The Arcadia System

Chapter 94 - Dorian Summershine

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"With that said, take a rest. You look like shit right now. Leave the rest to us," comforted Asterion.

He was the only council member on Tranquil Isle right now. The location of the majority of them was kept secret; they were heading for the base of the invaders.

Despite feeling the immense weakness in him, Akira asked, "Will there be a war?"

"I hope not. There has never been a war on Azea and we would like to keep it like that. If a war sparks out, we are sure to not be the instigator," said Asterion.

With his ki, he looked through the small wooden tent. He saw an inflow of demi-humans walking tenderly into the campsite.

If he remembered correctly, they should be part of the first defense sent to protect the island on the fifth stratum. Immediately they went through the wooden gates, some of them slumbered to the ground. They were not in good shape at all. Some were missing a leg. Some lost their arms. Whilst some were stained in red from head to toe, it was unknown if the blood was from themselves or their enemies.

'The casualties are piling up,' thought Asterion.

It all seemed like the prelude to war.

He focused back on Akira, "Be at ease, Vagoroth is prepared for something like this. If war is our fate, then we will face it head-on. However, we must be careful not to make the first step. As Catelyn said, Our objective is to 'feel out' the other side. Nothing more than that."

Demi-humans were not known for being proficient in the art of war, but even they knew that it was all about the tempo. For instance, terms like "first wave" or "scout" were used in the preliminary stages of war.

It is an unspoken rule that both sides would start on a small scale and slowly progress to the grand stage. This was why a meister-rank individual like Akira was seen on the battlefield.

"In the end, we just have to hope," muttered Asterion.

He peered through the tent and looked at the sky which was slowly gaining a red hue. He hoped his fellow council members would be successful in their endeavors.


Sun Camp, Kimpar Island, West Archipelago.

This part of Azea had a solemn air to it. The ferocious winds traveled like there was no tomorrow, bringing forth what could best be described as a tempest gale.

The trees struggled to stay rooted in the ground as gravity lost control a few times. Due to the dark clouds that covered Kimpar Island, roars of thunder could be heard here and there. It wouldn't be long before a vengeful rain washed the island.

It was as if nature could detect the foreign presence that sought to tame it.

At the coast of this island settled the base camp of Solaris, the Sun Camp. Multiple tents were erected in a formation, all of them bearing the red sun on their body.

In the biggest tent, the seven most important individuals were having a serious conversation.

There was only one seat and a young man with blonde hair sat on it pridefully. He conversed with the rest as they maintained an upright posture.

"Prince Dorian, the first wave ended in failure, We lost some important figures on some islands. I suggest we request assistance from the king," said one of the men dressed in heavy armor.

"Gavin, we do no such thing. The King already gave us an army. If we were to ask for more, wouldn't we be declaring ourselves as incompetents? Moreover, the army granted to us by his excellency has not been used to its full potential," argued another man.

Listening to them, Prince Dorian glanced at a man by his side. The middle-aged man wore ferocious red heavy armor and was even equipped with a helmet.

It was said that the blood of his enemies was used to paint his armor.

Not being intimidated by his brutal aura, Prince Dorian said to the man, "General Ingram, what is the status of the Red Army?"

The Red Army was the army bequeathed to Prince Dorian by the king of Solaris. It was the third army of Solaris led by General Ingram.

In essence, despite it being led by the experienced general, it belonged to the king of Solaris. That was how the military structure of Solaris was built.

General Ingram announced the report, "We are still green! Not more than ten percent of our warriors were killed. It should also be noted that they are meister-rank and below. They wouldn't be relevant even if the real war kickstarts. The sun still shines on us."

"The sun still shines on us," repeated Prince Dorian.

He turned his head to face an old man dressed in grey robes. Unlike the others, the old man had no respect for the prince and simply kept quiet while they talked about war.

The Prince asked the old man, "Sir Vasilis, how does your Kratos group fare?"

"Heh. We are still able to support you. The chief granted me a thousand warriors, only about fifty are reported dead," replied Vasilis.

The Prince digested the information and went into deep thoughts. His fingers lightly tapped on his seat's armrest as they made a soothing sound.

After a while, he announced, "My father doesn't like failure. He hates that and would beat it out of anyone he sees with it. You should the outcome of asking my father for more assistance. We lost the first wave. Hence, we should strive for victory in the second wave. Defeat is not allowed. Our fate may very well depend on it."

Despite the hazardous weather beating their tents, Prince Dorian was still able to make a smile, "After all, the sun still shines on us."

As he was about to utter his next words, he forcefully turned his head to face the entrance of the tents. It wasn't just him, the others donned grim looks as uncertain thoughts showed on their faces.

"Could it be----"

"Dorian Summershine! We request your presence!"

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