The Arcadia System

Chapter 96 - Dorian Summershine(3) - Myniene Of The White Sky Clan

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"Vagoroth serves as the caretaker of Azea. On no account will we allow you to ravage our motherland. You should take your covetous campaign back to Xoris," warned the tigris.

Prince Dorian went silent for a while before breaking out a smile, "I understand. The rest of the world had assumed this is a no man's land. However, that seems to not be the case. Hmmm…...despite that, should we disregard your warning, what might possibly happen?"

Prince Dorian was known to tread on a thin line every day. It was only due to this he was able to acquire the skill of eloquent speech. Only someone like him could speak politely yet mean otherwise.

The oldest demihuman took control of the conversation. With a raspy voice filled with the ambiance of experience, he said to the young prince, "War. Not just on this front. We promise a widespread war that would take us all the way to Solaris. That is our resolve. If you do not retreat forthwith, then we shall be forced to deliver this promise without fail."

In front of the demihumans, General Ingram shouted with a mocking face, "You dare announce war in front of Solaris!" 

Finally, Myniene of the white sky clan opened her mouth, "Yes, we dare to. And we would have if Tor had not stopped us."

The regal demeanor she exuded clashed with Prince Dorian's princely aura and came out on top. 

She went on, "The four of us. Me, Catelyn, Kiera, and Tor are quite confident of destroying this camp with added effort. We still have two more council members. We have an army that is capable of resisting yours and we are also capable of enlisting the help of magical beasts. Tell me, do you think we speak empty threats."

"Hmph, you seem to not recognize your adversaries," humped Vasilis.

This was the first time he would interrupt their conversation. He brought forth his long blade, making the other aware that his presence should be the deciding factor.

"Yes. Man from Kratos. I'm well aware of you. Still, you are irrelevant," insulted Myniene.

"Unlike you, we are not lacking in intelligence. We know you have General Ingram and the red army. We could guess that you brought a lot of gifted humans for this campaign," She slowly built up her aura, addressing Princwe Dorian, "Yet, once again, it does not matter. What difference does it make killing one or two fine individuals? Should we put that to test?"

"What?" Prince Dorian raised his brows.

"You seem hesitant, which means you have yet to comprehend the gravity of the situation. So, I suppose we can allow your ignorance. Let's start the war with a battle on this very camp. The remaining survivors would be enough warning for Solaris. Is that what you want?" pressured Myniene.

In less than ten minutes, she was able to manipulate Prince Dorian's thinking. The young genius couldn't not help but fathom the consequences of his possible action.

Starting a war without the approval of the king would earn him death even if he was a prince.

He glanced at General Ingram and noticed the well aged man held similar expressions to him. He was probably having the same thoughts.

Their thoughts resonated, 'Its official. The matter is above us.' 

They couldn't bear the responsibility of making the decision, which brought them to a difficult situation.

Myniene could predict their thoughts and offered to them like a white dove, "How about we change directions? Since you are clearly put in a tough spot, why don't you send one of your men to inform your king?"

"Inform him that what?" muttered General Ingram.

"That a war is about to brew if he doesn't address it personally or send a representative. I reckon that should be enough to gain his full attention, should it not?" guided Myniene.

Prince Dorian tried to take advantage of the situation, "Then, why don't I go? He might not listen to just anyone." 

"Oh, no, no. You, my prince, will party with me. That way, we are sure your king never ignores my call. Tell your general to send his direct subordinate in your stead. Surely, their words should hold enough weight."

Before the prince could retort, she said, "Oh, and we need a witness. Ask for representatives from other kingdoms!

Like that, Myniene concluded the conversation spectacularly. The council members stayed in the camp for weeks, making sure the prince and his entourage weren't doing any funny thing



Reve's Random Lecture: Demihumans.

      -> The term "demihuman" is a broad term. It refers to a lax circle of races that are humanoid in appearance. Albeit, some races have exempted themselves from this "demihuman" grouping.

      -> Demihumans are hard to define. Some demihumans have similar appearances despite being intrinsically different. However, one such way to classify them is by their origin.

      -> To understand this complicated classification, it is required to comprehend the term "animal". Animals are magical beasts that have permanently lost their ability to wield any form of ethereal energy. They remain the biggest food source of Arcadia to date.


      -> This type of demihumans refer to races that descended purely from legendary magical beasts. These ancestor magical beasts must have gained a humanoid form and passed it down to them. Thereby, making beastmen possess two forms; their humanoid form and beast form

      -> The humanoid form of beastmen is mostly monstrous in appearance. Furthermore, their subraces are called clans. All beastmen live together.



      -> Halflings are a race of beings with human heritage.

      -> The origin of this race is clouded in mystery. Legend says they were created from a magical experiment that tried to merge both human and animal qualities into one being. This union led to the halflings. 

      -> Halfings unlike beastmen have one form which is their humanoid form. Their subraces are called species. Different species have a magical name and a general name the people of Arcadia call them. Also unlike beastmen, halflings are nomadic and like to populate unwarrantedly.


        -> This term strictly refers to the other demihumans that don't belong to the previous two types. They include races like oni, ogres, orcs.


-> It is to be noted that some races don't apply to these classifications. Races like dragonkin do not classify themselves as beastmen. They prefer to be called magical creatures, which is a broad term for beings innately magical in nature like elves and merfolks

                  - sourced from the "Book of the World", Year 69 K.T


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