous clash and zoomed back to their opponent. Although, it was only one of them this time; the one with the sword.

As he sent a beam of energy at Kallinos, the other amazon shot an arrow at the predicted spot Kallinos would move towards. 

It was checkmate, the perfect mortal blow that would end Kallinos!

Suddenly, Kallinos erupted with a fierce aura. Ki spilled out of him violently for a few seconds before they settled down like a still sea. They encased Kallinos, granting him a vast reserve of strength. Feeling the massive boost, Kallinos held his two swords firmly and waved at the incoming beam.

He shot his own beam at it and the two clashed violently. It was not a normal clash at all. In less than a second, Kallinos's beam defeated the other beam and headed for the sword amazon. The beam was soon defeated by an arrow that pierced its center, giving the sword amazon an attack advantage.

Kallinos smirked at this and put his right foot before his left foot, "I always wanted to fight an amazon. Behold, [Sword of the Sworm]!"

This time, a beam of energy showed on the tip of his sword. Before the sword amazon could reach him, Kallinos sliced the empty air with his sword.

It was a simple attack but the moment it was released, crackling sounds could be heard from the sky above. The thunder above the clouds roared like a hungry beast and the clouds blocked the path of sunlight. There were even tiny raindrops falling stealthy on the earth.

Meanwhile, the two amazons saw the resplendent beam edge towards them. Their body tensed as the aura of the attack was absolutely domineering. Not of the attacks the arrow-amazon shot at it stopped it.

Suddenly, the sword amazon ran behind the arrow amazon. They didn't exchange any looks but they could tell what they were thinking.

The arrow-amazon disassembled his arrow and brought a thin longsword from his sheath and planted it in the ground.

He didn't talk but a subtle whisper echoed in the vicinity, "[Fortress of Stars]...."

The moment this sound was heard, the earth shook and formed a structure around the two amazons. The structure resembled ancient fortresses used in wars. It towered until it surpassed every tree!

The sound of a battle horn could be heard as the fortress solidified. It faced the glory of the brutal sword beam that headed for it. A clash of techniques quickly ensued!


Dust rose up to accompany the great clash. After they cleared away, a gaping hole could be found in the fortress. It reached for the depth of the fortress.

The fortress crumbled like stale bread in under a few seconds, revealing the states of the two amazons.

The both of them fell to their knees as they panted wildly. Their cloak was blown away revealing their appearance. They were a pair of male and female. They both had the silky hair of amazons, but the female amazon looked more particular with her unique silky green hair.

It wasn't beauty per se that made her peculiar, rather it was the natural aura she exuded. It was solemn like as if she was sitting in a  calm sea filled with blood. And her eyes...….Kallinos couldn't help but be scared as he stared deeply into those pure eyes.

He quickly snapped out of it and tried to gather his ki again.

Most Ki Arts were usually energy-consuming. That was why ki masters mostly fought with basic aura augmentations. When they finally used their Ki Arts, it would mean they were getting serious.

Now that Kallinos had used about three Ki Arts, his ki reserve, soul sea, was getting dried. He reckoned it would be the same for the two amazons. The male amazon might be alright but the female one was definitely exhausted.....that was what he thought!

The female amazon rose up shakily and leaned on her sword. Her red eyes faced the male amazon and they nodded ambiguously.

The male amazon quickly assembled an arrow from his waist belt and shot a ki arrow at Kallinos. The action was executed speedily. It was so fast that Kallinos wasn't aware until it neared him.

He hastily parried the attack and tried to rebalance himself. However, a figure flashed beside him and his flesh opened to form a thin slit.

Blood spurt from it and he winced heavily. 

Kallinos quickly distanced himself from the female amazon, "Ha, a group of two amazons is too much."

As his eyes felt heavy, he struggled to control the amount of blood overflowing from the wound. Now, he was closer to the female amazon, he was a bit happy that the amazon was not left unscathed from their previous clash.

Suddenly, a light reflected in his eyes. Kallinos saw something that terrified him.

On the hands of the female amazon was a crystal bone sword that gleamed purple. There was an inscription on the sword with an unknown ancient language. The image of the sword overlapped with an image in Kallinos' mind.

His elders had taught him about the legends of Arcadia. Among them was something they desired so much. The drawing of the item was the same as the sword in the female amazon's hand.

Kallinos muttered, "The Killing Sword, Mal!" 

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