The Arcadia System

Chapter 93 - The Legion Of Vagoroth

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As the amazons immersed themselves in the feeling of victory, they had no idea that multiple sets of eyes fixated on them from distances away.

It was a group of demi-humans that stood on high tree branches as they spied on the amazons. They wore a light armor outfit and on their arms were armbands with a serpent ring insignia. They were the battle force of Vagoroth!

"So, these are the amazons? Spectacular," said one of them.

He had fox ears and his outfit was customized specially to allow his bushy tail to waggle freely in the air. With a scar on his right eye, the foxman exuded a cool but terrifying aura.

Akira squatted on the tree branch and spoke to the others, "What do you think?"

As the leader of this group, he was expected to humbly listen to others' opinions. Nonetheless, it wasn't such reason that made him ask his subordinates. It was simply because Akira was so close to them that he could ignore the status quo.

One of the members of the group replied, "At first, I thought the amazons were something of the myths. I even believed they were not as brilliant as they pictured, but, seeing this....."

He was cut off by a lizardman, "Despite this being a low scale battle, we were fortunate enough to see a battle between a Kratos clansmen and an amazon. Of course, granted, it was a two against one duel."

A foxwoman said, "We should look at the bigger picture. After periods of aimless wandering, the Kingdom of Solaris and the Kratos clan have finally begun their campaign. We have no time to admire the amazons."

"Yes, I agree with you, Masa. However, our mission was to protect this island. The amazons completed it for us. We can take a break," nodded Akira.

The group was part of the defense force of Vagoroth known as the Legion. The Legion was organized by the council of Vagoroth. Thereby, making the council their direct head. 

Due to Vagoroth being a place of peace, it was hard to gather such a terrifying force. The council had to train most of the demi-human warriors from the scratch, wasting a lot of decades to quickly mature them to the finest of their kinds. However, efforts are never in vain, this group was the prime example of the potential of the Legion.

They were all above Level 70! 

Yet, their ages were just about ten years older than Kallinos of the Kratos.

Akira stared at the amazons once more as he went into deep thoughts.

After a while, he said to his group, "Time waits for no one. Masa, Rhauzk, Casas, you are to watch over the amazons from the shadow. Solaris is bound to send another swarm of knights. After three or more days, it would be safe for them to assume the death of the first swarm. They wouldn't be dumb enough to send another party with similar strength to the first one. Masa will be the leader of you three. I can't imagine what would happen if it is any of you two."

The trio he called was a pair of foxwoman, lizardman, and lamia. Akira reckoned that they should be able to provide support to the amazons if the situation calls for it.

He advised them, "The amazons were one of the first to move to this continent. In a way, they are our forebearers. Make sure to protect them well."

Being part of the higher-ups of the Legion, Akira was privileged to know many secrets. Just like the demi-humans, the amazons had signed a treaty with the intelligent magical beasts in Azea during the Ascension Era. However, after the Year of Discord, they dwindled due to their lost connection to their homeworld.

Nevertheless, they still remained an honorary inhabitant of Azea. So, when the Vagoroth Council received the news that some of the amazon settlements were destroyed, they didn't take it so well.


Masa and the two dropped to the ground and lightly bowed at Akira. 

As the sub-leader, the foxwoman said to Akira before she took her departure, "I understand. The amazons are under our protection."


The wind carried the trio and they left before anyone could even say anything, leaving only Akira and Brown, a rabbitman.

Brown asked his leader, "What happens to us now?"

"You will go to the other islands and offer any help you can. Whilst, I will head for our base on the fifth stratum and report the change in the situation."

A vast aura spread from Akira's body. He adjusted to it subtly and disappeared from his spot. All Brown could see was his afterimages that kept blinking away every three seconds.

He said to himself as he tried to remember the nearest island, "Ha, I'm tired."


Three days later.

Tranquil Isle, Calm Chain.

On this little island, there was an outpost made with regular wood. It was bordered with a small gate watched diligently by a number of demi-humans.

In one particular make-shift building, a loud voice sounded, "What?! The amazons still walk the soil of Azea? You have brought great news, Captain Akira. As for the movement of the campaign, I have already been notified."

The voice belonged to a burly man with two horns protruding from the opposite sides of his head. The man also wore the signature outfit of the Legion, but above his armband was another armband, which showed a serpent ring. However, unlike the other armband, it had something different. At the center of the armband was a single vertical eye that resembled the eyes of a beast that wanted to hunt!

This armband was proof that the man was one of the council members of Vagoroth.

He was Asterion, the great minotaur!

He sat on his great chair as he conversed with a foxman. If one looked closer, they would recognize the foxman covered in foul sweat. He went by the name Akira!

Akira had run for three straight days, nonstop.. It was no wonder that he looked like he was about to break down.

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